Extending the Reach of ABM Sales Platform

As we reflect back on the path we’ve gone through, I’d like to say thank you. Thank you to our customers that have taken the Account Based Marketing route with us. Thank you to the investors from Canvas Ventures, NEA, Cervin Ventures and TriplePoint Ventures. Thank you to Folloze team that has made this possible, and thank you to you. “The rate at which Folloze is being adopted by the largest and most sophisticated global enterprise sales organizations is truly impressive…” said Gary Little, Partner at Canvas Ventures. It gives us great satisfaction to work with such companies and help them through their transformation.   We have big plans for the company to continue pioneering down the Account-Based Marketing (ABM) path– both with regards to internal and external expansion. And we’re not alone, “80% of marketers measuring ROI say that ABM outperforms other marketing investments (ITSMA).”



With our corporate headquarters located in Seattle, Washington, Freshest is at the epicenter of the fastest growing tech hub in the country. We offer a unique experience for highly successful B2B advertising, thinking beyond CRM integrations and being dedicated to understanding regulations and practices across every industry we serve. Our focus is offering the freshest engaged prospects. We simplify the complexities to help you exceed your conversion goals. Freshest delivers business growth through high impact marketing technologies, business intelligence, and decades of experience.

Account Based Data

The Pareto Principle in Account-Based Marketing

Article | August 19, 2022

The Pareto Principle is introduced by an Italian economist - Vilfredo Pareto. According to this principle, for several results, 80% of the outcomes arise from 20% of the cause. Other variations of the Pareto principle states: 80% of the sales come from 20% of customers or 80% of marketing engagement comes from 20% of accounts. Many researchers believe that ABM is a descendent of the 80/20 rule. By following this rule, businesses can spend the bulk on creating personalized marketing campaigns for the 20% of customers who spent the most on the product or services of their company. How the Pareto Rule Brings Sales Growth? In ABM, the Pareto principle can be used as a guide to overcoming the business growth obstacle and acquiring extremely productive business solutions. So here are a few strategies that will assist in bringing the resources and attention to the top 20% of customers. 1. Identify Best Customers Companies might have hundreds or thousands of customers or prospect lists either from email, social media, or by the website. To ensure making a wise choice, it is a must to have a glance at the historical data of every account, then compare it with the ideal customer profile and determine which makes it to the list of the best customers. After finding the top customers for the business, assure to mark them as a top priority. 2. Locating Their Area An important factor is to check the Point-of-Sale platform and find the area from where the highest number of best customers belongs to. It will lead to determining the most suitable sales or marketing strategies that can boost the growth of the organization. 3. Rank The Need Of Customers After creating the list of best accounts or customers, try to dig a bit deeper and discover the want, need, or problems each customer has. If in case, the insight is not up to the mark, a company will have to form a team that can gather some information, by: Tracking customer’s social media Having a conversation with the customer Purchasing Insights from vendors. After finalizing the need list make sure to mark each with their importance and address them accordingly. 4. Offer Personalization Across Different Platform Marketing according to the way that connects with each customer deeply without engulfing the resource and budget can be achieved by making the process as automated as possible through hiring developers. Some of how businesses can personalize their channels are: Using images that shows the customer’s interested area Addressing each customer by their name Sharing related case studies with the customers Including a personalized note Remember to keep a track of the progress you made through these steps and modify your list and strategies based on them. Take Away! If used properly, the Pareto rule in account-based marketing helps a business in keeping the focus on what matters the most. It stops enterprises from multi-tasking all the time. With the help of the 80/20 rule, businesses can properly allocate time and resources to the areas that produce the best results. That being said, relocating the budget while cultivating time for referrals from the customers who generate long-term advantages is the core to sustainable growth.

