Intent-Based Marketing and Integrating Around Better Data

Companies waste millions each year on online advertising that isn’t working, with marketing dollars going to poorly conceived targeting approaches that employ irrelevant data and generate meaningless clicks. Why? Many online advertising options aren’t mature enough to accommodate B2B buying processes with long purchase cycles and multiple stakeholders. That’s why many B2B advertisers are turning to a different data source to guide efforts: purchase intent.



With over 80 years of experience easy2C provides businesses with solutions on market presence and market share through the use of grass roots targeted advertising techniques. Our aim is simply to help local businesses expose themselves to potential clients whilst achieving two vital things; protecting their existing client base and generating new clients.

Buyer Intent Data

Transform Your Business into a Sales Machine with Buyer Intent Data

Article | October 7, 2022

B2B buyer intent data provides insight into a user’s purchase intent. With this information, you can identify when a prospect matching your ICP is actively considering buying your product, or similar products or solutions. This intent data is collated from different digital sources that use cookies to analyze key intent search terms to zero in on when a prospect is in an active buying journey. With this information, B2B companies like yours can make campaigns that are very specific to these prospects and are more likely to convert them. Let us take a look at how B2B buyer intent data can assist sales teams to achieve their revenue goals. Identify High-Intent Target Accounts In account-based marketing, a target account list has companies and accounts that are most likely to buy your product. This target account list helps your sales and marketing teams concentrate their efforts to push high-quality leads through the sales funnel. Using B2B buyer intent data, the sales team can know which prospect is showing key signals of purchase intent. These B2B intent data key signals include downloading resources, reading blog posts, signing up for a free trial, booking a demo, viewing the pricing page, and revisiting your website after the first interaction. Your sales team can segment the target list based on this information. Every lead can be broken down into three segments: high intent, medium intent, and low intent. Now that your sales team has the high intent leads, they can target these leads and convert them without wasting time on low intent leads that may not be ready to buy. Your Sales Cycles Are Shorter than Ever Salespeople often struggle with closing deals faster. The reasons behind this could be anything from wrong contact details to chasing imprecise, low-qualified leads and cold prospecting. Reaching out to accounts that do not show any intent to buy is a waste of time your sales team cannot afford if it wants to meet the revenue targets. With the help of B2B buyer intent data, your sales team gets actionable data insights on the accounts that are in the market and what they are looking for so they can approach these accounts confidently. Popular intent data providers provide more than 95% accurate contact information, company structure, and buyer group details on accounts so your sales team can connect with decision-makers directly and close deals faster. Lead Prioritization is No Longer a Struggle Prioritized lead scoring effectively puts sales managers and salespeople in a position to see real opportunities. B2B buyer intent data allows them to see what other paths leads can take even if they do not visit your website. They can understand which leads are in the final stage of the sales cycle in real-time. Leveraging this information, sales managers can align sales representatives based on the comprehensive overview of accounts without worrying about the initial ranking of the account with the help of intent-based marketing. It helps the entire sales team take advantage of the foresight that intent data provides to create an agile method to capture demand accurately. Improved ABM Implementation Enriching the B2B buyer journey with hyper-personalized content to target ICP in marketing as a part of intent data marketing becomes easy for your marketing teams. They can prepare content for each stage of the buying funnel, which consists of awareness, consideration, and decision-making stages. In the awareness stage, you can help your prospects narrow down their search and lead them to your brand. In the consideration stage, your sales teams can get in touch with the decision-makers who respond the most to your marketing campaigns and are in the stage to purchase your product. In the final decision-making stage, your customer support and sales teams can provide the prospects the assistance they need through content on crucial pages via a product guidance tool or a chat service. This way, your B2B account-based marketing strategy can be implemented with added accuracy. Final Thought Saving costs, generating more leads, and boosting sales becomes easier with the help of buyer intent data. Rather than letting your sales team wait for prospects to stumble upon landing pages, your business can leverage B2B intent data to gain a competitive edge by finding them first and offering them solutions to their problems through your products using buyer intent data strategies.

