Account Based Data

As ABM adoption spreads, marketers find new value in data-driven insights

October 31, 2022

ABM adoption spreads
Conceived in the early 2000s as a way to bring marketing and sales organizations together around a teambased approach to nurturing their most important accounts, ABM is now used by 70% of marketers, up from just 15% a year ago, according to HubSpot.

Technology marketers have taken a particular interest in ABM, given the complex factors that influence IT purchases. Foundry’s second global survey of 500 B2B technology marketers found that satisfaction with ABM continues to be high, particularly at the largest companies. While most organizations are still early in their adoption journey, the results to date indicate that ABM is on track to not only become a mainstream marketing discipline but even displace more traditional methods.


Prophyts - A Predictive Account Based Marketing and Monitoring Platform

Prophyts, a portfolio company of 1105 Media, Inc., is a Predictive Account Based Marketing (ABM) and Monitoring platform that identifies potential B2B buyers early in their purchasing journey who are likely to be involved in the purchasing decision. Prophyts provides Sales and Marketing actional intelligence that helps align efforts and increase ROI. In addition to ABM and monitoring solutions, Prophyts offers industry-leading marketing engagement services and advertising targeting programs.

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Overcome Bad Data Using Intent Data as Part of Content Marketing Efforts

whitePaper | September 1, 2022

This paper focuses on the value of clean data and what it means for business development and the potential for increased profits when clean data is enhanced with intent data and fit. A report from the Royal Mail found that 34% of marketers don’t recognize the impact of poor data on their bottom line. It also estimates that approximately 6% of a company’s annual revenue is lost through the use of poor data.

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4 Common Intent Data Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

whitePaper | June 27, 2022

Everywhere marketers turn, people are talking about Intent data. After all, 94% of marketers believe that using data to track buyer Intent gives them a competitive advantage. But Intent data is now a term whose meaning, like most buzzwords, has gotten diluted. There’s a false belief that Intent data is a silver bullet, alleged to solve any and all marketing woes. But in reality, many organizations are barely scraping the surface of how Intent data can benefit them and, more importantly, their bottom line.

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CX Trends, Challenges, & Opportunities

whitePaper | June 30, 2022

Brands can continue talking about customer centricity. They can continue exploring new digital options and workflow models. As far as today’s consumers are concerned, brands still have considerable work to do. What ultimately matters, however, is whether these mindsets and strategies are leading to better, more frictionless, more personalized experiences across all channels. In this report you will learn where are brands going wrong and what opportunities do they have to turn customer centricity into a reality.

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Quick Start Guide to Intent-Based Marketing

whitePaper | January 6, 2023

Since the beginning of B2B marketing as we know it, marketers have struggled with the question of how to get in front of the right prospects at the precise moment they’re ready to buy. For decades, the only solution was to use firmographic data (company size, industry, geographic footprint, etc.) which unfortunately offered no insights into whether the target would be ready to buy today, next quarter, next year, or ever. Things improved somewhat when technographic data came on the scene. By finding out which tools, technologies, and applications a company used, marketers could gain deeper insights into what they buy, how they operate, and what they might be looking to do next.

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State of the Buyer Report: Future of Work Edition

whitePaper | August 16, 2022

Our “State of the Buyer Report: Future of Work Edition” illustrates how marketers can leverage data to develop a better ABM strategy that prioritizes the right accounts and engages them with personalized messaging and content. It examines five topic areas impacting purchase decisions surrounding today’s hybrid workforce—cloud infrastructure, hybrid work, enterprise networking, artificial intelligence (AI), and cybersecurity—, and provides actionable takeaways for marketers to reach the buying centers that are researching and actively engaging with relevant content and advertising.

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10 Ways to Put Intent Data to Work

whitePaper | February 22, 2023

Here are the 10 ways B2B marketing teams are leveraging the power of intent to fill their pipelines, engage targets, and guide prospects all the way to a sale. Maybe your organization wants to leverage intent data but is not able to allocate the necessary budget or the manpower to build an in-house solution. A more workable alternative might be to import ready-to-work leads generated by an intent monitoring platform. When reviewing possible lead generation partners — like content syndicators and tele-prospecting sources — be sure to ask vendors whether they use intent data in generating the leads they send you, and listen carefully to their responses. The growing popularity of intent data is no secret, and many marketers have begun working the word “intent” into their marketing — including those who incorporate intent data only in the very loosest sense.

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Prophyts - A Predictive Account Based Marketing and Monitoring Platform

Prophyts, a portfolio company of 1105 Media, Inc., is a Predictive Account Based Marketing (ABM) and Monitoring platform that identifies potential B2B buyers early in their purchasing journey who are likely to be involved in the purchasing decision. Prophyts provides Sales and Marketing actional intelligence that helps align efforts and increase ROI. In addition to ABM and monitoring solutions, Prophyts offers industry-leading marketing engagement services and advertising targeting programs.
