Don’t waste time, score your accounts

Most B2B marketers have heard of lead scoring, and a lot of marketing automation tools have it inside their platforms. Account- based marketing and sales companies are also trending towards lead scoring. It is only natural, then, to start scoring your customers not just based on leads, but based on entire companies. It will save you time and will make your sales team more efficient. But before we get to how that’s done, first let’s define account-based marketing: Account-based marketing (ABM) is typically used in the enterprise level, where they bundle all communications into one.



True to its name, Citizen Group is an advertising agency with a pro-social, citizen-based approach. Founded in 2006, Citizen Group is headquartered in San Francisco, CA and its small team of 15 employees offers social media marketing, design, and branding. Citizen Group played a significant role in figuring out how to use the sports industry to support sustainability. They worked with a startup sustainability organization to conceptualize the connection between sports and the environment and produced strategic plans and advertising materials, such as videos and slide decks, to push the initiative forward.

Buyer Intent Data

How to Organize ABM Content Effectively?

Article | October 7, 2022

High-value content plays a key role in account-based marketing. Account-based marketing uses content to nurture leads and address their pain points throughout the sales process. A perfect ABM strategy is one that provides relevant content to the right prospects at the right time. ABM content needs to be personal and highly relevant to create an impact on the stakeholders of your target account. In an interview with Media 7, Stuart Sumner, Editorial Director at Incisive Media, talked about the importance of content in marketing strategy. “The best way to win the content war is to have better, more valuable, and more timely content than your competitors. You need to offer audiences a regular supply of high-quality, in-depth content, which they can’t get elsewhere.” The need for effective content is all-encompassing across industries, demographics, and niche domains. It helps businesses seek solutions to their critical business challenges. Reading through the opinions of other thought leaders from the industry influences their purchase decisions. So, good quality, reliable content can convince a business that you are the ideal choice for a B2B association. How Should ABM Content Be Organized? Creating effective content is the need of the hour, but it can be challenging if done without a direction or goal in mind. Your ABM content should build brand awareness, and engage the readers while also presenting value to them. It should also be personalized enough to convey your involvement and dedication to your target account. To organize ABM content effectively, follow these steps: Conduct Stringent Research Stringently researching your target audience can help to create a content framework that can capture the solutions to their problems, their needs, and their interests. When you investigate the target accounts in-depth, you will know what aspects you can leverage to capture their attention and interest. Then you can organize the content to engage them. Another interesting approach is to directly ask your audience about the kind of content they enjoy and their preferred formats. These insights can help you personalize the content better because 80% of consumers prefer shopping with brands that provide a personalized experience. You might also be able to leverage content for more than one account. Maintain a Content Inventory The research-based content that was created before you developed your ABM strategy can be repurposed to target the accounts in your focus. Creating a content library and mapping the intent of your content can help you with repurposing the correct content. The more detailed your content library, the easier it gets to reuse it. Consider organizing your content library with dates, extra information, highlights, and formats so you can start using the content without much ado. The content you develop should complement your ABM strategy. As a part of your ABM strategy, it should add value to your marketing effort. Create a Content Matrix Create a content matrix that lists out the target accounts in your focus. It is a tool to organize your data to meet your marketing objectives. Based on your objectives, you can carry out content mapping to influence purchase decisions for these accounts. This can help you decide on the purpose of your content strategy. Do you want to create awareness or incite action from your readers? By figuring out what you want, you can use your content matrix to understand the scope to personalize the content in line with your ABM goals. Analyze Your Performance Experiment with different formats, visuals, and messages while creating your content. Measure the success of your content strategy like you measure the success of your ABM strategy using KPIs. Gauge how your audience reacts to different formats and visuals to know what to focus more on. Revise, retest, repurpose the content till you get the best output. It all boils down to how well you organize your ABM content. ABM Content Best Practices Best practices should be followed when creating content to achieve sales and marketing alignment, drive ROI, and target key accounts. Periodically engaging in website content mapping and content research to see how your content is doing is vital. Here are the ABM content best practices you should follow to organize ABM content: 1. Personalize the content to suit your target account’s needs. 2. Conduct regular SEO and content audits to find any flaws or unresponsive content. 3. Optimize your content to meet search engine optimization needs. 4. Repurpose your content regularly to make the most of it. 5. Support your content with good design. 6. Focus on creating interactive ABM content. 7. Your content should build trust in the minds of your target accounts. How Coca-Cola’s Fanbase on Facebook Increased by 39% Because of Organized Content Coca-Cola’s famous ‘Share a Coke’ campaign targeted Australian millennials to improve their sales numbers in the summer of 2011. Under this campaign, Coca-Cola offered name-branded coke bottles to the customers. Through stringent research, understanding their audiences’ preferred formats (TV commercials, newspapers, bus ads, and social media), and implementing strong CTAs in their ads, Coca-Cola gained a 39% increase in its Facebook fanbase. Key Takeaway The way you formulate and organize ABM content plays a key role in driving results from your ABM strategy. It is crucial that you dedicate time and resources to creating, personalizing, organizing, presenting, and analyzing the content you offer to your target accounts. You can drive a higher ROI from your ABM and content strategy only when your approach to content is as focused as your ABM strategy. FAQ What is a content matrix? A content matrix is a tool that a marketer can use to plan and offer the right content in the right format and on the right platform to the target audience. How can you use old content in your ABM strategy? You can use your old content by repurposing it to better target your key accounts.