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Buyer Intent Data

Tips for Successful B2B Marketing

Article | September 11, 2023

The pandemic has changed the marketing world to a great extent. Customers have tremendously adapted to online buying. The pandemic has forced B2B customers to adapt to new ways of buying and selling. Customers are ready for online meetings and connecting digitally as far as the buying approach is concerned. The only thing that matters to them is that the solutions should answer their hurdles or challenges like personalization and strategizing marketing so But for the selling process, B2B marketing strategies needed creativity. Companies had to put their heads together to convince a buyer through conversations on digital platforms. It was not easy. But B2B companies have taken up the challenge and managed to come out with flying colors. Let us look at the changed scenario of B2B marketing. The Changed Scenario for B2B Marketing In 2020, when the world came to a standstill, people expected it was just a break, and they might return to their lives in no time. But this myth was busted when people had to adopt the new normal instead of going back to normal. Every industry faced challenges, including the B2B industry. Imagine the industry, which had the habit of meeting decision-makers and convincing them with presentations, had to do all the work digitally. But they found solutions after some months of struggles, and the businesses were back on track. Of course, there were difficulties on the way, but they answered every obstacle with time. B2B marketing best ideas include account-based marketing, conversational ABM, personalized campaigns, correct use of data, and more. These paved a path for successful B2B marketing amidst the pandemic. Thus, learning from them, we have curated a list of tips for successful B2B marketing. Tips for Successful B2B Marketing These best ways to market B2B are listed after diving deep into the struggles of B2B marketing. The experts of this area have experienced hurdles and implemented these solutions. Have a Buyer-centric Approach In an interview with Media7, Dmitry Chervonyi, Chief Marketing Officer at Belkins, stated that, “If you don't solve your customers' problems and make their lives better, then it is a waste of time to do this kind of business.” So, you understand how essential the customer is! These days it is more about the customer than about sales. Therefore, you must have a 360-degree alignment with the customer’s needs and preferences. Through this, you have better chances of conversion. Take Risks The market is very unpredictable post the pandemic. The companies that you thought may not require your service can be the ones changing the game. So, do not refrain from taking risks. First, of course, calculate the risks, but they take them. For example, before the pandemic, some businesses may have invested massive resources in digital marketing. As a result, they might not see the results immediately. But meanwhile, the pandemic erupted, and Boom! They were the only ones who survived in the market. Thus, the results of a calculated risk may be harmful or positive, but you either earn profits or learn something valuable from it! Implement ABM If you are a B2B marketer and have not implemented ABM in your marketing strategy, you need to do it immediately. Account-based marketing has the best conversion rate compared to the traditional methods. And this is the best strategy to be implemented post the pandemic. The reason is that companies have various challenges and need immediate solutions. Thus, if you filter the best clients, address their struggles, and target them, they will waste no time in approaching your sales team. But this is possible only when you design the best ABM strategy. Click here to know more about account-based marketing for B2B. Have an Agile Approach Clive Armitage, CEO at Agent3, believes that, “We have to act as the eyes and ears of marketing innovation for our clients; they trust us to help them navigate the pace of change in the way that the process of marketing is evolving.” It means that Agent3 changes its strategies and services as per the clients and market demands. They also keep the clients in the loop of the changes and innovations happening in the market. Thus, have an agile approach. Be ready to change your marketing growth strategies and plans according to the conditions around you. Be Future Ready The example set by the rental car company Hertz shows how future-ready they are with their latest investment. Despite their business being affected by the pandemic, it resurfaced itself through trusted investors. But instead of following the age-old techniques of rental cars, they ordered 100,000 Teslas to electrify its fleet. Not only did Tesla’s shares hit sky-high but, Hertz was all over the news. This critical investment defines how Hertz is making itself future-ready as it knows the future is electric cars. This example explains how important it is to invest for the future, considering the changing customer demands. Hence, implementing the latest technologies like AI and machine learning in marketing campaigns can make you future-ready. Plus they also create a great impression in the mind of the customers. And We Conclude Remember, marketing is all about understanding your customers and delivering what they want. Once you know your customers, you have hit the bull’s eye. So hit targets by taking risks, investing in technology, and developing a personalized approach. And most importantly, adapt to the changing world to thrive in it! Frequently Asked Questions How to identify a successful B2B marketing plan? Analyze your marketing performance Perform competitor analysis Define your marketing goals Identify your marketing budget Implement the latest B2B marketing trends How successful is ABM strategy in B2B marketing? Account-based marketing guarantees a better conversion than traditional marketing methods. Plus, it is one of the most trending strategies in B2B marketing. As a result, companies have saved many resources and fulfilled their sales targets by incorporating account-based marketing. Does ABM guarantee a 100% success rate? Well, ABM guarantees a success rate that may be not 100% but surely more than any other marketing strategy. The success of account-based marketing depends on the personalized content and the tailored approach you provide to your clients. { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How to identify a successful B2B marketing plan?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Analyze your marketing performance Perform competitor analysis Define your marketing goals Identify your marketing budget Implement the latest B2B marketing trends" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How successful is ABM strategy in B2B marketing?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Account-based marketing guarantees a better conversion than traditional marketing methods. Plus, it is one of the most trending strategies in B2B marketing. As a result, companies have saved many resources and fulfilled their sales targets by incorporating account-based marketing." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Does ABM guarantee a 100% success rate?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Well, ABM guarantees a success rate that may be not 100% but surely more than any other marketing strategy. The success of account-based marketing depends on the personalized content and the tailored approach you provide to your clients." } }] }

