Personalization Across the Buyer’s Journey

Assume that I am an executive looking into the type of product or solution your company provides. When I first land on your site, I need to determine whether your business serves my needs. Using an account-based marketing approach, you can personalize this first page to my industry or company so that I see relevant headlines, images or introductory copy to help me immediately assess your solution’s relevance to me. To help me learn more about your solution, you can offer the right videos, eBooks, webinars, and more based on my persona and intent. One of the most impactful ways to do this is to offer progressive CTAs to guide me through consideration and evaluation, starting with a high-level piece of content and continuing to get deeper as I engage with your site. Ultimately, you will want to ask me to sign up for a free trial or a demo – but only when the time is right.



spotONvision helps companies increase revenue. As an innovative B2B marketing agency, we apply both data and demand generation strategies in order to develop and implement integrated sales and marketing tailored to your business. We support your marketing and sales teams with programmes that guide customers on a journey from awareness to consideration to purchase.

Account Based Analytics

Why Is an Inbound Marketing Audit Important?

Article | August 3, 2022

Inbound Marketing Businesses put effort into designing their inbound marketing strategies to seek growth opportunities. In inbound marketing strategies, target audiences are attracted, engaged, and delighted by businesses by using valuable content. They also communicate with the customers regularly through inbound sales calls and keep the customers happy through timely and prompt assistance. Businesses use an inbound marketing strategy that they have trusted for years, while some still struggle to grasp the power of inbound marketing. In both cases, if the strategy doesn’t show the expected results, it becomes a matter of immediate concern. Why Should You Conduct an Inbound Marketing Audit? In an interview with Media 7, Daniel Englebretson, Founder of Khronos, talked about rise of AI in ABM and the success of marketing programs. “The best programs, and the best marketers, have built their success on the back of rapid iteration and a long history of testing, learning, and continuously improving.” Continuous improvement in marketing can happen only when you carry out regular assessments or audits of your marketing strategy, inbound, and outbound. A marketing audit looks at the business environment, strategy implementation, systems, organization, productivity, and function of the strategy. It is undertaken when there is a change in leadership, the business is lagging compared to competitors, has rapid growth or is terribly stuck, or when a design overhaul is planned. Here is why you should conduct an inbound marketing audit: Identifying Weaknesses If an inbound marketing strategy suddenly stops working, you need to find its weaknesses and remedy them in time to get the best results. This is called “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats” (SWOT) analysis. An audit will help you analyze the effectiveness of the channels and the tactics you use as compared to industry standards and find out the reasons behind ineffective lead generation. An effective audit also rigorously checks the marketing tools your team uses. You can make adjustments and improvements to the strategy based on the audit. You can look into channels like websites, paid search, email marketing, social media, and organic search to assess the performance of your strategy. Spotting Growth Opportunities When expanding the business, introducing a new product or service, conducting an audit can add great value to your plan. You can evaluate your business position, rate your customer satisfaction and engagement, know how well you are exploiting your existing opportunities, and if you are using the right channels and messaging to get in touch with your target audience. If you find anything amiss, you can promptly deploy resources to course-correct your team and work towards a better ROI through the inbound marketing strategy. Reaffirming Goals Reaffirm your marketing and business goals by assessing important data-driven perspective metrics like keyword ranking, post engagement, customer acquisition cost (CAC), email click-through rate, and lead quality. For example, if your website is not optimized for SERP and doesn’t grab the attention of your users, it could be the reason behind ineffective lead generation. In such a case, you can re-evaluate your content strategy. Things like text-to-image ratio on web pages, irrelevant images, and weirdly placed call-to-action (CTA) buttons can affect the user’s journey. If some pages are unresponsive on mobiles or tablets, then the audit will help you find those and implement appropriate solutions. Knowing what is working and what isn’t helps you know what you need to do next to get optimum results from your inbound marketing strategy. Keeping Your Team Motivated Every team is a defined stakeholder in the company's success. Right from the sales team, customer experience, IT architects, c-suite, product developers, to your marketing team, everyone will know their strengths and weaknesses through the audit. A regularly conducted marketing audit will keep your teams motivated to perform their duties well. Boosts ROI Boost your ROI by ditching things that do not work. Allocating resources to your business strengths instead of your marketing weaknesses will help you get the ROI you expect. You can also focus on introducing new plans to revive the part of the strategy that is no longer working. It can be anything from redesigning a few website pages to hiring a new SEO expert. What Does a Strong Inbound Marketing Audit Look Like? A strong marketing audit yields results that enhance your strategy, improve your ROI, and help you step up your game so you don’t fall behind in the race with your competitors. These are the characteristics a strong inbound marketing audit will have: Autonomy An effective audit should be autonomously conducted by a third-party auditor so you do not skip the hard parts and the management completely cooperates in the process. The more stringent the audit, the better the understanding of potential growth opportunities, managerial snags, and resource allotments. Perfect Structure The audit has to be systematically structured to cover all bases, like contact channels, business environment, customer experience, design, engagement, SEO, SMM, and sales management, so no crucial elements are missed. Conducted Regularly Conduct the audit at regular intervals of time, at least once a year. It should be a part of your marketing calendar or your strategic marketing plan. Business-specific The audit should factor in the technology, expertise, and experience of your business. It should consider factors like political, legal, and socio-cultural issues that arise from the location of your business. Competitors, best practices, and conditions should also be considered. How Eclipse Software Saw a 370% Increase in Organic Traffic in a Year Manchester-based software company Eclipse Software hit a snag when their online presence wasn’t translating into revenue, leads, or ROI. They hired Noisy Little Monkey, a service-based digital marketing agency in the UK, to help them boost their online presence. Noisy Little Monkey ran a marketing audit for them and found issues like page speeds and content offerings, and they ran campaigns using gated content. As a result of such campaigns and website improvements, Eclipse Software saw a 370% rise in their organic traffic in a year, with a conversion rate of 3.7%. Key Takeaways An inbound marketing audit is crucial for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your marketing strategy. It can tell you which areas need improvement, how to allocate your resources better, and how to increase your growth opportunities and ROI through data-driven perspectives and more to achieve better results. FAQ At what time interval should you conduct an inbound marketing audit? Every business should conduct an audit once every six to twelve months. What are the characteristics of an inbound marketing audit? An inbound marketing audit should be autonomous, periodically carried out, systematic and business-specific.