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Buyer Intent Data

3 Effective ABM Tactics for B2B Marketers

Article | March 6, 2023

In 2021, 70% of marketers reported using an account-based marketing campaign. Since 2020, their numbers have gone up by 15%. One of the reasons ABM has become so popular is that it can greatly enhance customer loyalty and revenue by tailoring the buyer's journey for unique clients. ABM tactics can further enrich an ABM strategy. In an interview with Media 7, Tim Kopp, CEO of Terminus, talked about the account-based marketing process. “ABM flips the traditional approach of generating leads on its head. It doesn’t adhere to the idea that a full sales funnel will create a trickle-down effect leading to high conversion rates. Instead, ABM enables marketers to refine the criteria by which they identify buyers. While marketers might not have the same amount of leads, each lead is targeted and relevant — and thus more likely to convert.” Account-based marketing is being implemented confidently by more and more B2B marketers. It is important to find ways to amplify its impact on your revenue through accurate targeting and conversions. Let us take a look at three effective ABM tactics that can help you enhance your account-based marketing strategy. 3 Effective ABM Tactics for B2B Marketers Improve Your ABM Funnel's Performance Account-based marketing funnel optimization may be one of the most effective ABM tactics to grow your business. The following techniques can help you improve your funnel’s overall performance: Audit Your Content Smartly Check if your content is personalized according to your target accounts' personas and industry. Does it address the specific needs and pain points of your target accounts? Your content can help you narrow down your list of ideal customers. Make Good Use of Intent Data Dynamic ABM targeting is essential. Based on data from your CRM and other platforms, update your list of target accounts. Make sure you have a good idea of what your target audience is looking for. Are there issues with your company, products, or services that you provide? Always use this information to improve your list. Approach Different Markets Confidently Run multiple account-based marketing campaigns with varying degrees of customization and investment parallelly. Choose between ABM Lite (targeting a small number of accounts), Programmatic ABM (targeting many accounts), or Strategic ABM (targeting a single account) according to your business goals. Optimize Engaged Accounts No two engaged accounts can be in the same sales funnel stage. So, optimizing engaged accounts can be difficult. Start by tracking click-through rates, organic website traffic, email open rates, and any other digital interactions with your brand to see how effective your ads are. Your ads must be both informative and visually appealing. Reach engaged accounts through social media, email, and other suitable channels. Unlock Opportunities Lead generation strategies based on advertising retargeting allow your sales team to tap into accounts that have previously interacted with your ads with renewed vigour. By working with your sales team to develop an account engagement model that defines an "engaged account," you can streamline the lead generation strategies by limiting the number of accounts that your team is required to manage. Increase Outreach Your target account stakeholders' employees should be the focus of your outreach efforts. Target accounts can be contacted via direct mail or in-person meetings. As a result, new pipeline opportunities are now available. You can reach a larger audience by using one-on-one C-level campaigns like phone calls and demos. Implement Marketing Automation Artificial intelligence (AI) marketing can help you improve your B2B account-based marketing strategy. It gives you predictive insights and makes your communication more effective. In your account-based marketing process, marketing automation can run email campaigns that can show you how people interact with your account. CRM data is used by AI and big data to get information about people from different platforms. This information can help you make your content unique for more ABM targeting. Account-based marketing services give you the ability to run targeted marketing campaigns at scale. As an account-based marketing service, ABM automation aims to target firms with multi-person purchasing committees extensively by utilizing individualized content and engagement to influence their purchase decisions. The immediate impact of using marketing automation in your B2B marketing strategy is a shorter sales cycle, a free marketing team, better sales and marketing team alignment, and stronger customer retention. You can start off by creating your ICP. After that, you can set up your target account, integrate your account-based marketing strategy with marketing automation software and your CRM. Then you can create impressive campaigns, personalize content, and offer tailored engagement to your target accounts. You can access the performance of your ABM marketing strategy using marketing automation software’s dashboard and tweak your strategy to make the most of it. Analyze and Improve Your Strategy B2B account-based marketing requires regular testing of your ad wording, content, design, and channel aspects to see what works and what doesn't. You can improve the efficiency of your approach by keeping tabs on key performance indicators (KPIs). Instead of abandoning a tactic because it isn't working, improve it by tweaking it. Account-based marketing approaches can succeed only if you assess how they affect your strategy and continually improve its execution. In an interview with Media 7, Abhi Yadav, Founder & CTO of Zylotech, talked about the importance of customer intelligence in marketing. “Tracking every point of engagement is critical in delivering a holistic view of where buyers are actively engaged and what’s working.” Developing an efficient B2B marketing strategy using the ABM approach requires a great deal of trial and error. Optimize your ABM approach by defining and measuring your KPIs. This B2B ABM marketing tactic is crucial to understanding how effectively you are engaging key accounts and moving them forward in the sales funnel. Couchbase Generated $1.5 Million in Pipeline Opportunities Using ABM Couchbase, a NoSQL database provider for enterprises, used a data-based ABM strategy to determine the interests of their target customers. They then combined real-world behavior with system-generated social personas of their customers, which helped them generate $1.5 million in pipeline opportunities. Conclusion These account-based marketing tactics can help you optimize your ABM marketing strategy. Concentrating on your funnel metrics and KPI and constantly improving your strategy can help you get the best results. FAQ What are funnel metrics? Velocity (time spent in days by a prospect in each stage of the funnel), conversion rates (percentage of leads that move from stage to stage in the funnel), and volume (number of leads passing through any stage of the funnel) are funnel metrics. Improving them is a great B2B ABM marketing tactic. What are the benefits of account-based marketing automation? ABM automation is a great account-based marketing tactic. It allows you to set up a marketing process at once and then scale it across different campaigns. With the help of automation, tasks like media buying, modeling, upselling, and ad targeting are carried out efficiently. How can you develop an effective ABM strategy? Start by identifying key accounts. You can then map their decision-makers, create targeted campaigns to get their engagement, decide on the best channels to approach them, execute your marketing campaigns, and finally measure the results of your ABM strategy.