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Account Based Data

5 Reasons Why Account-Based Marketing Gives Better ROI

Article | June 29, 2023

ROI matters in B2B business. Account-based marketing has reached a significant tipping point and has become an investment that could pay off for the years to come. It is because B2B marketers are achieving substantial results with the help of ABM, and those who haven't started using it yet are planning to implement it. And why not? This type of marketing harnesses the best marketing tactics for creating highly relevant campaigns that positively impact a B2B businesses’ bottom line. Forrester describes ABM as "a strategy by which marketing and sales cooperatively work to pursue, establish, and grow in long-term and engage in revenue-generating relationships with specific accounts." As a result, its study says that 71 percent of companies that invest in ABM report that their return on investment is fairly or significantly higher than traditional marketing programs it used before. Now that the importance of account-based marketing has come into the picture while detailing the reasons why ABM gives a better ROI. It is decisive to know why you should get interested in ABM. Importance of Account-Based Marketing ABM is vital to your marketing strategy because it helps you create a more targeted and effective campaign. In other words, it has the potential to fuel growth for years into your B2B business future and develop stronger relationships with customers who matter most in support of your business objectives. Understand that ABM is more than social media advertising that incorporates traditional marketing methods such as direct mail and email marketing. Similarly, marketing automation is yet another crucial part of ABM. When you automate your ABM, you get qualified leads and prospecting activities. This gives you a competitive advantage over other companies in your industry so that you can get an insight into what your competitors are up to. But, most importantly, you get a higher chance of getting the right prospect to what you offer. In connection to this, here comes an important step to include—creating relevant content. It is because when it comes to ABM, relevance is all that matters. Your offers need to be tailored for qualified prospects, and not all noise will cut through the clutter anymore. A recent Forrester Consulting study by LiveRamp surveyed 312 B2B marketers across six industries found that nearly all marketers said their businesses are committed to using ABM as a revenue-driving strategy in the present time. Similarly, most marketers also reported a high level of confidence by using a wide range of ABM capabilities. Let’s deep dive into five reasons why ABM offers a better return on investment than more traditional methods. Efficient Operations for Sales and Marketing ABM users highlight its role in bringing sales and marketing closer to collaborate on developing and executing sales and marketing strategies. As per Bizible’s research, marketers are now 40 percent more likely to align their strategy with sales because of ABM's strategy. By putting the teams together, sales and marketing can coordinate their outreach and ensure client engagement is conducted high-value and meaningful. Meanwhile, marketers benefit from a streamlined approach that lets them discard a far-and-wide marketing strategy favoring carefully chosen prospects. With having a focus on selected targets rather than scattershot marketing campaigns, marketers can now focus on harmonizing and automating their digital marketing efforts, which makes them ready to work on next-generation demand-gen platforms with the help of AI and machine learning. In this way, they can orchestrate their campaigns and exponentially grow the ROI of your business. This ensures the right account prospects and results in the most significant ROI potential. This automated marketing approach reduces the marketing team workload and saves staff precious time while preserving huge marketing dollars. Thus, more efficient spending and a higher threshold for returns will bring a significant ROI to your business. Master in Multichannel Amid the rush to digital marketing, which is gaining prominence in the current time, the most effective ABM strategy and programs create a balance of online and offline approaches, fully integrated across sales and marketing. In addition, account-based marketing automation saves marketers from making unnecessary costs, so they spend less on marketing while still getting results. Forrester's survey says that the key strengths of dedicated measurement solutions by ABM are the improved ability to track engagement and optimize across online and offline channels. This is so marketers can manage the frequency of engagement as well as precisely determine attribution. A Personalized Approach Personalization makes ABM so appealing to clients. ABM has a way of turning attention to detail, so it immediately gets a client’s interest. To be true, the marketing and sales teams have to be competent in conducting in-depth research of potential leads. When it’s done accurately, they will target clients based on their likelihood of converting, then develop personalized offers to get good results. For this, you have to keep a separate ROI of account-based marketing at the same level. When you have such a narrow focus, you get a chance to communicate with the specific prospect and craft a better offer for them. By providing a personalized approach, you have a high chance to see increased ROI of your business. Manage, Monitor Data Governance and Privacy Maintaining the privacy of prospect data is crucial for B2B organizations. In today’s time, where the lines between B2B and B2C marketing are increasingly blurred, applying strict governance policies over the use of prospect data is a must. In addition, people expect brands to respect privacy preferences and actively work to build trust. Every dollar counts in a crisis. But almost one-third of marketing professionals are still planning to increase their investments towards ABM in the next calendar year. Moreover, decision-makers expect those investments in digital to yield substantial business benefits; the pressure to deliver is higher than ever. So, to have an actual ROI of account-based marketing is equally crucial to enjoying a significant revenue of your business. ABM Encourages to Measure Performance By integrating ABM strategy and account-based marketing automation, marketers can identify and reinforce the most effective strategies to measure the performance of marketing efforts that exclusively depends on ROI generation. It’s easy to measure acumens when you have highly focused accounts and well-sorted campaigns. You need to perceive what content approach gains traction and what attempts fail to succeed. In a nutshell, when the businesses are identified, an account-based approach will offer precisely what a business needs; this will help your business gain maximum ROI. So, plan now for an account-centric marketing future. Your team can accelerate deliver strong business ROI out of account-based marketing automation programs by considering a cross-channel B2B business solution that can help fill capability gaps and evidently prove the worth of your ABM marketing efforts. Frequently Asked Questions How effective is ABM for generating ROI? When it comes to increasing the ROI of business, ABM helps drastically. It aligns sales and marketing teams to work together, which generates a positive ROI and increases revenue. In this, 60% of companies that use ABM experienced a revenue increase of at least 10% within a year, while one out of five companies experienced a 30% and more rise in revenue. What is a good ROI percentage for ABM? A good ROI percentage for ABM stands at 5:1, which is considered the middle of the curve. A ratio over 5:1 is considered robust for most businesses, whereas a 10:1 ratio is exceptional. What are the top 3 reasons to choose ABM marketing? The top three reasons are: To reach the right prospect that matters according to business To gain a competitive advantage ABM shortens long sales cycles { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How effective is ABM for generating ROI?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "When it comes to increasing the ROI of business, ABM helps drastically. It aligns sales and marketing teams to work together, which generates a positive ROI and increases revenue. In this, 60% of companies that use ABM experienced a revenue increase of at least 10% within a year, while one out of five companies experienced a 30% and more rise in revenue." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a good ROI percentage for ABM?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "A good ROI percentage for ABM stands at 5:1, which is considered the middle of the curve. A ratio over 5:1 is considered robust for most businesses, whereas a 10:1 ratio is exceptional." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the top 3 reasons to choose ABM marketing?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The top three reasons are: To reach the right prospect that matters according to business To gain a competitive advantage ABM shortens long sales cycles" } }] }