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Account Based Data

5 Must-ask Questions about ABM Strategy Implementation

Article | August 19, 2022

ABM in Marketing Account-based marketing (ABM) is diametrically opposite of traditional marketing. Instead of targeting all kinds of customers with generic content, it targets only the most lucrative accounts using personalized content. This concentrated targeting results in more conversions, longer business associations, expansion, and account retention. In an interview with Media 7, Clive Armitage, CEO of Agent3, said, “If you are not utilizing the power of data, technology and content then you are failing to be a modern marketer.” ABM leverages firmographic data (basic info), technographic data (data about the kind of technology the lead uses), intent data (lead behavior), and engagement data (data gained through form filling, and event attendance) to target accounts and segment them based on priority. A 2020 benchmark study by the Information Technology Services Marketing Association (ITSMA) found that 76% of companies reported a higher ROI with ABM than other marketing types. How Does ABM Contribute to Revenue Growth? ABM drives higher ROI and measurable sales using marketing campaigns created by both sales and marketing teams. A successful ABM strategy has components like these: Targeting the right accounts and managing them Cross-channel engagement Measuring and dynamically optimizing the ABM programs using specialized dashboards to map targets, programs, and revenue metrics created by an account-based marketing software ABM helps scale business revenue in the following ways: Shows a Clear ROI Businesses prefer precise results from their marketing strategies. ABM prioritizes ROI. It gives the highest ROI compared to any other B2B marketing strategy because it targets the highest-value accounts that meet defined criteria through custom campaigns addressing their needs and pain points. Helps with Resource Allocation ABM focuses only on high-value accounts. Consequently, companies can allocate their resources better and save time and money. Engages the Audience Personalized content means targeted accounts see only the content they can relate to so there is increased engagement and interaction. Can Be Tracked Every Step of the Way ABM metrics can be tracked every step of the way, so there is a clear idea of what is working and what isn’t. Important metrics include ROI, engagement, awareness, target account reach, and influence. Aligns Sales and Marketing Teams ABM aligns sales and marketing teams by helping them find common ground for their goals and objectives. 5 Must-ask Questions about ABM Strategy Implementation Account-based marketing questions about ABM technology and strategy arise when businesses transition from traditional lead generation techniques to ABM. The following five must-ask questions about account-based marketing can be the keys to transitioning to ABM: How to Create an ABM Strategy That Works? To create an ABM strategy that works, follow these steps: Define your target accounts. Identify the key decision-makers of your target accounts. Personalize your content to cater to your target accounts. Choose appropriate channels to approach your target accounts. Formulate campaigns to engage the target accounts. Measure the success of your campaign using correct metrics. What Things Should You Consider Before Allocating a Budget for ABM? It is pretty challenging to find the correct answer to this question. The cost of tools, channels, and individual items keeps varying. Money spent on-field events, content creation to cater to target