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Buyer Intent Data

Steps for Building an ABM Program like Salesforce

Article | September 11, 2023

Many marketers define ABM as good B2B marketing. Targeting the right accounts at the right time with an appropriate message is the golden aim of account-based marketing (ABM). ABM ensures not only reach but also accuracy. In an interview with Media 7, Ryan Phelan, Marketing Chief / Fractional CMO at Origin Email, talked about the importance of ABM technology and the challenges in marketing after the COVID-19 pandemic began. "B2B companies should adopt ABM technology to level up their communications and react quickly." ABM technology enables marketers to hit pipeline and revenue targets swiftly while working alongside sales teams. Salesforce provides ABM automation to its clients using AI Einstein technology in their Customer Success Platform. But what does Salesforce’s ABM platform look like? How are they finding accounts that need a sophisticated AI-run ABM marketing platform? How Salesforce Created Its ABM Program Salesforce considered B2B buyer behavior (purchase intent and engagement) to deliver a solid marketing and sales experience for each of its strategic accounts. Accordingly, it took the following steps to kick-start its ABM program: Defining ABM Salesforce ABM marketing team handles campaigns that target 300 or fewer accounts. An ABM program can have many approaches. It can be 1: Many, 1: Few, or 1:1. The smaller the radius of the process, the more hyper-focused the campaign, content, budget, and customer journeys are. By simply aligning their approach strategy with defined ABM, Salesforce achieved larger deal sizes, higher sales win rates, higher ROI, and faster revenue growth compared to other marketing strategies. It suitably approached accounts that it thought were high value and showed buyer intent for their products and services. Choosing a Suitable Account-based Platform Salesforce was aware that it would have to engage a variety of vendors and platforms to run its ABM program smoothly. It had to go beyond building a foundation for its program. For that, it needed dedicated tools and resources. Without account-based partners that could provide them with these tools and resources,it would be difficult to implement their program. They chose RollWorks as their account-based partner, to set up their ABM program. Putting Together a Dedicated Team to Ensure ABM Program’s Success Creating a single team to support and execute the ABM program was crucial before launching the ABM campaigns Salesforce had planned. They had teams who knew what ABM was all about; they even ran campaigns in silos. So, Salesforce pooled its ABM resources and formed a single team to carry out ABM-related operations. Identifying Strategic Target Accounts With the support of technology, Salesforce validated the list of target accounts and filtered out accounts that weren’t such a good fit using their first-party data. They made sure they looked at all the possible data they had, including third-party, so there was no scope for error. As a result, they had a list of high-value accounts with an ideal customer profile (ICP). Engaging the Target Accounts After the target accounts were identified, Salesforce ran campaigns of highly customized content for each stage of the sales journey to entice prospects. Once the prospects entered the sales pipeline, hyper-personalized messages, ads, and emailers were sent to them using AI. Using Data for Continued Engagement Salesforce ABM campaigns used all available data to create new or repurpose existing content assets like customer stories, consultation forms, research reports, and blog posts to nurture the leads at every stage. Cultivating Customer Relationships Using a specially created ABM dashboard, Salesforce monitored its campaign results to understand which content its leads engaged with the most. Then, it removed the content that did not generate engagement to streamline engagement with previous unengaged leads. The secret was to create humane content that didn’t have buzzwords, consistently maintain brand voice and tone, and make special content that the leads could resonate with. Educating and engaging the leads increased the deal sizes and customer lifetime value. Holistic reporting helped them evolve their ABM strategy continuously. By creating a robust ABM program that took care of its targeting accounts’ evolving needs, pain points, and expectations, Salesforce saw a 24 percent faster revenue growth and an 87 percent higher ROI. How Salesforce Got a 30 Percent Close Rate by Using ABM Technology While promoting their Boston World Tour Series, Salesforce used ABM campaigns to get registrations. One out of their fourtarget accounts engaged with their content, and an average of five contacts per account engaged with them. In six weeks, they got in touch with 410 target accounts, of which 110 engaged with them. They achieved a 30 percent close rate for their campaign. Creating an ABM Program like Salesforce Salesforce has come a long way by using ABM technology to expand its offerings. It has AI-powered products, tools, and services that provide ABM automation to other companies. For example, their ABM Salesforce Marketing Cloud product has helped brands like Herman Miller achieve a 200% increase in their email revenue. To create an effective ABM program like Salesforce, you can use their steps as a blueprint. These steps apply to all kinds of businesses, but if you still don’t know how and where to start, find the answers to the following questions to comprehend what you can do next: Do you think ABM is right for your business? Are there any customer accounts that require special attention? Can your business fund expert consultation for ABM and eventually an ABM program? Once you find the answers to the above questions, you can take your first step towards building an effective ABM program that can help you scale your business. Conclusion ABM technology is revolutionizing B2B marketing by harnessing AI and targeted approaches, personalization, and automation using high-quality intent data. Implementing an effective ABM strategy is crucial to driving ROIs and growth. FAQ How does ABM differ from a traditional lead generation marketing strategy? ABM helps you target high-value accounts with hyper-personalized content, instead of presenting generic content to unclassified accounts. What is an ABM platform? An ABM platform is a technology that helps marketers run their ABM programs at scale. Why is ABM important in your marketing efforts? With the help of ABM, marketers may be able to shorten their sales cycle, increase their marketing involvement in the sales funnel, and achieve a high ROI.