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Account Based Data

10 Astounding Account-Based Marketing Stats for Marketers

Article | August 11, 2021 | Sponsored

Sales and marketing have transformed. Marketers have had to adapt, modify their activities and lean into more collaborative interactions with sales teams in a way they haven’t done before. As events and direct channels are on the minor list of concerns, sales teams have become a principal marketing channel to reach accounts. A quick look at Google trends shows you how Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has revolutionized the world of B2B marketing. It happened by going from non-existent to extremely popular in the last several years and hiked during the pandemic. With today’s buyer journey becoming progressively digital, B2B organizations are interested in ABM to deliver exceedingly personalized and focussed marketing campaigns. The secret behind the burgeoning popularity of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is how confident and versed marketers feel now while using it. While ABM persists as the hot MarTech topic since 2019, its influence grew during the pandemic. While it may seem all geek to new users, ABM offers rewarding opportunities for marketers. As per the ABM evangelist, Sangram Vajre of Terminus, “If marketers embrace ABM methods, they will earn desired revenue in their businesses. I want to do everything I can to help make marketers heroes.” As per The B2B Lead, ABM directly inscribed sales and marketing alignment and challenges 50% of the time when sales wasted time against unproductive targeting. ABM Drives Revenue, and Here’s the Proof: If you are putting together an ABM strategy, such numbers would be handy. This blog gathers ten powerful Account-based Marketing stats that every marketer (you) should know as we land in 2021 (the post-pandemic era). So, to show you how beneficial account-based marketing can be, here you go. 10 Account-based Marketing Stats 92% of Marketing Leaders are More Focused at New Selling Process Marketing leaders are now selling with vision to the executive level than what they did some years ago. As per a recent ITSMA report titled, “Engaging the C-Suite: 2019 Sales and Executive Engagement Survey Report”, 92% of marketing leaders mentioned that selling at the executive level is more critical to their sales strategy. In today’s time, marketers are relying on ABM capabilities to capitalize on new market prospects. In addition, B2B businesses are designing and deepening their relationships around ABM to engage C-level executives more effectively. 90% Role of Marketers in ABM Today is Strategic The role of marketers doing ABM is more strategic on particular programs. As per Alterra Group’s report, marketers need to demonstrate deep account and industry-specific expertise to create seamless ABM campaigns. To create account-relevant marketing messages, companies are bestowing more resources and snowballing the expenditure on ABM. Such expenditure is predicted to exceed that on other marketing technologies rapidly. A Sturdy ICP has a 68% Higher Account... Organizations with a strong ICP have 68% higher account marketing win rates. Modern marketing teams are now being measured on pipeline and revenue, not leads. This way, they are staying more focused on productive revenue growth at every stage of the funnel. A Total Economic Impact report by Forrester found that prospects see an average 313% ROI by bringing go-to-market teams practicing account-based marketing tactics together to make marketing efforts efficacious. 69% of Top-Performing Account-Based Organizations have Dedicated Leaders 69% of top-performing account-based organizations now have a dedicated account-based leader. The Account-based marketing stats reflect that 70% of marketers who started their account-based initiatives in the past six months have dedicated leaders who are entirely dedicated to the market, having particular and focused accounts instead of a sea of buyers. 60% of Users Reported an Increase in Revenue When ABM picked its pace in at least a year, 60% of its users reported a revenue surge of at least 10% & 19%, termed an impact of 30% or greater. In companies with a stout ROI from ABM, 75% measure pipeline generated and revenue, 67.5% measure meetings and target account pipeline are set, and 63% measure marketing qualified leads are gained. As a result of this, approximately 70% of B2B marketers will pilot or launch full-sized account-based software and programs to target and engross groups of buyers in selected accounts. 62% of Marketers are Being Optimistic They can easily measure the positive impact of account-based marketing tactics since adopting ABM. This has been the most efficient benefit of ABM observed up until now. Forrester envisages that by 2025, the term "ABM" will evaporate as account-centric becomes the distinct way for B2B organizations to identify, plan, manage, and measure buying and post-sale motions for prospects. 80% ABM Budgets are Intensifying After B2B companies saw the success of early programs, budgets devoted to ABM amplified by 40% year over year, from 20% in 2019 to 28% in 2020. This surge in investment reflects a confident attitude in return on ABM initiatives. 42% B2B Companies Favor Keeping Accounts in ABM Strategy between 50 and 500 As per the Demand Gen Report, 18% of B2B companies try to keep their accounts list under 50, 19% target a broad set of accounts, ranging between 1,000 and 5,000. For a focused ABM approach, the report found that 42% of B2B companies try to keep their account list between 101 to 500. However, as this quantity varies depending on the size and scope of individual company deal sizes, these results will vary based on industry and product. Companies Executing ABM Amplified ACV by 171% B2B companies that have implemented ABM perceived a 171% rise in their Annual Contract Value (ACV) more significant than the pre-ABM ACV. In addition, ABM offers a boost to the pipeline rate, thus, enabling marketers to target prospects belonging to new revenue goals. 75% of B2B Buyers and 84% of C-level Executives Use Social Media B2B buyers and C-level executives progressively rely on social media to harvest more information about products and services before making purchase-based decisions. 80% of buyers who had not yet used social media to research purchases are willing to use the right platforms. As online mediums have become a progressive information preference of buyers, companies create profitable account-based campaigns to ignite the initiative. A recent Social Buying Study from International Data Corporation (IDC) concludes that B2B buyers are the most active in using social media to support the buying process by having 84% superior budgets that made 61% more purchase decisions. This significantly influenced a greater span of purchase decisions than those buyers who did not use social media for their purchase process. A Note About the Account-based Marketing Stats and COVID-19 April 2020, was just when all businesses were beginning to feel the effects of the pandemic. As a result, the COVID-19 impact has altered several perspectives, including budget, headcount, and prioritization. Yet, ABM programs have shown results with significant improvements in pipeline growth. “If economic obscurity continues, these programs should persist as a core element of the Marketing strategy.” – Todd Berkowitz, Practice Vice President, Gartner While COVID-19 is changing B2B organizations’ ability to stimulate sustained growth, it’s hoped that an account-based approach will significantly benefit your organization in the following ways: Focus on your limited resources (budget, time, and personnel) on those companies to do business. Target the accounts you already know. This will enable you to spend less money on demand-gen campaigns to generate new names. Make the most of your team’s efficiency by scoring sales and marketing campaigns that work together to create the best buyer experience. Frequently Asked Questions How are account-based marketing stats measured? Marketers use close rates when required to measure ABM efforts. Typically, the stats are gainedby measuring the reachability of target accounts or specific contacts at those accounts. This gives you a percentage or a conversion rate by account, which further estimates how successful ABM efforts have been to date. What are good ABM metrics? The good ABM metrics are: Marketing-qualified accounts Real engagement of account Velocity of Pipeline Average selling price Customer engagement rate Why should we measure account-based marketing stats? It is because ABM delivers ROI. For example, when there is a greater emphasis on defining Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), a properly structured approach to selecting account and value is aligned with what a prospect’s business needs. This results in gaining higher win rates. { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How are account-based marketing stats measured?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Marketers use close rates when required to measure ABM efforts. Typically, the stats are gained by measuring the reachability of target accounts or specific contacts at those accounts. This gives you a percentage or a conversion rate by account, which further estimates how successful ABM efforts have been to date." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are good ABM metrics?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The good ABM metrics are: Marketing-qualified accounts Real engagement of account Velocity of Pipeline Average selling price Customer engagement rate" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Why should we measure account-based marketing stats?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "It is because ABM delivers ROI. For example, when there is a greater emphasis on defining Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), a properly structured approach to selecting account and value is aligned with what a prospect’s business needs. This results in gaining higher win rates." } }] }