accounts, ads, trade shows, research, and intent data collection factors into budgeting. To make budgeting easier, consider bifurcating the expenses into categories like technology (CRM, marketing automation systems, and data management platforms), human resources (data analysts, social media associates, and content strategists), events (one-on-one meets, trade shows, and webinars), media campaigns and direct mail. How to Decide on the Size of the Target Accounts? The size of your target accounts depends on your business goals (acquisition, retention, expansion), team size, and initiatives on an organizational level. Tiering accounts into three categories using data, technology, and thorough research has worked out for several businesses. Tier 1: These are the accounts that fit your ideal customer profile (ICP) bill perfectly and have high strategic value. Tier 2: These accounts have an excellent ICP but lower lifetime value. Tier 3: These accounts meet only some criteria of ICP. Pursue these accounts but don’t go overboard to get their business. What Metrics Should Be Used to Map ABM Success? The biggest advantage of an ABM strategy is that its success can be measured. To measure this success, you need to focus on important KPIs like: Engagement: This includes email metrics, social metrics, consumption rates, and offline activity metrics. Awareness: This KPI measures how aware your target accounts are of your brand, how credible they think it is and how they respond to it. Influence: Measure how your ABM campaign contributes to the lead conversion rate, and increase the frequency and volume of your lead interactions. Target Account Reach: With the help of ABM tools, this KPI measures the percentage of the target account’s engaged decision-makers. ROI: Mapping ROI is essential for assessing the success of an ABM strategy. ABM gives better ROI as compared to other marketing strategies. Other metrics to consider are value, customer retention, and sales metrics. Who Should Be on the ABM Team? To begin with, your ABM team should have leadership that knows ABM and its implementation. Key decision-makers from the marketing, sales, and operations departments should be on this leadership team. It should work on setting goals, overseeing the implementation of the ABM strategy, and mapping its success. How DocuSign Used ABM to Increase Their Customer Engagement and Sales Pipeline by 22% “We have more awareness and educational content that’s reaching our non-engaged accounts. And we will dedicate a lower level of spend to that program so that we are prioritizing our spend on our more engaged accounts.” - Perri Gardner, Director of ABM, DocuSign. By using ABM to target high-value accounts and categorizing their spending based on the value of those accounts, DocuSign increased their customer engagement and sales pipeline by 22%. Conclusion Transitioning from a traditional marketing strategy to account-based marketing is vital to drive ROI, engagement, brand awareness, and influence. Correctly implementing an ABM strategy contributes to revenue growth through quicker lead conversions, proper allocation of resources, and a targeted approach. FAQ What is the first step in implementing an ABM strategy? The first step of implementing the ABM strategy is to define the accounts you want to target. Is ABM better than a traditional lead-based marketing strategy? Yes. As of 2021, 70% of marketers are using ABM and are seeing a remarkable increase in their ROI. What does an ABM strategy depend on? An ABM strategy depends on high-quality intent data. Content personalization, account segmentation, and lead nurturing cannot be achieved without it.