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Buyer Intent Data

Boosting Marketing Acumen: Top 7 Buyer Intent Data Books for 2023

Article | June 20, 2023

Discover the key to enhancing marketing expertise through a carefully curated selection of top buyer intent data books to create effective targeted and customer-centric marketing campaigns. In the dynamic marketing world, achieving a competitive edge requires a deep understanding of buyer intent data. Businesses can gain invaluable insights into their target audience's preferences, needs, and motivations by deciphering the intricacies of buyer intent. With the ability to unlock valuable insights into consumer preferences and behaviors, buyer intent data empowers businesses to create targeted and effective marketing strategies. This article presents a curated selection of expert-level books that will empower businesses and marketers to master buyer intent data and optimize their marketing strategies. As the marketing landscape continues to evolve rapidly, businesses and marketers must explore the top books that delve into this subject matter and assist them in creating customized strategies, enhancing customer experiences, and driving meaningful business outcomes. 1. Total Customer Growth: Win and Grow Customers for Life with ABM and ABX Author: Adam Turinas and Ben Person A comprehensive guide, Total Customer Growth: Win and Grow Customers for Life with ABM and ABX, unveils the power of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and Account-Based Experience (ABX) in driving long-term customer growth and loyalty. Authored by industry experts Adam Turinas and Ben Person, the book offers a strategic framework for businesses to adopt a holistic approach toward building a sustainable, long-term business model. It also explains in detail how-to guides, strategic rationales, examples, and references to online resources. 2. No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls: The Next Generation of Account-Based Sales and Marketing Author: Latané Conant No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls: The Next Generation of Account-Based Sales and Marketing by Latané Conant is a groundbreaking book that revolutionizes traditional sales and marketing approaches by introducing a forward-thinking strategy for account-based success. It delivers an enlightening and engaging guide for salespeople and marketers on how to use technology to identify prospects and place them at the center of all they do. Conant, an esteemed industry expert, reveals strategies for building a tech stack that prioritizes their customers and ways for chief marketing officers to stop playing defense and go on offense. 3. Innovative B2B Marketing: New Models, Processes and Theory Author: Simon Hall With extensive expertise and profound industry insights, Simon Hall introduces readers to avant-garde strategies, cutting-edge models, and transformative processes that challenge conventional B2B marketing practices in his book, Innovative B2B Marketing: New Models, Processes and Theory. The book goes beyond the ordinary, offering practical examples, real-world case studies, and theoretical frameworks that empower marketing professionals to embrace creativity, adaptability, and customer-centricity in their B2B endeavors. It is an indispensable resource for marketing practitioners, strategists, and visionary leaders seeking to redefine the boundaries of B2B marketing and take their organizations to new heights of success. 4. Revenue Operations: A New Way to Align Sales & Marketing, Monetize Data, and Ignite Growth Author: Stephen G. Diorio and Chris K. Hummel Authored by renowned experts Stephen G. Diorio and Chris K. Hummel, Revenue Operations: A New Way to Align Sales & Marketing, Monetize Data, and Ignite Growth introduces the concept of Revenue Operations (RevOps) as a transformative strategy for organizations. It explains in detail how to connect the dots across an increasingly complex technology ecosystem to simplify selling and accelerate revenue expansion. This essential read is a compass for executives, sales and marketing professionals, and business leaders aiming to unlock their organization's full potential and achieve sustained success in today's dynamic marketplace. 