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With our corporate headquarters located in Seattle, Washington, Freshest is at the epicenter of the fastest growing tech hub in the country. We offer a unique experience for highly successful B2B advertising, thinking beyond CRM integrations and being dedicated to understanding regulations and practices across every industry we serve. Our focus is offering the freshest engaged prospects. We simplify the complexities to help you exceed your conversion goals. Freshest delivers business growth through high impact marketing technologies, business intelligence, and decades of experience.

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Buyer Intent Data

Integrate Launches Media Division, Pipeline360, for Holistic Demand Generation

PRWeb | January 11, 2024

Integrate, a leading B2B marketing demand management platform, today announced the launch of Pipeline360, its media arm that offers an all-in-one integrated media solution for content syndication, account intelligence enhancement, and digital advertising. Pipeline360 incorporates what was previously known as the Integrate Lead Generation Marketplace with multichannel, full-funnel, global campaign management, including real-time analytics, lead validation and standardization, and enhanced segmentation. In "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey conducted by Pipeline360 and Demand Metric, 80% of B2B marketers report getting new qualified leads is mission critical or an urgent priority, yet 53% of B2B marketers report not being able to meet their pipeline goals. Additionally, an overwhelming 93% of B2B marketers say that data compliance and accuracy is a priority at their company. "This gap in marketers' ability to meet pipeline goals underscores the complex intersection of challenges B2B marketers face today - budget constraints alongside rising targets, a convergence of brand and demand, all while facing heightened scrutiny on data privacy," said Jeremy Bloom, co-founder and CEO of Integrate. "We developed Pipeline360 to provide our customers with a flexible solution that makes it easy and seamless to generate a robust pipeline enriched with high quality leads. This complements our SaaS platform's capability to connect, govern, and measure performance across multiple demand channels." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey found that the #1 challenge in marketing today is budget constraints (50%) followed by economic slowdown (40%) and impossible targets (32%). In response, B2B companies are adapting to fewer resources by consolidating teams and/or job responsibilities (79%), cutting travel budgets (33%), and relying on agencies (33%). The survey also found that 61% of B2B marketers who use content syndication were able to reach their goals as compared to 45% for those who do not use content syndication. However, the survey also found that 37% of respondents have not considered using content syndication for lead generation, 38% don't know what content syndication is, and 35% don't understand how it works. "These data suggest that more than a third of B2B marketers are not maximizing the tools and channels available to them, and by not leveraging the power of content syndication, advanced display advertising, and a full-funnel approach, they're losing out on pipeline and revenue," said Tony Uphoff, President, Pipeline360. "That's why we created Pipeline360 - to support marketers to maximize the value of a multichannel approach, bring their brand and demand efforts together, and drive marketing pipeline in a scalable, compliant, and predictable way." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" was conducted with global research and advisory firm, Demand Metric and surveyed 400+ B2B marketers across North America and the UK. The questions were fielded in Q4 of 2023 to unveil key challenges, investments, and priorities for demand marketers. To learn more about "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth," please visit our blog, "B2B Marketing Trends: The Realities of B2B Marketing Pipeline Growth in 2024." To learn more about Pipeline360, please visit www.pipeline-360.com. About Pipeline360 Powered by Integrate, a leading B2B marketing solutions provider, Pipeline360 solutions combine three powerful demand generation tools: targeted display, content syndication, and a comprehensive marketplace model. Pipeline360 ensures that marketers achieve 100% compliant and marketable leads by effectively engaging with audiences much earlier in the buying cycle, connecting with buyers at every stage of the process, and optimizing programs to drive performance. Pipeline360 enables a strategic, holistic demand generation approach tailored for the reality of today's B2B purchasing process. Customers include high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Cisco, Dell, and VMware. For more information, please visit www.pipeline-360.com. About Integrate Integrate offers a cross-channel demand management SaaS platform for enterprise B2B demand and marketing operations teams. Integrate accelerates speed-to-business value through powerful integrations, delivers 100% marketable and compliant leads with trusted governance, and provides AI-powered insights to enhance and expedite smart decision-making. Integrate works with high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Microsoft, Akamai, and Pluralsight to power their B2B marketing strategies. For more information, visit www.integrate.com or engage with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram.

