Becoming a Digital Distributor: A Playbook & Maturity Model

Becoming a Digital Distributor: A Playbook & Maturity Model


The traditional wholesale distribution business model is unsustainable. Distributors must transform, and transform rapidly.

Our companion thought leadership report "Transformation Imperatives for the Wholesale Distribution Industry" explores five reasons why. While a quick recap is provided here, we recommend reading that report for additional context before diving into the rest of this Market Perspective.

Transformation Imperatives for the Wholesale Distribution Industry

In our companion Market Snapshot, we explore five transformation imperatives in detail:
  • How e-Commerce and the "Amazon Effect" are existential threats to the traditional wholesale distribution business model
  • How the lines between B2B and B2C experiences are blurring, creating new expectations that distributors must serve
  • How macro factors such as global trade wars and increasingly frequent Black Swan events have made uncertainty a constant companion
  • How distributors must compete with more technology-savvy
  • How distributors must manage new operational risks beyond the familiar territory of regulatory compliance

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