5. Account-Based Growth: Unlocking Sustainable Value Through Extraordinary Customer Focus Author: Bev Burgess and Tim Shercliff A groundbreaking guide, Account-Based Growth: Unlocking Sustainable Value Through Extraordinary Customer Focus, explores the transformative power of account-based growth strategies in the realm of business-to-business (B2B) marketing. Drawing on their extensive expertise and real-world experiences, Bev Burgess and Tim Shercliff provide a robust framework for businesses to align their marketing, sales, customer success and executives around the customers. Each element of the framework is brought to life through viewpoints from industry experts and case studies from leading organizations, including Accenture, Fujitsu, Infosys, SAP, Salesforce, ServiceNow and Telstra. 6. Customer Data Platforms: Use People Data to Transform the Future of Marketing Engagement Author: Martin Kihn and Christopher B. O'Hara Authored by industry experts, Martin Kihn and Christopher B. O'Hara, Customer Data Platforms: Use People Data to Transform the Future of Marketing Engagement delves into the transformative capabilities of customer data platforms (CDPs) and their profound impact on marketing strategies. The book offers a deep understanding of CDPs and explains how to use AI and machine learning to drive the future of personalization. With this knowledge, marketers can create a data-driven culture that puts customers at the center and craft personalized and targeted campaigns that resonate with their audience, fostering meaningful connections and driving long-term loyalty. 7. Transforming the B2B Buyer Journey: Maximize Brand Value, Improve Conversion Rates and Build Loyalty Author: Antonia Wade Transforming the B2B Buyer Journey: Maximize Brand Value, Improve Conversion Rates, And Build Loyalty is a compelling and insightful book that illuminates the path to revolutionizing the B2B buyer journey. Written by an award-winning Chief Marketing Officer, Antonia Wade, the book provides a step-by-step guide to mapping the buyer journey, metrics, aligning channels, and tactics according to their needs at each stage. With a keen focus on the buyer's journey, the book provides practical insights and real-world examples of how to reengineer marketing's relationship with sales and develop marketing as a real lever for business growth. Conclusion As marketing continues to evolve, mastering buyer intent data is crucial for marketers aiming to succeed in 2023 and beyond. The curated list of expert-level books provides valuable insights, strategies, and frameworks to help marketers effectively harness buyer intent data's power. Marketers can tailor their strategies, enhance customer experiences, and drive meaningful business outcomes by understanding the nuances of buyer intent. Armed with this knowledge, they can create highly tailored and engaging campaigns that resonate with customers on a profound level, ultimately driving increased brand affinity, customer loyalty, and revenue growth. Immerse in these top books and unlock the potential of buyer intent data to propel your marketing expertise to new heights.

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True to its name, Citizen Group is an advertising agency with a pro-social, citizen-based approach. Founded in 2006, Citizen Group is headquartered in San Francisco, CA and its small team of 15 employees offers social media marketing, design, and branding. Citizen Group played a significant role in figuring out how to use the sports industry to support sustainability. They worked with a startup sustainability organization to conceptualize the connection between sports and the environment and produced strategic plans and advertising materials, such as videos and slide decks, to push the initiative forward.

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Account Based Data

DemandScience’s End-to-End B2B Demand Generation Products Earn 50 Awards in Winter 2024 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | January 10, 2024