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Account Based Data

DemandScience’s End-to-End B2B Demand Generation Products Earn 50 Awards in Winter 2024 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | January 10, 2024

DemandScience, a leading B2B demand generation company that accelerates global growth for its clients, today announced that the company’s products earned 50 awards in G2’s Winter 2024 reports. This is the second consecutive quarter DemandScience has won 50 or more G2 awards. Highlights include: four Fastest Implementation awards, three Easiest To Do Business With awards, four Momentum Leader awards, nine Leader and 30 High Performer awards. “Winning 50 G2 awards across our product portfolio underscores DemandScience’s ability to partner with our customers at any point in their demand generation campaign lifecycle to help them exceed their goals and realize a quantifiable ROI – which is vitally important during these times when marketers are expected to do more with less,” said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. “We value each and every customer and are especially proud of these G2 awards because they are based on verified reviews from real users of our solutions.” DemandScience’s Winter 2024 G2 awards are both global and regional, including wins in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. Examples of recent, verified customer reviews of DemandScience on the G2 platform: “The level of knowledge and attention the team provides is exceptional.” “They are very flexible, quick to respond and are thorough from beginning to end. I enjoy having a full program that provides the level of insight and lessons learned once the program wraps up. I’d recommend…” “DemandScience - A win for Lead Gen.” “DemandScience is the best way to get highly qualified MQA (Marketing Qualified Accounts) using content syndication campaigns…” “Klarity by DemandScience is the wind beneath my wings.” “Klarity has been an invaluable and versatile tool for our Growth Marketing team. We have been able to use it in a variety of ways including database building, pulling in specific segments to run campaigns to, and identifying target audiences for us to run in both content syndication and display with DemandScience.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 25 awards: Award Report Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Advertising Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Mid-Market Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture High Performer Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Enterprise Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales Account Intelligence tool for building, sharing, and prioritizing contact lists has won 25 awards: Award Report Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Asia Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer India Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Asia Pacific Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. For more information on G2 Research Scoring Methodologies, visit here. Learn more about what real users have to say at G2’s DemandScience page and Klarity by DemandScience page. About DemandScience DemandScience is the premier B2B demand generation company accelerating global growth for our clients. The DemandScience intelligence platform empowers B2B organizations to swiftly identify the right accounts and target in-market buyers with precision. By combining groundbreaking technologies, machine learning and data science innovation, the company ensures timely delivery of accurate data, intelligence, and insights, adding value to the end-to-end journey from initial engagement to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience provides 1,500 global customers with superior marketing solutions, B2B data, and leads. With a team of 600+ employees across operations in seven countries, DemandScience is certified as a Great Place To Work, named #5 on Fortune Magazine’s 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing, and one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 for 10 consecutive years. For further insights on why DemandScience stands at the forefront of transformative demand generation, visit demandscience.com and connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit www.g2.com.