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Programmatic ABM

Transform Your Business into a Sales Machine with Buyer Intent Data

Article | June 9, 2022

B2B buyer intent data provides insight into a user’s purchase intent. With this information, you can identify when a prospect matching your ICP is actively considering buying your product, or similar products or solutions. This intent data is collated from different digital sources that use cookies to analyze key intent search terms to zero in on when a prospect is in an active buying journey. With this information, B2B companies like yours can make campaigns that are very specific to these prospects and are more likely to convert them. Let us take a look at how B2B buyer intent data can assist sales teams to achieve their revenue goals. Identify High-Intent Target Accounts In account-based marketing, a target account list has companies and accounts that are most likely to buy your product. This target account list helps your sales and marketing teams concentrate their efforts to push high-quality leads through the sales funnel. Using B2B buyer intent data, the sales team can know which prospect is showing key signals of purchase intent. These B2B intent data key signals include downloading resources, reading blog posts, signing up for a free trial, booking a demo, viewing the pricing page, and revisiting your website after the first interaction. Your sales team can segment the target list based on this information. Every lead can be broken down into three segments: high intent, medium intent, and low intent. Now that your sales team has the high intent leads, they can target these leads and convert them without wasting time on low intent leads that may not be ready to buy. Your Sales Cycles Are Shorter than Ever Salespeople often struggle with closing deals faster. The reasons behind this could be anything from wrong contact details to chasing imprecise, low-qualified leads and cold prospecting. Reaching out to accounts that do not show any intent to buy is a waste of time your sales team cannot afford if it wants to meet the revenue targets. With the help of B2B buyer intent data, your sales team gets actionable data insights on the accounts that are in the market and what they are looking for so they can approach these accounts confidently. Popular intent data providers provide more than 95% accurate contact information, company structure, and buyer group details on accounts so your sales team can connect with decision-makers directly and close deals faster. Lead Prioritization is No Longer a Struggle Prioritized lead scoring effectively puts sales managers and salespeople in a position to see real opportunities. B2B buyer intent data allows them to see what other paths leads can take even if they do not visit your website. They can understand which leads are in the final stage of the sales cycle in real-time. Leveraging this information, sales managers can align sales representatives based on the comprehensive overview of accounts without worrying about the initial ranking of the account with the help of intent-based marketing. It helps the entire sales team take advantage of the foresight that intent data provides to create an agile method to capture demand accurately. Improved ABM Implementation Enriching the B2B buyer journey with hyper-personalized content to target ICP in marketing as a part of intent data marketing becomes easy for your marketing teams. They can prepare content for each stage of the buying funnel, which consists of awareness, consideration, and decision-making stages. In the awareness stage, you can help your prospects narrow down their search and lead them to your brand. In the consideration stage, your sales teams can get in touch with the decision-makers who respond the most to your marketing campaigns and are in the stage to purchase your product. In the final decision-making stage, your customer support and sales teams can provide the prospects the assistance they need through content on crucial pages via a product guidance tool or a chat service. This way, your B2B account-based marketing strategy can be implemented with added accuracy. Final Thought Saving costs, generating more leads, and boosting sales becomes easier with the help of buyer intent data. Rather than letting your sales team wait for prospects to stumble upon landing pages, your business can leverage B2B intent data to gain a competitive edge by finding them first and offering them solutions to their problems through your products using buyer intent data strategies.