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Core ABM

Hard Truths and Helpful Tips About Account-Based Marketing (Part 1)

Article | June 20, 2023

Are you thinking about ditching your revenue team’s creaky, ineffective sales approach and embracing ABM … but aren’t sure of what you need to know? You’ve found the right blog post. Today, we’re providing some mind-blowing highlights from a recent webinar hosted by Kerry Cunningham, our Senior Principal of Product Marketing. The webinar unpacked what matters most for launching an effective ABM program and offers actionable tips for sales and marketing teams. It’s well worth a watch. But if you’re short on time, here are some insights. Kerry started the webinar by sharing some hard truths about the state of selling: Hard Truth #1: If They’re a Lead, You May Be Too Late B2B sales used to be all about leads. Even now, many revenue teams lean heavily into the lead-based mindset. But the emergence of Account-Based Marketing brought many revelations to revenue teams, including that account opportunities are far more important than individual leads. When you turn your (obsessive) attention from solo buyers and instead examine the full spectrum of interest or intent that an entire organization is expressing in your solution, you’re able to dramatically increase the quantity and quality of your sales intelligence. Without this analysis, your team won’t be aware that buyers are conducting so much research on their own that by the time your team determines that they’re an early-stage “lead,” they may in fact be much farther down the buyer’s journey than expected. Your team plays catchup after that, putting them at a competitive advantage. Hard Truth #2: B2B Buyers Aren’t Even ‘Buyers’ Anymore These days, buyers are no longer individuals, but rather teams of people. On average, buying teams often include 10 people, Kerry explained. “Not everybody involved in the buying process is going to be sitting at the table at the end of that last meeting when they sign the deal,” Kerry said, “but all of those folks are doing some research.” How big are these teams? From the webinar’s transcript: Kerry: “For bigger deals, there may be as many as 20 or more people involved. And again, all of those folks are having interactions. In fact, Forrester Research did a study recently that showed that on average, post-pandemic, buyers are having 27 interactions each. So when you have 10 people or 20 people, and they’re having 20-something interactions each, that adds up.” But there’s an upside to all this activity, Kerry said. As buyers conduct research, they leave behind digital “breadcrumb trails” or “footprints in the snow” across the internet. Sellers armed with leading account engagement technologies can track, aggregate and de-anonymize these intent signals. ABM tools help them better understand the buyers’ research and buying processes. Hard Truth #3: You Might Deal with Multiple Buying Teams Depending on the scope of your solution’s capabilities, your sellers may contend with more than one buying team. Here’s an example: Let’s say a company is looking for a solution to handle the needs of many departments or divisions. Each division may task its own buyer or buying team to conduct its own research to find solutions that effectively solves its own business problems. If your solution can serve the needs of multiple divisions, your revenue team is in a good position, especially if your team can proactively identify the divisions’ unique needs. (Account engagement platforms do a great job of this.) However, don’t assume that your solution can be everything to every division, Kerry warned. Kerry: “If you sell multiple solutions — say you’re a big tech company and you have three, four, five solutions — you may be selling to multiple buying centers. But those buying centers may not all be great prospects for your solution. So take into account the fact that some of the buying centers inside those specific accounts may or may not be good prospects for you.” Hard Truth #4: Buyers Think They Know Everything About Your Solution (But Actually Don’t) Many buyers believe they can get all the information they need about your solution (and your competitors) exclusively through online research, Kerry said. This is super-convenient for buyers, but sellers can’t fully control the narrative. That leads to big problems. Kerry: “Not all the information that they get is going to be accurate. It certainly may not be how you’d like to present yourself. So one of the things that’s really important is you have to understand how your buyers are finding out about you.” This requires identifying other likely sources of information — such as content from competitors or unreliable analysts — and proactively engaging buyers with data and talking points that counter this misinformation. Conclusion Pivoting to an account-based approach isn’t always easy, especially for revenue teams that are entrenched in a older sales approaches. But making the change to ABM can revolutionize your business, Kerry said. “Within the first year, 6sense clients who take all of these new techniques on board are able to produce substantially better results, bigger deal sizes, better win rates, and even shorter sales cycles,” Kerry said. “This is really the way B2B ought to be done.” We’ve covered a few hard truths in this post, but come back tomorrow for Part 2 of this series. We’ll provide some helpful and actionable ABM tips then.