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ABM Accounts

NextRoll Named a Market Testing Grantee for Google’s Privacy Sandbox Initiative

GlobeNewswire | January 09, 2024

NextRoll, the San Francisco-based marketing technology company delivering products for ambitious marketers to grow their businesses, today announced its status as a market testing grantee for Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative. This initiative represents a groundbreaking shift in online advertising, replacing traditional third-party cookies with innovative solutions prioritizing privacy among Google Chrome users. As a trusted tester and collaborator, NextRoll will play a crucial role in shaping the future of secure and personalized online experiences. NextRoll’s participation in the Google Privacy Sandbox initiative signifies an expansion from its previous role within the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), where it was deeply involved in providing commentary on and proposing solutions for Google’s privacy-first enhancements, a portion of which were ultimately incorporated into the final Protected Audience API. NextRoll is now poised to take an even more hands-on approach by actively testing Google’s newly introduced application programming interfaces (APIs), including verifying the effectiveness of the Protected Audience, Topics, and Attribution Reporting APIs in the first half of 2024. NextRoll is proud to be named a Privacy Sandbox Market Testing Grantee receiving grant funding for engineering and testing-related work to meaningfully contribute testing metrics that are material to the Competition Markets Authority (CMA) review. “NextRoll has always been committed to doing right by our customers and all web users. Our dedication to privacy has been unwavering, even in the era of third-party cookies,” said Andrew Pascoe, vice president of data science engineering at NextRoll. “Now, as the industry evolves, we are thrilled to advocate for solutions that guarantee privacy across all market participants and reinforce our organization’s dedication to fostering a secure online environment.” NextRoll is a leader in adapting to the transforming industry and privacy standards, and acts as a trusted partner and advisor in helping customers navigate digital marketing in a privacy-first space. With Google Chrome moving in the same direction, NextRoll customers gain an early advantage in high-performing advertising through a new approach compared to competitors. About NextRoll NextRoll is a marketing technology company delivering products ambitious marketers use and rely on to grow their businesses. Powered by machine learning and integrated data platforms, NextRoll's technology serves tens of thousands of businesses globally through its two business units: RollWorks, an account-based platform for business-to-business marketing and sales teams, and AdRoll, a marketing and advertising platform for direct-to-consumer brands. NextRoll is a privately-held, remote-friendly company headquartered in San Francisco with additional offices in New York City, Dublin, and Sydney. To learn more, visit www.nextroll.com.

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Buyer Intent Data

Integrate Launches Media Division, Pipeline360, for Holistic Demand Generation

PRWeb | January 11, 2024

Integrate, a leading B2B marketing demand management platform, today announced the launch of Pipeline360, its media arm that offers an all-in-one integrated media solution for content syndication, account intelligence enhancement, and digital advertising. Pipeline360 incorporates what was previously known as the Integrate Lead Generation Marketplace with multichannel, full-funnel, global campaign management, including real-time analytics, lead validation and standardization, and enhanced segmentation. In "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey conducted by Pipeline360 and Demand Metric, 80% of B2B marketers report getting new qualified leads is mission critical or an urgent priority, yet 53% of B2B marketers report not being able to meet their pipeline goals. Additionally, an overwhelming 93% of B2B marketers say that data compliance and accuracy is a priority at their company. "This gap in marketers' ability to meet pipeline goals underscores the complex intersection of challenges B2B marketers face today - budget constraints alongside rising targets, a convergence of brand and demand, all while facing heightened scrutiny on data privacy," said Jeremy Bloom, co-founder and CEO of Integrate. "We developed Pipeline360 to provide our customers with a flexible solution that makes it easy and seamless to generate a robust pipeline enriched with high quality leads. This complements our SaaS platform's capability to connect, govern, and measure performance across multiple demand channels." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey found that the #1 challenge in marketing today is budget constraints (50%) followed by economic slowdown (40%) and impossible targets (32%). In response, B2B companies are adapting to fewer resources by consolidating teams and/or job responsibilities (79%), cutting travel budgets (33%), and relying on agencies (33%). The survey also found that 61% of B2B marketers who use content syndication were able to reach their goals as compared to 45% for those who do not use content syndication. However, the survey also found that 37% of respondents have not considered using content syndication for lead generation, 38% don't know what content syndication is, and 35% don't understand how it works. "These data suggest that more than a third of B2B marketers are not maximizing the tools and channels available to them, and by not leveraging the power of content syndication, advanced display advertising, and a full-funnel approach, they're losing out on pipeline and revenue," said Tony Uphoff, President, Pipeline360. "That's why we created Pipeline360 - to support marketers to maximize the value of a multichannel approach, bring their brand and demand efforts together, and drive marketing pipeline in a scalable, compliant, and predictable way." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" was conducted with global research and advisory firm, Demand Metric and surveyed 400+ B2B marketers across North America and the UK. The questions were fielded in Q4 of 2023 to unveil key challenges, investments, and priorities for demand marketers. To learn more about "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth," please visit our blog, "B2B Marketing Trends: The Realities of B2B Marketing Pipeline Growth in 2024." To learn more about Pipeline360, please visit www.pipeline-360.com. About Pipeline360 Powered by Integrate, a leading B2B marketing solutions provider, Pipeline360 solutions combine three powerful demand generation tools: targeted display, content syndication, and a comprehensive marketplace model. Pipeline360 ensures that marketers achieve 100% compliant and marketable leads by effectively engaging with audiences much earlier in the buying cycle, connecting with buyers at every stage of the process, and optimizing programs to drive performance. Pipeline360 enables a strategic, holistic demand generation approach tailored for the reality of today's B2B purchasing process. Customers include high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Cisco, Dell, and VMware. For more information, please visit www.pipeline-360.com. About Integrate Integrate offers a cross-channel demand management SaaS platform for enterprise B2B demand and marketing operations teams. Integrate accelerates speed-to-business value through powerful integrations, delivers 100% marketable and compliant leads with trusted governance, and provides AI-powered insights to enhance and expedite smart decision-making. Integrate works with high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Microsoft, Akamai, and Pluralsight to power their B2B marketing strategies. For more information, visit www.integrate.com or engage with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram.

