B2B Marketing Strategy: 5 Ways to Contend with Content Development

These represent the array of responses Launch Marketing has often heard over the years working with clients to develop marketing plans that feature a consistent cadence of content development and distribution. When one looks at the details of a plan that calls for 70 blog posts, 8 unique webinars, 12 newsletters, 4 eBooks, 5 white papers plus a dizzying number of supportive emails, social media posts, PR elements and countless one-off content needs (phew!) it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Now, we’re not going to tell you it’s easy to accomplish content marketing objectives like these. But we are going to tell you it’s not nearly as hard as many make it out to be. With planning, consistency and a pragmatic view of your in-house expertise and content development capabilities, there’s no reason you can’t deliver on a marketing plan that effectively supports a content marketing strategy. Here are five things to think about throughout your content development efforts: Know your strengths and gaps: If you want 700+ words on technology trends in 2019, for example, you wouldn’t reach out to your finance department for content ideas. Someone else on the team though – such as someone from IT or a developer – may be fully versed in that space and can help generate content for you with ease. In the same vein, if you want to develop content that resonates with your audience, you should be reaching out to your sales team to determine your customers’ pain points and interests.


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