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Core ABM

The Correct Ways to Implement Account-Based Marketing Plans

Article | November 25, 2021

We all know that account-based marketing means targeting the best customer accounts, creating personalized marketing campaigns, and getting to the conversion stage. Though these steps may sound easy, it takes a lot of brainstorming to implement them to convert the accounts that matter the most. To know more about these steps, you can read six hard-hitting lessons for the ABM strategy. This article will talk about the best and correct ways to implement ABM plans with examples. But first, let us briefly inform you about ABM and how it works. Brief Introduction to ABM Account-based marketing is a marketing strategy implemented by B2B marketers to concentrate on their exclusive clients. First, the sales and marketing team collaborates to collect the maximum data about specific clients. Then these clients are targeted with personalized marketing campaigns on various platforms. Thus, account-based marketing allows you to utilize your workforce and resources efficiently. It also helps to market your products to a handful of customers who have a 90% chance of conversion. Now, let us see the correct ways to implement ABM for various B2B industries. Ways to Implement ABM Plans with Examples We have specifically chosen the four best ways to implement ABM in B2B marketing strategy. These are the core strategies that have worked for B2B and are sure to work for you too. But first, look at these wise words from Maliha Aqeel, Director of Global Communications at Fix Network World. 'One of the most common mistakes companies make is implementing a brand strategy that isn’t aligned to the organization’s overall business goal.' So before implementing any marketing plan, ensure that your brand strategy, marketing campaigns, and everything else aligns with the overall business goals. Identify Exclusive Accounts It is the root of your ABM strategy. Your fruits of labor will be decided by the correct places you plant these roots. So basically, when you are filtering your clients/customers for ABM, here are the key factors to be kept in mind; Choose the correct industry. Know the size of the organization. Identify the needs, challenges, and pain points of the organization. Know the timelines and hierarchy of their decision-making process. The answers to these questions will help you to recognize the target accounts precisely. Example: Vidyard is a video platform that helps businesses transform communications and drive more revenue through the strategic use of online video. It collaborated with SmartBug Media to change the video experience for users worldwide. Thus, they can target the correct customers on Hubspot. In addition, they help customers to make videos an integrated part of their marketing campaigns and other processes. Craft Tailored Content Every filtered account for ABM will have unique needs, demands, challenges, and pain points. Thus, you have to craft content to address the customers directly. They should instantly recognize that you understand them and have built solutions exclusively for their challenges. You should also be ready with different content for different stages of the buying journey. And remember to design content for customers even after they convert. It helps you to be ready for the retention stage. Like Mark Emond, Founder and President at Demand Spring quotes; “Content is at the heart of great marketing today. It needs to educate, inspire, and convert. It must be tied to the unique rational and emotional needs of each target persona.” Example: Intridea executed an excellent content strategy to target the advertising giant Ogilvy. First, they rented a billboard right across Ogilvy’s Manhattan office. The billboard said, “Ogle this, Ogilvy.” Intridea also placed its logo and company URL at the bottom of the quirky line. This exclusive content got them an appointment with Ogilvy’s CEO! Use Marketing Automation Tools There are various personalization tools available to assist you in ABM. These tools provide centralized data collection and data analysis. They also coordinate your marketing campaigns across all platforms. Example: Growsteak is a Vietnamese company that provides advertising and digital marketing solutions. However, it faced several challenges like lead generation and competitor analysis. Thus, they incorporated Hubspot’s Partner Program. It not only helped them overcome their challenges but also generated 5,166% more leads overall. Measure the KPIs You need to measure the metrics once you implement ABM. It is one of the essential factors of a successful ABM strategy. However, these metrics are different from traditional marketing. Thus, you need to keep a hawk’s eye on them. Some of the KPIs to consider are; Is the current coverage of key clients sufficient and, is it growing? Are there known or anonymous visits to your site? Have they increased? Is the incoming traffic getting converted? How much is the depth of engagement? Has the strategy made it easy to get appointments of the target accounts? Wrapping Up The success of account-based marketing depends on research and personalization. The more effort you put in to know your clients, the closer you get to convert them. Thus, make use of the abundant data and accurately target your potential customers! Frequently Asked Questions Is ABM more successful than traditional marketing? Yes. Compared to traditional marketing methods, ABM has proved to create wonders and save a lot on time, resources and workforce. It has also guaranteed a better success and conversion rate for the sales and marketing teams. How important is personalization in marketing? Personalization plays a prominent role in ABM. A trust factor builts if you can address the challenges and pain points of the client with personalized solutions. Also, personalization ensures a higher rate of getting appointments and conversions of the targeted accounts. Can SMBs also implement ABM? Of course. SMBs have a higher chance of growing if they plan their marketing strategy along with ABM. It will allow them to understand the market and their customers from the very beginning. And once they have converted the customers, retention will be an easy task. { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How do small business owners use technology to improve their business?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Small businesses can use technology in multiple different ways. For instance, they can use technology to connect with their customers, communicate with their employees, sell their products or services, better coordinate between the employees, simplify manual work, and many more." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How much do small businesses spend on technology?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Small businesses should acknowledge a few technologies in their business operations. Below are the mentioned requisites: Cloud computing Mobile applications HR software Drones Emails Data Security" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the latest business technologies?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The latest and trendy technologies that are in widespread use in the business world are mentioned below: Internet of things (IoT) Virtual & augmented reality Artificial intelligence Mobile technology Blockchain 3d printing Robotics & automation Drones" } }] }