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Buyer Intent Data

Can Your ABM Solution Measure For Your ABX Needs?

Article | March 6, 2023

ABX is about quality, not quantity. The traditional metrics that have been used to gauge ABM success are not useful in the experience-centric realm. The new and more complex benchmarks for measuring success revolve around: Relationship analytics Journey analytics Attribution analytics Once you’ve successfully closed accounts, you want to make sure you understand which ABM programs helped to contribute to that sale so you can rinse and repeat. This is where you can evaluate how a vendor measures ABM success and the entire Account-Based Experience. You will want to choose a vendor who can help you optimize your programs from the top of the funnel to the bottom, and grow your customer’s lifetime value. Some examples of metrics to measure include the volume and velocity of an account as it makes its way through the buyer journey. This helps you understand whether your programs are engaging enough as well as whether your sales cycle is too long. A strong ABM vendor will also have different methods for measuring attribution since not all businesses are alike, and marketers love seeing attribution models so they can measure the success of their marketing efforts and ROI. Other metrics to consider include advertising campaigns and website visits – but with an account-based lens. After all, you want to understand whether your advertising is reaching the right accounts and which accounts are engaging on your website. If you find you’re short-staffed, some ABM vendors offer strategic services to help you with your ABM strategy and measurement. To learn more about vendor onboarding and support, read the next section. Because ABX has a different set of metrics than ABM, when it comes to measuring the performance of the ABM solution from the vantage point of the customer experience, the scope also changes. The vendors on your shortlist should, among other features: Offer a dashboard to measure ABM impact from across the funnel. Track volume, velocity and conversion metrics for each journey stage. Offer customizable subscriptions for all custom reports. People and account based heatmaps. Allow you to combine first party, third party, firmographic and technographic data for segmentation and reporting. Allow you to compare the performance of different audiences or account lists and evaluate the impact of specific programs. Enable you to see the engagement and activities that influenced the different stages of a deal cycle. Measuring a journey and a relationship in the long term requires measuring as much data as possible, so find out if they also: Centralize your existing data sources in one location? Track B2B metrics by account? Track and report on anonymous first-touch visitors by account? Have strategic services in place to help you set up ROI reporting based on your strategies? Allow you to compare different timeframes for account stages? Provide advanced BI capabilities for ABM? The point of measuring is to take action based on knowledge and insights, and having an ABM solution that allows you to bring together all of the relevant data points for your decision-making is pivotal for the success of your business. Our agnostic Definitive Guide to Choosing an Account-Based Marketing Platform provides you with checklists like the one above as well as the reasoning behind the need for each of the features outlined in the ebook. Check it out and take advantage of the printable list we put together for your own use at the end of the guide. ABX is about quality, not quantity. The traditional metrics that have been used to gauge ABM success are not useful in the experience-centric realm. The new and more complex benchmarks for measuring success revolve around: Relationship analytics Journey analytics Attribution analytics Once you’ve successfully closed accounts, you want to make sure you understand which ABM programs helped to contribute to that sale so you can rinse and repeat. This is where you can evaluate how a vendor measures ABM success and the entire Account-Based Experience. You will want to choose a vendor who can help you optimize your programs from the top of the funnel to the bottom, and grow your customer’s lifetime value. Some examples of metrics to measure include the volume and velocity of an account as it makes its way through the buyer journey. This helps you understand whether your programs are engaging enough as well as whether your sales cycle is too long. A strong ABM vendor will also have different methods for measuring attribution since not all businesses are alike, and marketers love seeing attribution models so they can measure the success of their marketing efforts and ROI. Other metrics to consider include advertising campaigns and website visits – but with an account-based lens. After all, you want to understand whether your advertising is reaching the right accounts and which accounts are engaging on your website. If you find you’re short-staffed, some ABM vendors offer strategic services to help you with your ABM strategy and measurement. To learn more about vendor onboarding and support, read the next section. Because ABX has a different set of metrics than ABM, when it comes to measuring the performance of the ABM solution from the vantage point of the customer experience, the scope also changes. The vendors on your shortlist should, among other features: Offer a dashboard to measure ABM impact from across the funnel. Track volume, velocity and conversion metrics for each journey stage. Offer customizable subscriptions for all custom reports. People and account based heatmaps. Allow you to combine first party, third party, firmographic and technographic data for segmentation and reporting. Allow you to compare the performance of different audiences or account lists and evaluate the impact of specific programs. Enable you to see the engagement and activities that influenced the different stages of a deal cycle. Measuring a journey and a relationship in the long term requires measuring as much data as possible, so find out if they also: Centralize your existing data sources in one location? Track B2B metrics by account? Track and report on anonymous first-touch visitors by account? Have strategic services in place to help you set up ROI reporting based on your strategies? Allow you to compare different timeframes for account stages? Provide advanced BI capabilities for ABM? The point of measuring is to take action based on knowledge and insights, and having an ABM solution that allows you to bring together all of the relevant data points for your decision-making is pivotal for the success of your business. Our agnostic Definitive Guide to Choosing an Account-Based Marketing Platform provides you with checklists like the one above as well as the reasoning behind the need for each of the features outlined in the ebook. Check it out and take advantage of the printable list we put together for your own use at the end of the guide.