DemandScience, a leading B2B demand generation company that accelerates global growth for its clients, today announced that the company’s products earned 50 awards in G2’s Winter 2024 reports. This is the second consecutive quarter DemandScience has won 50 or more G2 awards. Highlights include: four Fastest Implementation awards, three Easiest To Do Business With awards, four Momentum Leader awards, nine Leader and 30 High Performer awards. “Winning 50 G2 awards across our product portfolio underscores DemandScience’s ability to partner with our customers at any point in their demand generation campaign lifecycle to help them exceed their goals and realize a quantifiable ROI – which is vitally important during these times when marketers are expected to do more with less,” said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. “We value each and every customer and are especially proud of these G2 awards because they are based on verified reviews from real users of our solutions.” DemandScience’s Winter 2024 G2 awards are both global and regional, including wins in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. Examples of recent, verified customer reviews of DemandScience on the G2 platform: “The level of knowledge and attention the team provides is exceptional.” “They are very flexible, quick to respond and are thorough from beginning to end. I enjoy having a full program that provides the level of insight and lessons learned once the program wraps up. I’d recommend…” “DemandScience - A win for Lead Gen.” “DemandScience is the best way to get highly qualified MQA (Marketing Qualified Accounts) using content syndication campaigns…” “Klarity by DemandScience is the wind beneath my wings.” “Klarity has been an invaluable and versatile tool for our Growth Marketing team. We have been able to use it in a variety of ways including database building, pulling in specific segments to run campaigns to, and identifying target audiences for us to run in both content syndication and display with DemandScience.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 25 awards: Award Report Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Advertising Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Mid-Market Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture High Performer Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Enterprise Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales Account Intelligence tool for building, sharing, and prioritizing contact lists has won 25 awards: Award Report Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Asia Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer India Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Asia Pacific Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. For more information on G2 Research Scoring Methodologies, visit here. Learn more about what real users have to say at G2’s DemandScience page and Klarity by DemandScience page. About DemandScience DemandScience is the premier B2B demand generation company accelerating global growth for our clients. The DemandScience intelligence platform empowers B2B organizations to swiftly identify the right accounts and target in-market buyers with precision. By combining groundbreaking technologies, machine learning and data science innovation, the company ensures timely delivery of accurate data, intelligence, and insights, adding value to the end-to-end journey from initial engagement to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience provides 1,500 global customers with superior marketing solutions, B2B data, and leads. With a team of 600+ employees across operations in seven countries, DemandScience is certified as a Great Place To Work, named #5 on Fortune Magazine’s 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing, and one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 for 10 consecutive years. For further insights on why DemandScience stands at the forefront of transformative demand generation, visit and connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit

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ABM Accounts

NextRoll Named a Market Testing Grantee for Google’s Privacy Sandbox Initiative

GlobeNewswire | January 09, 2024

NextRoll, the San Francisco-based marketing technology company delivering products for ambitious marketers to grow their businesses, today announced its status as a market testing grantee for Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative. This initiative represents a groundbreaking shift in online advertising, replacing traditional third-party cookies with innovative solutions prioritizing privacy among Google Chrome users. As a trusted tester and collaborator, NextRoll will play a crucial role in shaping the future of secure and personalized online experiences. NextRoll’s participation in the Google Privacy Sandbox initiative signifies an expansion from its previous role within the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), where it was deeply involved in providing commentary on and proposing solutions for Google’s privacy-first enhancements, a portion of which were ultimately incorporated into the final Protected Audience API. NextRoll is now poised to take an even more hands-on approach by actively testing Google’s newly introduced application programming interfaces (APIs), including verifying the effectiveness of the Protected Audience, Topics, and Attribution Reporting APIs in the first half of 2024. NextRoll is proud to be named a Privacy Sandbox Market Testing Grantee receiving grant funding for engineering and testing-related work to meaningfully contribute testing metrics that are material to the Competition Markets Authority (CMA) review. “NextRoll has always been committed to doing right by our customers and all web users. Our dedication to privacy has been unwavering, even in the era of third-party cookies,” said Andrew Pascoe, vice president of data science engineering at NextRoll. “Now, as the industry evolves, we are thrilled to advocate for solutions that guarantee privacy across all market participants and reinforce our organization’s dedication to fostering a secure online environment.” NextRoll is a leader in adapting to the transforming industry and privacy standards, and acts as a trusted partner and advisor in helping customers navigate digital marketing in a privacy-first space. With Google Chrome moving in the same direction, NextRoll customers gain an early advantage in high-performing advertising through a new approach compared to competitors. About NextRoll NextRoll is a marketing technology company delivering products ambitious marketers use and rely on to grow their businesses. Powered by machine learning and integrated data platforms, NextRoll's technology serves tens of thousands of businesses globally through its two business units: RollWorks, an account-based platform for business-to-business marketing and sales teams, and AdRoll, a marketing and advertising platform for direct-to-consumer brands. NextRoll is a privately-held, remote-friendly company headquartered in San Francisco with additional offices in New York City, Dublin, and Sydney. To learn more, visit

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Core ABM

Demandbase Gets Named 2023 ABM Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant