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With over 80 years of experience easy2C provides businesses with solutions on market presence and market share through the use of grass roots targeted advertising techniques. Our aim is simply to help local businesses expose themselves to potential clients whilst achieving two vital things; protecting their existing client base and generating new clients.

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Account Based Analytics

AI-Driven Intelligent Engagement Cloud Platform Predicts Sales with 90% Accuracy

EIN News | April 27, 2023

Intelligage, a fast-growth software company that turns every video call into invaluable data-driven sales playbooks, today released its Intelligent Engagement Cloud to help Sales and Customer Success teams onboard faster, qualify more confidently and forecast more accurately. Founded in 2020, Intelligage quickly gained traction among Customer Success teams by combining conversational AI with intent analytics to help leading businesses turn customer insights into positive outcomes. “Intelligage was born when the pandemic created a tectonic shift in the way the world works together, and we knew it would never go back. Sales at every scale are - and will continue - being conducted via video in our hybrid workforce. Now, the scale and recent acceptance of AI has unleashed the power hidden in the massive data from recorded calls. This offers an unequaled advantage to our customers.” says Bryan Plaster, CEO and Co-founder of Intelligage. “Using dynamic emotional states and body language, we can couple Machine Learning with this biometric data to predict with confidence a person’s intent. We see limitless possibilities in economic disruption.” With software sales increasingly relying on video technologies, call recordings have become standard practice for training purposes. It’s a treasure trove of data, but these calls are rarely being analyzed to determine real customer and prospect intent. Intelligage quickly and accurately conducts that analysis to help go-to-market teams learn more from every interaction, from qualification through renewal. Optimizing video is essential after the SaaS industry’s dramatic correction. As 2022 came to a close, the growth-at-all-costs focus shifted quickly and dramatically towards Rule of 40, where if a company's revenue growth rate were to be added to its profit margin, the total should exceed 40%. With shrinking software budgets and downsized teams, “do more with less,” has become a common strategy. Leaders who couldn’t afford to forecast inaccurately or experience unexpected churn quickly realized that coaching after a call was too late. Intelligage generates personalized coaching plans, based on both sales methodology and a rep’s emotional intelligence (EQ) to hone in on exactly which skills a rep needs to improve. “This application is a game changer! After each call, I see what resonated with each buyer and how best to follow-up. It lets me know which deals will close or renew while also highlighting where buyer intent is slipping and how to intervene.” Ira Shaughnessy, CRO at Intelligage. Qualify, win and retain customers with confidence and accuracy What customers and prospects say is only 7% of the conversation; Intelligage will add the missing 93% with the power of EQ, AI and Machine Learning. Bain & Company highlight how a 5% increase in client retention can boost profits by as much as 95%. Learn how Intelligage customers are onboarding new reps 60% faster, predicting churn with 90% accuracy and much more on April 25th at 11am CT. Attend the Intelligage Launch Party, April 25th (Register Here) From discovery through renewal, Intelligage offers insights that allow GTM teams to build dynamic, data-driven playbooks while capturing non-verbal sentiment and buyer intent on every video call. Sales and CS leaders know which calls to review and when buyers are most engaged. Join Intelligage leadership, customers and advisors on April 25th to learn how to coach with more personalization, qualify opportunities with more accuracy, forecast with more confidence and prevent churn more predictably. Dallas-based Intelligage (previously CompleteCSM) allows customers to gain more from video interaction. Intelligage helps customers optimize playbooks in real-time by leveraging the true sentiment of buyers and customers while helping to prevent churn when overlaid with CRM opportunity data. Learn more at

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ABM Accounts Redefines the Future of Digital Marketing | August 24, 2021

The next generation of AI- and ML-powered marketing is coming soon. is the first-of-its-kind end-to-end platform for personalized lead insights, creative content, account intelligence, intent-based data, account-based marketing, and marketing automation. It allows data-driven teams to align their marketing, product, and customer success goals with revenue growth and sales. uses an extensive database that identifies the purchasing intent and habits of in-market prospects at various points in the sales and marketing cycles. AI capabilities target the right people at the right time, providing users with unparalleled real-time engagement opportunities that help turn prospects into well-qualified customers. The platform uses predictive and actionable insights to discover the highest-quality leads for more successful marketing and sales outcomes. Users can measure campaign success with extensive reports and analysis. The end-to-end repeatable process embedded within allows users to: discover, build, target, deliver, analyze, engage, and convert. Account intelligence finally meets artificial intelligence. How Works will revolutionize digital marketing for: Marketers MarTech/Operations specialists Demand gen professionals Sales professionals Agency/media partners Client success professionals B2B marketing and sales professionals can use the platform in several ways: To discover which marketing strategies resonate best with audiences To use first-party intent signals to unlock insights from prospective buyers To learn what campaigns are the most effective and generate the greatest ROI To use AI to predict your marketing funnel and the highest quality lead potential To segment data based on budget, interest, time, and authority "Most platforms weren’t built as a one-stop-shop for all your marketing campaign needs," says Snehhil Gupta, Chief Technology Officer, at Bython Media, creators of "Now, you get a full suite of end-to-end capabilities that include account intelligence, lead insights, marketing automation, and creative content, powered by AI/ML and wrapped in one simple and intuitive platform to run smarter campaigns." Byonic.AI will launch in Fall 2021. Marketing and demand generation professionals can sign up for an early demo on the company's website, http://www.Byonic.AI.