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Core ABM

Building an Account-centric Organization Part II

Article | July 5, 2022

In Part I of this article, we discussed the importance of the ABM foundation, ideal momentum of change, team training, and analyzing data to understand the performance of your ABM strategy. In this part, we will look at how CX, sales enablement, a strong team and consistency matter in successfully transforming your organization into an account-centric one. ABX: Endorse Experience Focus on the kind of experience you want to offer your target account. Offer them a customized and account-centric experience. Involve every department at a granular level to achieve an excellent customer experience. Enablement: Sales Resources Are Vital Support your sales teams through communication that works for them. Provide them with the right tools, content, insights, and data, even if they know how to do their job. Support and motivate them to close more deals. Consistency: Checking What’s Working Review your performance weekly and discuss outcomes with your teams—improvements, hurdles, and failures included. A full view of your strategy will show you where you need to make changes so you can fix them and make your ABM efforts work. Experience: Hire ABM Experts Executing ABM can be an overwhelming experience if you are new to it. Consider bringing in someone who has already run some successful ABM campaigns to make the process smoother. Doing this will guide and support your long-term efforts. Businesses and Customers Reap Rewards When an organization focuses solely on its target accounts, it achieves: Higher conversions and ROI Effective target audience reach Reduced customer attrition Business growth Synchronization in cross-functional teams Competitive edge in the market When target accounts choose an account-centric company, they get: Customized solutions to their pain points Support throughout the buying journey Excellent customer experience Long-term business association An ITSM Firm Addressed Revenue Concerns with an Account-Centric Approach A British IT service management (ITSM) analytics SaaS firm re-evaluated its ABM efforts to address revenue concerns. It increased relevance across all channels — LinkedIn profiles, content, and messaging to directly address decision-makers. It aligned its sales and marketing teams. Furthermore, it changed its focus to improving customer interactions along the buying journey. As a result, it gained customers like GoDaddy, British Airways, and JCPenney. A larger firm with a presence in North America, the UK, Europe and APAC acquired it as a part of a business expansion strategy. Wrapping It Up Amber Bogie, ABM Strategy Lead at Degreed, says, “In terms of attribution, if it's an ABM account, and it's seeing success, I'm attributing that to a company-wide effort of focusing on the right accounts using an ABM strategy.” Amber Bogie, ABM Strategy Lead at Degreed, says, “In terms of attribution, if it's an ABM account, and it's seeing success, I'm attributing that to a company-wide effort of focusing on the right accounts using an ABM strategy.” Remember, ABM works differently for different organizations. Therefore, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach, so you need to zero in on what works best for your organization to get everyone on board to achieve ABM success.

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spotONvision helps companies increase revenue. As an innovative B2B marketing agency, we apply both data and demand generation strategies in order to develop and implement integrated sales and marketing tailored to your business. We support your marketing and sales teams with programmes that guide customers on a journey from awareness to consideration to purchase.