Demandbase | November 06, 2023

Demandbase, an AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM) leader, has been named a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. The recognition is based on Demandbase's completeness of vision and ability to execute and follows being named a Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for ABM earlier this year. Demandbase's CEO, Gabe Rogol, attributes the recognition to product innovations and positive customer reviews. Demandbase, a pioneer in AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM), announces its recognition as a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. This honor, which follows a comprehensive evaluation of nine vendors, is a testament to Demandbase’s comprehensive vision and its ability to execute effectively. Earlier this year, the company also received the Gartner Peer Insight Customers’ Choice for ABM. Gartner defines ABM platforms as software that empowers B2B marketing and sales teams to implement ABM programs at scale, including account selection, planning, engagement, and reporting. These platforms facilitate the creation of target account lists by integrating first- and third-party data. Additionally, they may engage audiences by activating channels such as display advertising, social advertising, email, and sales engagement, using a combination of native capabilities and integrations. Gabe Rogol, CEO of Demandbase, expressed his praise for the innovations the team had worked on by exclaiming, We are honored to be recognized as a leader in the Gartner ABM Magic Quadrant once again this year. We believe this recognition is a reflection of the dedication and effort we’ve invested in our product over the past year, including innovations in connected TV advertising, non-English intent, new integrations, continuous improvement of our account intelligence, the release of workspaces for enterprises, simplified dashboards, UI improvements, and more. We also believe this recognition mirrors the consistently positive reviews we receive from customers through Gartner Peer Insights and on G2. We extend our gratitude to Gartner, our customers, and our entire team. [Source – Cision PR Newswire] According to the Magic Quadrant report, the essential capabilities of ABM platforms include: Account-level intent data (proprietary and/or licensed) to understand customer behavior and buyer interest. Multi-channel campaign orchestration and activation drive engagement and progression in the buyer’s journey. Monitoring accounts and measuring analytics to quantify progress and performance across channels, campaigns, and programs On the downside, Demandbase may face stiff competition from other vendors in the ABM market, such as 6sense, Terminus, and Roll Works. It may need to invest more in product development, marketing, and customer support to maintain its leadership position and customer satisfaction. Additionally, it may encounter challenges in integrating its platform with other systems and data sources, such as CRM, marketing automation, and analytics tools. On the upside, Demandbase can leverage its recognition as a leader and a customer’s choice to attract new customers and retain existing ones. It can also showcase its product innovations and customer reviews as proof of its value proposition and differentiation in the market.

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Account Based Data

DemandScience’s End-to-End B2B Demand Generation Products Earn 50 Awards in Winter 2024 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | January 10, 2024

DemandScience, a leading B2B demand generation company that accelerates global growth for its clients, today announced that the company’s products earned 50 awards in G2’s Winter 2024 reports. This is the second consecutive quarter DemandScience has won 50 or more G2 awards. Highlights include: four Fastest Implementation awards, three Easiest To Do Business With awards, four Momentum Leader awards, nine Leader and 30 High Performer awards. “Winning 50 G2 awards across our product portfolio underscores DemandScience’s ability to partner with our customers at any point in their demand generation campaign lifecycle to help them exceed their goals and realize a quantifiable ROI – which is vitally important during these times when marketers are expected to do more with less,” said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. “We value each and every customer and are especially proud of these G2 awards because they are based on verified reviews from real users of our solutions.” DemandScience’s Winter 2024 G2 awards are both global and regional, including wins in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. Examples of recent, verified customer reviews of DemandScience on the G2 platform: “The level of knowledge and attention the team provides is exceptional.” “They are very flexible, quick to respond and are thorough from beginning to end. I enjoy having a full program that provides the level of insight and lessons learned once the program wraps up. I’d recommend…” “DemandScience - A win for Lead Gen.” “DemandScience is the best way to get highly qualified MQA (Marketing Qualified Accounts) using content syndication campaigns…” “Klarity by DemandScience is the wind beneath my wings.” “Klarity has been an invaluable and versatile tool for our Growth Marketing team. We have been able to use it in a variety of ways including database building, pulling in specific segments to run campaigns to, and identifying target audiences for us to run in both content syndication and display with DemandScience.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 25 awards: Award Report Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Advertising Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Mid-Market Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture High Performer Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Enterprise Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales Account Intelligence tool for building, sharing, and prioritizing contact lists has won 25 awards: Award Report Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Asia Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer India Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Asia Pacific Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. For more information on G2 Research Scoring Methodologies, visit here. Learn more about what real users have to say at G2’s DemandScience page and Klarity by DemandScience page. About DemandScience DemandScience is the premier B2B demand generation company accelerating global growth for our clients. The DemandScience intelligence platform empowers B2B organizations to swiftly identify the right accounts and target in-market buyers with precision. By combining groundbreaking technologies, machine learning and data science innovation, the company ensures timely delivery of accurate data, intelligence, and insights, adding value to the end-to-end journey from initial engagement to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience provides 1,500 global customers with superior marketing solutions, B2B data, and leads. With a team of 600+ employees across operations in seven countries, DemandScience is certified as a Great Place To Work, named #5 on Fortune Magazine’s 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing, and one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 for 10 consecutive years. For further insights on why DemandScience stands at the forefront of transformative demand generation, visit and connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit