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Account Based Analytics

AI-Driven Intelligent Engagement Cloud Platform Predicts Sales with 90% Accuracy

EIN News | April 27, 2023

Intelligage, a fast-growth software company that turns every video call into invaluable data-driven sales playbooks, today released its Intelligent Engagement Cloud to help Sales and Customer Success teams onboard faster, qualify more confidently and forecast more accurately. Founded in 2020, Intelligage quickly gained traction among Customer Success teams by combining conversational AI with intent analytics to help leading businesses turn customer insights into positive outcomes. “Intelligage was born when the pandemic created a tectonic shift in the way the world works together, and we knew it would never go back. Sales at every scale are - and will continue - being conducted via video in our hybrid workforce. Now, the scale and recent acceptance of AI has unleashed the power hidden in the massive data from recorded calls. This offers an unequaled advantage to our customers.” says Bryan Plaster, CEO and Co-founder of Intelligage. “Using dynamic emotional states and body language, we can couple Machine Learning with this biometric data to predict with confidence a person’s intent. We see limitless possibilities in economic disruption.” With software sales increasingly relying on video technologies, call recordings have become standard practice for training purposes. It’s a treasure trove of data, but these calls are rarely being analyzed to determine real customer and prospect intent. Intelligage quickly and accurately conducts that analysis to help go-to-market teams learn more from every interaction, from qualification through renewal. Optimizing video is essential after the SaaS industry’s dramatic correction. As 2022 came to a close, the growth-at-all-costs focus shifted quickly and dramatically towards Rule of 40, where if a company's revenue growth rate were to be added to its profit margin, the total should exceed 40%. With shrinking software budgets and downsized teams, “do more with less,” has become a common strategy. Leaders who couldn’t afford to forecast inaccurately or experience unexpected churn quickly realized that coaching after a call was too late. Intelligage generates personalized coaching plans, based on both sales methodology and a rep’s emotional intelligence (EQ) to hone in on exactly which skills a rep needs to improve. “This application is a game changer! After each call, I see what resonated with each buyer and how best to follow-up. It lets me know which deals will close or renew while also highlighting where buyer intent is slipping and how to intervene.” Ira Shaughnessy, CRO at Intelligage. Qualify, win and retain customers with confidence and accuracy What customers and prospects say is only 7% of the conversation; Intelligage will add the missing 93% with the power of EQ, AI and Machine Learning. Bain & Company highlight how a 5% increase in client retention can boost profits by as much as 95%. Learn how Intelligage customers are onboarding new reps 60% faster, predicting churn with 90% accuracy and much more on April 25th at 11am CT. Attend the Intelligage Launch Party, April 25th (Register Here) From discovery through renewal, Intelligage offers insights that allow GTM teams to build dynamic, data-driven playbooks while capturing non-verbal sentiment and buyer intent on every video call. Sales and CS leaders know which calls to review and when buyers are most engaged. Join Intelligage leadership, customers and advisors on April 25th to learn how to coach with more personalization, qualify opportunities with more accuracy, forecast with more confidence and prevent churn more predictably. Dallas-based Intelligage (previously CompleteCSM) allows customers to gain more from video interaction. Intelligage helps customers optimize playbooks in real-time by leveraging the true sentiment of buyers and customers while helping to prevent churn when overlaid with CRM opportunity data. Learn more at

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ABM Accounts Redefines the Future of Digital Marketing | August 24, 2021

The next generation of AI- and ML-powered marketing is coming soon. is the first-of-its-kind end-to-end platform for personalized lead insights, creative content, account intelligence, intent-based data, account-based marketing, and marketing automation. It allows data-driven teams to align their marketing, product, and customer success goals with revenue growth and sales. uses an extensive database that identifies the purchasing intent and habits of in-market prospects at various points in the sales and marketing cycles. AI capabilities target the right people at the right time, providing users with unparalleled real-time engagement opportunities that help turn prospects into well-qualified customers. The platform uses predictive and actionable insights to discover the highest-quality leads for more successful marketing and sales outcomes. Users can measure campaign success with extensive reports and analysis. The end-to-end repeatable process embedded within allows users to: discover, build, target, deliver, analyze, engage, and convert. Account intelligence finally meets artificial intelligence. How Works will revolutionize digital marketing for: Marketers MarTech/Operations specialists Demand gen professionals Sales professionals Agency/media partners Client success professionals B2B marketing and sales professionals can use the platform in several ways: To discover which marketing strategies resonate best with audiences To use first-party intent signals to unlock insights from prospective buyers To learn what campaigns are the most effective and generate the greatest ROI To use AI to predict your marketing funnel and the highest quality lead potential To segment data based on budget, interest, time, and authority "Most platforms weren’t built as a one-stop-shop for all your marketing campaign needs," says Snehhil Gupta, Chief Technology Officer, at Bython Media, creators of "Now, you get a full suite of end-to-end capabilities that include account intelligence, lead insights, marketing automation, and creative content, powered by AI/ML and wrapped in one simple and intuitive platform to run smarter campaigns." Byonic.AI will launch in Fall 2021. Marketing and demand generation professionals can sign up for an early demo on the company's website, http://www.Byonic.AI.

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