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Buyer Intent Data

Integrate Launches Media Division, Pipeline360, for Holistic Demand Generation

PRWeb | January 11, 2024

Integrate, a leading B2B marketing demand management platform, today announced the launch of Pipeline360, its media arm that offers an all-in-one integrated media solution for content syndication, account intelligence enhancement, and digital advertising. Pipeline360 incorporates what was previously known as the Integrate Lead Generation Marketplace with multichannel, full-funnel, global campaign management, including real-time analytics, lead validation and standardization, and enhanced segmentation. In "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey conducted by Pipeline360 and Demand Metric, 80% of B2B marketers report getting new qualified leads is mission critical or an urgent priority, yet 53% of B2B marketers report not being able to meet their pipeline goals. Additionally, an overwhelming 93% of B2B marketers say that data compliance and accuracy is a priority at their company. "This gap in marketers' ability to meet pipeline goals underscores the complex intersection of challenges B2B marketers face today - budget constraints alongside rising targets, a convergence of brand and demand, all while facing heightened scrutiny on data privacy," said Jeremy Bloom, co-founder and CEO of Integrate. "We developed Pipeline360 to provide our customers with a flexible solution that makes it easy and seamless to generate a robust pipeline enriched with high quality leads. This complements our SaaS platform's capability to connect, govern, and measure performance across multiple demand channels." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey found that the #1 challenge in marketing today is budget constraints (50%) followed by economic slowdown (40%) and impossible targets (32%). In response, B2B companies are adapting to fewer resources by consolidating teams and/or job responsibilities (79%), cutting travel budgets (33%), and relying on agencies (33%). The survey also found that 61% of B2B marketers who use content syndication were able to reach their goals as compared to 45% for those who do not use content syndication. However, the survey also found that 37% of respondents have not considered using content syndication for lead generation, 38% don't know what content syndication is, and 35% don't understand how it works. "These data suggest that more than a third of B2B marketers are not maximizing the tools and channels available to them, and by not leveraging the power of content syndication, advanced display advertising, and a full-funnel approach, they're losing out on pipeline and revenue," said Tony Uphoff, President, Pipeline360. "That's why we created Pipeline360 - to support marketers to maximize the value of a multichannel approach, bring their brand and demand efforts together, and drive marketing pipeline in a scalable, compliant, and predictable way." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" was conducted with global research and advisory firm, Demand Metric and surveyed 400+ B2B marketers across North America and the UK. The questions were fielded in Q4 of 2023 to unveil key challenges, investments, and priorities for demand marketers. To learn more about "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth," please visit our blog, "B2B Marketing Trends: The Realities of B2B Marketing Pipeline Growth in 2024." To learn more about Pipeline360, please visit About Pipeline360 Powered by Integrate, a leading B2B marketing solutions provider, Pipeline360 solutions combine three powerful demand generation tools: targeted display, content syndication, and a comprehensive marketplace model. Pipeline360 ensures that marketers achieve 100% compliant and marketable leads by effectively engaging with audiences much earlier in the buying cycle, connecting with buyers at every stage of the process, and optimizing programs to drive performance. Pipeline360 enables a strategic, holistic demand generation approach tailored for the reality of today's B2B purchasing process. Customers include high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Cisco, Dell, and VMware. For more information, please visit About Integrate Integrate offers a cross-channel demand management SaaS platform for enterprise B2B demand and marketing operations teams. Integrate accelerates speed-to-business value through powerful integrations, delivers 100% marketable and compliant leads with trusted governance, and provides AI-powered insights to enhance and expedite smart decision-making. Integrate works with high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Microsoft, Akamai, and Pluralsight to power their B2B marketing strategies. For more information, visit or engage with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram.

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Core ABM

Demandbase Gets Named 2023 ABM Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant