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ABM Accounts

NextRoll Named a Market Testing Grantee for Google’s Privacy Sandbox Initiative

GlobeNewswire | January 09, 2024

NextRoll, the San Francisco-based marketing technology company delivering products for ambitious marketers to grow their businesses, today announced its status as a market testing grantee for Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative. This initiative represents a groundbreaking shift in online advertising, replacing traditional third-party cookies with innovative solutions prioritizing privacy among Google Chrome users. As a trusted tester and collaborator, NextRoll will play a crucial role in shaping the future of secure and personalized online experiences. NextRoll’s participation in the Google Privacy Sandbox initiative signifies an expansion from its previous role within the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), where it was deeply involved in providing commentary on and proposing solutions for Google’s privacy-first enhancements, a portion of which were ultimately incorporated into the final Protected Audience API. NextRoll is now poised to take an even more hands-on approach by actively testing Google’s newly introduced application programming interfaces (APIs), including verifying the effectiveness of the Protected Audience, Topics, and Attribution Reporting APIs in the first half of 2024. NextRoll is proud to be named a Privacy Sandbox Market Testing Grantee receiving grant funding for engineering and testing-related work to meaningfully contribute testing metrics that are material to the Competition Markets Authority (CMA) review. “NextRoll has always been committed to doing right by our customers and all web users. Our dedication to privacy has been unwavering, even in the era of third-party cookies,” said Andrew Pascoe, vice president of data science engineering at NextRoll. “Now, as the industry evolves, we are thrilled to advocate for solutions that guarantee privacy across all market participants and reinforce our organization’s dedication to fostering a secure online environment.” NextRoll is a leader in adapting to the transforming industry and privacy standards, and acts as a trusted partner and advisor in helping customers navigate digital marketing in a privacy-first space. With Google Chrome moving in the same direction, NextRoll customers gain an early advantage in high-performing advertising through a new approach compared to competitors. About NextRoll NextRoll is a marketing technology company delivering products ambitious marketers use and rely on to grow their businesses. Powered by machine learning and integrated data platforms, NextRoll's technology serves tens of thousands of businesses globally through its two business units: RollWorks, an account-based platform for business-to-business marketing and sales teams, and AdRoll, a marketing and advertising platform for direct-to-consumer brands. NextRoll is a privately-held, remote-friendly company headquartered in San Francisco with additional offices in New York City, Dublin, and Sydney. To learn more, visit

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Core ABM

Demandbase Gets Named 2023 ABM Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant

Demandbase | November 06, 2023

Demandbase, an AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM) leader, has been named a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. The recognition is based on Demandbase's completeness of vision and ability to execute and follows being named a Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for ABM earlier this year. Demandbase's CEO, Gabe Rogol, attributes the recognition to product innovations and positive customer reviews. Demandbase, a pioneer in AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM), announces its recognition as a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. This honor, which follows a comprehensive evaluation of nine vendors, is a testament to Demandbase’s comprehensive vision and its ability to execute effectively. Earlier this year, the company also received the Gartner Peer Insight Customers’ Choice for ABM. Gartner defines ABM platforms as software that empowers B2B marketing and sales teams to implement ABM programs at scale, including account selection, planning, engagement, and reporting. These platforms facilitate the creation of target account lists by integrating first- and third-party data. Additionally, they may engage audiences by activating channels such as display advertising, social advertising, email, and sales engagement, using a combination of native capabilities and integrations. Gabe Rogol, CEO of Demandbase, expressed his praise for the innovations the team had worked on by exclaiming, We are honored to be recognized as a leader in the Gartner ABM Magic Quadrant once again this year. We believe this recognition is a reflection of the dedication and effort we’ve invested in our product over the past year, including innovations in connected TV advertising, non-English intent, new integrations, continuous improvement of our account intelligence, the release of workspaces for enterprises, simplified dashboards, UI improvements, and more. We also believe this recognition mirrors the consistently positive reviews we receive from customers through Gartner Peer Insights and on G2. We extend our gratitude to Gartner, our customers, and our entire team. [Source – Cision PR Newswire] According to the Magic Quadrant report, the essential capabilities of ABM platforms include: Account-level intent data (proprietary and/or licensed) to understand customer behavior and buyer interest. Multi-channel campaign orchestration and activation drive engagement and progression in the buyer’s journey. Monitoring accounts and measuring analytics to quantify progress and performance across channels, campaigns, and programs On the downside, Demandbase may face stiff competition from other vendors in the ABM market, such as 6sense, Terminus, and Roll Works. It may need to invest more in product development, marketing, and customer support to maintain its leadership position and customer satisfaction. Additionally, it may encounter challenges in integrating its platform with other systems and data sources, such as CRM, marketing automation, and analytics tools. On the upside, Demandbase can leverage its recognition as a leader and a customer’s choice to attract new customers and retain existing ones. It can also showcase its product innovations and customer reviews as proof of its value proposition and differentiation in the market.

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