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Account Based Data

DemandScience’s End-to-End B2B Demand Generation Products Earn 50 Awards in Winter 2024 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | January 10, 2024

DemandScience, a leading B2B demand generation company that accelerates global growth for its clients, today announced that the company’s products earned 50 awards in G2’s Winter 2024 reports. This is the second consecutive quarter DemandScience has won 50 or more G2 awards. Highlights include: four Fastest Implementation awards, three Easiest To Do Business With awards, four Momentum Leader awards, nine Leader and 30 High Performer awards. “Winning 50 G2 awards across our product portfolio underscores DemandScience’s ability to partner with our customers at any point in their demand generation campaign lifecycle to help them exceed their goals and realize a quantifiable ROI – which is vitally important during these times when marketers are expected to do more with less,” said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. “We value each and every customer and are especially proud of these G2 awards because they are based on verified reviews from real users of our solutions.” DemandScience’s Winter 2024 G2 awards are both global and regional, including wins in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. Examples of recent, verified customer reviews of DemandScience on the G2 platform: “The level of knowledge and attention the team provides is exceptional.” “They are very flexible, quick to respond and are thorough from beginning to end. I enjoy having a full program that provides the level of insight and lessons learned once the program wraps up. I’d recommend…” “DemandScience - A win for Lead Gen.” “DemandScience is the best way to get highly qualified MQA (Marketing Qualified Accounts) using content syndication campaigns…” “Klarity by DemandScience is the wind beneath my wings.” “Klarity has been an invaluable and versatile tool for our Growth Marketing team. We have been able to use it in a variety of ways including database building, pulling in specific segments to run campaigns to, and identifying target audiences for us to run in both content syndication and display with DemandScience.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 25 awards: Award Report Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Advertising Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Mid-Market Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture High Performer Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Enterprise Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales Account Intelligence tool for building, sharing, and prioritizing contact lists has won 25 awards: Award Report Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Asia Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer India Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Asia Pacific Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. For more information on G2 Research Scoring Methodologies, visit here. Learn more about what real users have to say at G2’s DemandScience page and Klarity by DemandScience page. About DemandScience DemandScience is the premier B2B demand generation company accelerating global growth for our clients. The DemandScience intelligence platform empowers B2B organizations to swiftly identify the right accounts and target in-market buyers with precision. By combining groundbreaking technologies, machine learning and data science innovation, the company ensures timely delivery of accurate data, intelligence, and insights, adding value to the end-to-end journey from initial engagement to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience provides 1,500 global customers with superior marketing solutions, B2B data, and leads. With a team of 600+ employees across operations in seven countries, DemandScience is certified as a Great Place To Work, named #5 on Fortune Magazine’s 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing, and one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 for 10 consecutive years. For further insights on why DemandScience stands at the forefront of transformative demand generation, visit demandscience.com and connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit www.g2.com.

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ABM Accounts

NextRoll Named a Market Testing Grantee for Google’s Privacy Sandbox Initiative

GlobeNewswire | January 09, 2024

NextRoll, the San Francisco-based marketing technology company delivering products for ambitious marketers to grow their businesses, today announced its status as a market testing grantee for Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative. This initiative represents a groundbreaking shift in online advertising, replacing traditional third-party cookies with innovative solutions prioritizing privacy among Google Chrome users. As a trusted tester and collaborator, NextRoll will play a crucial role in shaping the future of secure and personalized online experiences. NextRoll’s participation in the Google Privacy Sandbox initiative signifies an expansion from its previous role within the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), where it was deeply involved in providing commentary on and proposing solutions for Google’s privacy-first enhancements, a portion of which were ultimately incorporated into the final Protected Audience API. NextRoll is now poised to take an even more hands-on approach by actively testing Google’s newly introduced application programming interfaces (APIs), including verifying the effectiveness of the Protected Audience, Topics, and Attribution Reporting APIs in the first half of 2024. NextRoll is proud to be named a Privacy Sandbox Market Testing Grantee receiving grant funding for engineering and testing-related work to meaningfully contribute testing metrics that are material to the Competition Markets Authority (CMA) review. “NextRoll has always been committed to doing right by our customers and all web users. Our dedication to privacy has been unwavering, even in the era of third-party cookies,” said Andrew Pascoe, vice president of data science engineering at NextRoll. “Now, as the industry evolves, we are thrilled to advocate for solutions that guarantee privacy across all market participants and reinforce our organization’s dedication to fostering a secure online environment.” NextRoll is a leader in adapting to the transforming industry and privacy standards, and acts as a trusted partner and advisor in helping customers navigate digital marketing in a privacy-first space. With Google Chrome moving in the same direction, NextRoll customers gain an early advantage in high-performing advertising through a new approach compared to competitors. About NextRoll NextRoll is a marketing technology company delivering products ambitious marketers use and rely on to grow their businesses. Powered by machine learning and integrated data platforms, NextRoll's technology serves tens of thousands of businesses globally through its two business units: RollWorks, an account-based platform for business-to-business marketing and sales teams, and AdRoll, a marketing and advertising platform for direct-to-consumer brands. NextRoll is a privately-held, remote-friendly company headquartered in San Francisco with additional offices in New York City, Dublin, and Sydney. To learn more, visit www.nextroll.com.

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