Demandbase | November 06, 2023

Demandbase, an AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM) leader, has been named a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. The recognition is based on Demandbase's completeness of vision and ability to execute and follows being named a Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for ABM earlier this year. Demandbase's CEO, Gabe Rogol, attributes the recognition to product innovations and positive customer reviews. Demandbase, a pioneer in AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM), announces its recognition as a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. This honor, which follows a comprehensive evaluation of nine vendors, is a testament to Demandbase’s comprehensive vision and its ability to execute effectively. Earlier this year, the company also received the Gartner Peer Insight Customers’ Choice for ABM. Gartner defines ABM platforms as software that empowers B2B marketing and sales teams to implement ABM programs at scale, including account selection, planning, engagement, and reporting. These platforms facilitate the creation of target account lists by integrating first- and third-party data. Additionally, they may engage audiences by activating channels such as display advertising, social advertising, email, and sales engagement, using a combination of native capabilities and integrations. Gabe Rogol, CEO of Demandbase, expressed his praise for the innovations the team had worked on by exclaiming, We are honored to be recognized as a leader in the Gartner ABM Magic Quadrant once again this year. We believe this recognition is a reflection of the dedication and effort we’ve invested in our product over the past year, including innovations in connected TV advertising, non-English intent, new integrations, continuous improvement of our account intelligence, the release of workspaces for enterprises, simplified dashboards, UI improvements, and more. We also believe this recognition mirrors the consistently positive reviews we receive from customers through Gartner Peer Insights and on G2. We extend our gratitude to Gartner, our customers, and our entire team. [Source – Cision PR Newswire] According to the Magic Quadrant report, the essential capabilities of ABM platforms include: Account-level intent data (proprietary and/or licensed) to understand customer behavior and buyer interest. Multi-channel campaign orchestration and activation drive engagement and progression in the buyer’s journey. Monitoring accounts and measuring analytics to quantify progress and performance across channels, campaigns, and programs On the downside, Demandbase may face stiff competition from other vendors in the ABM market, such as 6sense, Terminus, and Roll Works. It may need to invest more in product development, marketing, and customer support to maintain its leadership position and customer satisfaction. Additionally, it may encounter challenges in integrating its platform with other systems and data sources, such as CRM, marketing automation, and analytics tools. On the upside, Demandbase can leverage its recognition as a leader and a customer’s choice to attract new customers and retain existing ones. It can also showcase its product innovations and customer reviews as proof of its value proposition and differentiation in the market.

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Buyer Intent Data

DemandScience Products Earn a Record 53 Awards in Fall 2023 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | October 20, 2023

DemandScience, a leading AI-powered B2B demand generation company that accelerates global growth for its clients, today announced that the company’s products earned a total of 53 awards in G2’s Fall 2023 Reports. Receiving 53 awards from G2’s recognition program is a new record for DemandScience. Highlights include: three Fastest Implementation awards, three Easiest To Do Business With awards, five Momentum Leader awards, and 42 G2 Grid® Report Leader and High Performer awards. At DemandScience, one of our most important goals is to forge trusted partnerships with our clients. Our global team works hard every day to achieve this by providing B2B enterprise organizations with innovative AI-powered marketing solutions that help them tackle complex demand generation problems, exceed their goals and realize a quantifiable return on their investments, said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. Since G2 awards are based on verified reviews from real users, being recognized with these awards is a meaningful validation of our approach, the effectiveness of our solutions, and our ability to help clients succeed. In addition to earning more G2 Fall 2023 awards than in any previous quarter, DemandScience won around the world, including the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. News of DemandScience’s G2 wins follows the company’s recent announcement that it is one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies for ten consecutive years. Highlights of verified customer reviews of DemandScience on the G2 platform: “Amazing Customer Experience.”“DemandScience has been incredibly helpful in connecting our TAL (Target Account List) to our content syndication efforts. We have unlocked an entirely new channel to support our Sales team in driving business…” “Top Performing Content Syndication Vendor.”“DemandScience drives high ROI for our content syndication program, drive(s) high quality leads and are flexible...” “Great Platform for Lead Generation.”“Klarity is a very accurate platform designed by DemandScience. It really helps our team of Appointment Setters find the most accurate information for leads and contacts... it has increased the effectiveness of our team's success.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 24 awards: Award Report Easiest To Do Business With Easiest To Do Business With Easiest To Do Business With Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader High Performer High Performer High Performer High Performer High Performer Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Advertising Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Grid Report for Lead Capture Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Grid Report for Lead Capture Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Enterprise Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Small-Business Americas Grid Report for Lead Capture EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture UK Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Americas Regional Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales account intelligence tool for building, sharing, and prioritizing contact lists has won 29 awards: Award Report Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Sales Intelligence Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Mining High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Asia Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer India Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business UK Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. About DemandScience DemandScience is the premier AI-powered, B2B demand generation company accelerating global growth for our clients. The DemandScience intelligence platform empowers B2B organizations to swiftly identify the right accounts and target in-market buyers with precision. By combining groundbreaking technologies and AI innovation, the company ensures timely delivery of accurate data, intelligence, and insights, adding value to the end-to-end journey from initial engagement to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience provides 1,500 global customers with superior marketing solutions, B2B data, and leads. With a team of 600+ employees across operations in seven countries, DemandScience is certified as a Great Place To Work, named #5 on Fortune Magazine’s 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing, and one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 for 10 consecutive years. For further insights on why DemandScience stands at the forefront of transformative demand generation, visit and connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit

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Buyer Intent Data

Integrate Launches Media Division, Pipeline360, for Holistic Demand Generation

PRWeb | January 11, 2024

Integrate, a leading B2B marketing demand management platform, today announced the launch of Pipeline360, its media arm that offers an all-in-one integrated media solution for content syndication, account intelligence enhancement, and digital advertising. Pipeline360 incorporates what was previously known as the Integrate Lead Generation Marketplace with multichannel, full-funnel, global campaign management, including real-time analytics, lead validation and standardization, and enhanced segmentation. In "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey conducted by Pipeline360 and Demand Metric, 80% of B2B marketers report getting new qualified leads is mission critical or an urgent priority, yet 53% of B2B marketers report not being able to meet their pipeline goals. Additionally, an overwhelming 93% of B2B marketers say that data compliance and accuracy is a priority at their company. "This gap in marketers' ability to meet pipeline goals underscores the complex intersection of challenges B2B marketers face today - budget constraints alongside rising targets, a convergence of brand and demand, all while facing heightened scrutiny on data privacy," said Jeremy Bloom, co-founder and CEO of Integrate. "We developed Pipeline360 to provide our customers with a flexible solution that makes it easy and seamless to generate a robust pipeline enriched with high quality leads. This complements our SaaS platform's capability to connect, govern, and measure performance across multiple demand channels." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey found that the #1 challenge in marketing today is budget constraints (50%) followed by economic slowdown (40%) and impossible targets (32%). In response, B2B companies are adapting to fewer resources by consolidating teams and/or job responsibilities (79%), cutting travel budgets (33%), and relying on agencies (33%). The survey also found that 61% of B2B marketers who use content syndication were able to reach their goals as compared to 45% for those who do not use content syndication. However, the survey also found that 37% of respondents have not considered using content syndication for lead generation, 38% don't know what content syndication is, and 35% don't understand how it works. "These data suggest that more than a third of B2B marketers are not maximizing the tools and channels available to them, and by not leveraging the power of content syndication, advanced display advertising, and a full-funnel approach, they're losing out on pipeline and revenue," said Tony Uphoff, President, Pipeline360. "That's why we created Pipeline360 - to support marketers to maximize the value of a multichannel approach, bring their brand and demand efforts together, and drive marketing pipeline in a scalable, compliant, and predictable way." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" was conducted with global research and advisory firm, Demand Metric and surveyed 400+ B2B marketers across North America and the UK. The questions were fielded in Q4 of 2023 to unveil key challenges, investments, and priorities for demand marketers. To learn more about "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth," please visit our blog, "B2B Marketing Trends: The Realities of B2B Marketing Pipeline Growth in 2024." To learn more about Pipeline360, please visit About Pipeline360 Powered by Integrate, a leading B2B marketing solutions provider, Pipeline360 solutions combine three powerful demand generation tools: targeted display, content syndication, and a comprehensive marketplace model. Pipeline360 ensures that marketers achieve 100% compliant and marketable leads by effectively engaging with audiences much earlier in the buying cycle, connecting with buyers at every stage of the process, and optimizing programs to drive performance. Pipeline360 enables a strategic, holistic demand generation approach tailored for the reality of today's B2B purchasing process. Customers include high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Cisco, Dell, and VMware. For more information, please visit About Integrate Integrate offers a cross-channel demand management SaaS platform for enterprise B2B demand and marketing operations teams. Integrate accelerates speed-to-business value through powerful integrations, delivers 100% marketable and compliant leads with trusted governance, and provides AI-powered insights to enhance and expedite smart decision-making. Integrate works with high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Microsoft, Akamai, and Pluralsight to power their B2B marketing strategies. For more information, visit or engage with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram.

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Core ABM

Demandbase Gets Named 2023 ABM Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant

Demandbase | November 06, 2023

Demandbase, an AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM) leader, has been named a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. The recognition is based on Demandbase's completeness of vision and ability to execute and follows being named a Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for ABM earlier this year. Demandbase's CEO, Gabe Rogol, attributes the recognition to product innovations and positive customer reviews. Demandbase, a pioneer in AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM), announces its recognition as a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. This honor, which follows a comprehensive evaluation of nine vendors, is a testament to Demandbase’s comprehensive vision and its ability to execute effectively. Earlier this year, the company also received the Gartner Peer Insight Customers’ Choice for ABM. Gartner defines ABM platforms as software that empowers B2B marketing and sales teams to implement ABM programs at scale, including account selection, planning, engagement, and reporting. These platforms facilitate the creation of target account lists by integrating first- and third-party data. Additionally, they may engage audiences by activating channels such as display advertising, social advertising, email, and sales engagement, using a combination of native capabilities and integrations. Gabe Rogol, CEO of Demandbase, expressed his praise for the innovations the team had worked on by exclaiming, We are honored to be recognized as a leader in the Gartner ABM Magic Quadrant once again this year. We believe this recognition is a reflection of the dedication and effort we’ve invested in our product over the past year, including innovations in connected TV advertising, non-English intent, new integrations, continuous improvement of our account intelligence, the release of workspaces for enterprises, simplified dashboards, UI improvements, and more. We also believe this recognition mirrors the consistently positive reviews we receive from customers through Gartner Peer Insights and on G2. We extend our gratitude to Gartner, our customers, and our entire team. [Source – Cision PR Newswire] According to the Magic Quadrant report, the essential capabilities of ABM platforms include: Account-level intent data (proprietary and/or licensed) to understand customer behavior and buyer interest. Multi-channel campaign orchestration and activation drive engagement and progression in the buyer’s journey. Monitoring accounts and measuring analytics to quantify progress and performance across channels, campaigns, and programs On the downside, Demandbase may face stiff competition from other vendors in the ABM market, such as 6sense, Terminus, and Roll Works. It may need to invest more in product development, marketing, and customer support to maintain its leadership position and customer satisfaction. Additionally, it may encounter challenges in integrating its platform with other systems and data sources, such as CRM, marketing automation, and analytics tools. On the upside, Demandbase can leverage its recognition as a leader and a customer’s choice to attract new customers and retain existing ones. It can also showcase its product innovations and customer reviews as proof of its value proposition and differentiation in the market.

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Buyer Intent Data

DemandScience Products Earn a Record 53 Awards in Fall 2023 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | October 20, 2023

DemandScience, a leading AI-powered B2B demand generation company that accelerates global growth for its clients, today announced that the company’s products earned a total of 53 awards in G2’s Fall 2023 Reports. Receiving 53 awards from G2’s recognition program is a new record for DemandScience. Highlights include: three Fastest Implementation awards, three Easiest To Do Business With awards, five Momentum Leader awards, and 42 G2 Grid® Report Leader and High Performer awards. At DemandScience, one of our most important goals is to forge trusted partnerships with our clients. Our global team works hard every day to achieve this by providing B2B enterprise organizations with innovative AI-powered marketing solutions that help them tackle complex demand generation problems, exceed their goals and realize a quantifiable return on their investments, said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. Since G2 awards are based on verified reviews from real users, being recognized with these awards is a meaningful validation of our approach, the effectiveness of our solutions, and our ability to help clients succeed. In addition to earning more G2 Fall 2023 awards than in any previous quarter, DemandScience won around the world, including the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. News of DemandScience’s G2 wins follows the company’s recent announcement that it is one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies for ten consecutive years. Highlights of verified customer reviews of DemandScience on the G2 platform: “Amazing Customer Experience.”“DemandScience has been incredibly helpful in connecting our TAL (Target Account List) to our content syndication efforts. We have unlocked an entirely new channel to support our Sales team in driving business…” “Top Performing Content Syndication Vendor.”“DemandScience drives high ROI for our content syndication program, drive(s) high quality leads and are flexible...” “Great Platform for Lead Generation.”“Klarity is a very accurate platform designed by DemandScience. It really helps our team of Appointment Setters find the most accurate information for leads and contacts... it has increased the effectiveness of our team's success.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 24 awards: Award Report Easiest To Do Business With Easiest To Do Business With Easiest To Do Business With Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader High Performer High Performer High Performer High Performer High Performer Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Advertising Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Grid Report for Lead Capture Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Grid Report for Lead Capture Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Enterprise Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Small-Business Americas Grid Report for Lead Capture EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture UK Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Americas Regional Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales account intelligence tool for building, sharing, and prioritizing contact lists has won 29 awards: Award Report Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Sales Intelligence Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Mining High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Asia Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer India Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business UK Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. About DemandScience DemandScience is the premier AI-powered, B2B demand generation company accelerating global growth for our clients. The DemandScience intelligence platform empowers B2B organizations to swiftly identify the right accounts and target in-market buyers with precision. By combining groundbreaking technologies and AI innovation, the company ensures timely delivery of accurate data, intelligence, and insights, adding value to the end-to-end journey from initial engagement to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience provides 1,500 global customers with superior marketing solutions, B2B data, and leads. With a team of 600+ employees across operations in seven countries, DemandScience is certified as a Great Place To Work, named #5 on Fortune Magazine’s 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing, and one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 for 10 consecutive years. For further insights on why DemandScience stands at the forefront of transformative demand generation, visit and connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit

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