Now that you understand how fit and intent data work together to fuel a strategic marketing campaign, you’re almost ready for launch. Keep this list handy as a reminder of how to put these principles to work for your team. Fit and intent go together like stars and the universe. One just simply doesn’t work without the other. Use a modern data platform powered by machine learning to define your ideal customer based on your own past successes. For more on why Fit + Intent go together like astronaut peas and carrots, take a glimpse at our blog article on: Flexing your Account Fit in the Intent Data Universe.



VMLY&R is a global marketing agency with more than 7,000 employees worldwide with principal offices in Kansas City, London, New York, São Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore and Sydney. VMLY&R works with client partners including Colgate-Palmolive, Danone, Dell, Ford, Office Depot, PepsiCo, Pfizer and Wendy’s.

Buyer Intent Data

Intent Marketing: Removing Guesswork Out of Marketing

Article | October 7, 2022

In 2018, Demand Gen Report’s ABM Benchmark Survey found that 25% of participating B2B companies used buyer intent data and monitoring tools. 35% of them planned on using intent data within a year. Cut to 2022, and about 99% of B2B marketers are using some form of B2B intent data in their marketing campaigns to target accounts (Source: InboxInsight). In his exclusive interview with Media 7, Gil Allouche, CEO of, talked about how data helps convert leads. “With access to valuable data, marketers are focused on leads that are more likely to become buyers. They can also work on targeting their messaging towards these potential buyers.” Buyer intent data helps in creating a robust foundation for your marketing efforts. Let us look at how intent marketing can help you get the sales and ROI you desire. Intent Marketing: The New Normal in B2B Intent-based marketing uses consumer data that signals purchasing intent through consumption of relevant content like blogs and infographics; product comparisons; product reviews; message boards; case studies; and news. Through this data, you can find out what your prospects are looking for, which stage of the customer journey they are in, if they are researching solutions or ready to make a purchase, and what kind of steps you can take to get in front of them. One of the most important benefits of intent marketing is that it removes the guesswork out of your marketing campaigns and ensures that you are targeting the correct prospects. This targeting can be done through either intent-based branding or intent-based marketing. Intent-based branding decodes the behavior of your target audience online while intent-based marketing harnesses data on the prospect’s buying behavior so you can tailor your marketing offerings accordingly. Consequently, your sales cycle is shortened. Power-up Your Content Strategy The biggest challenge B2B marketers like you face today is to cut through all the noise and create an impact on their prospects. Consumers have a host of content options. However, they do not want to consume unnecessary information. When the content is personalized to match their needs and goals, they are more likely to engage with it. Intent data helps you plan your content as it provides you with information on the theme, buyer personas and their behavior, buyer journey maps, content formats, copy, call to action (CTA), and keyword strategy that will best suit your prospect targeting efforts. An intent-based content strategy can deliver leads while increasing conversion rates and sales. It can give you the competitive edge you need to influence your prospects at the right time. Drive Sales and ROI Intent marketing brings in more conversions on landing pages and overall higher traffic and qualified leads to your website. It uses intent information to recruit engaged prospects for sales demos and events. It helps sales teams to effectively rank their leads and accounts so that they can focus on the right leads at the right time and not miss out on any sales opportunities. Your sales teams can execute effective nurture campaigns and create sales pitches with messaging that appeals to a target account’s buying committee. This messaging addresses the account’s pain points and requirements and accelerates the buying decision. Additionally, intent marketing helps improve customer retention rates and makes it easy for teams to identify cross-sell and upsell opportunities. It takes into consideration the existing customers’ signals to find any at-risk accounts to prevent churn and increase renewal. Data-driven Marketing Personalization Intent data makes it easy to personalize your marketing efforts and provides an accurate report of prospective signals, their needs, and interests so that you can segment and categorize them. Once this segmentation is done, you can determine what kind of content needs to be created and displayed for these accounts depending on their position in the buying cycle. With this kind of personalization, your target audience gets to know that you care about them and you can connect with them on a deeper level. Increase ABM Efficiency B2B buyer intent data helps your marketing, sales, and customer success teams align their goals so that they can agree on target accounts, establish lead hand-off processes, and diversify investments to target newer, relevant accounts while maintaining the current customer list. Intent data provides marketing intelligence for creating ICP in marketing, messaging, and brand positions for B2B account-based marketing. Additionally, it provides account intelligence for target account list creation, ways to increase engagement, improve lead scoring in ABM and lead nurturing tracks, thus increasing the efficiency of your account-based marketing. Summing It Up Intent-based marketing helps B2B marketers like you to understand potential customers so you can find high-value accounts and nurture them through customized content and targeted campaigns.

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Account Based Analytics

Using Intent Data Throughout the Customer Journey

Article | August 3, 2022

Intent is an indicator that an account is interested in a certain topic, based on the content consumption of people within an organization. I know that sounds a bit abstract, so let’s look at how it actually works. Let’s say that Gio is looking at some content on marketing attribution. Gio is a Marketing Operations Specialist at Whale Enterprises, and he’s considering buying some new software. Gio’s research is creating intent data that can be tracked by intent providers, who can then let marketing attribution providers know that Whale Enterprises is showing intent to buy a marketing attribution solution.

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Buyer Intent Data

3 Effective ABM Tactics for B2B Marketers

Article | March 6, 2023

In 2021, 70% of marketers reported using an account-based marketing campaign. Since 2020, their numbers have gone up by 15%. One of the reasons ABM has become so popular is that it can greatly enhance customer loyalty and revenue by tailoring the buyer's journey for unique clients. ABM tactics can further enrich an ABM strategy. In an interview with Media 7, Tim Kopp, CEO of Terminus, talked about the account-based marketing process. “ABM flips the traditional approach of generating leads on its head. It doesn’t adhere to the idea that a full sales funnel will create a trickle-down effect leading to high conversion rates. Instead, ABM enables marketers to refine the criteria by which they identify buyers. While marketers might not have the same amount of leads, each lead is targeted and relevant — and thus more likely to convert.” Account-based marketing is being implemented confidently by more and more B2B marketers. It is important to find ways to amplify its impact on your revenue through accurate targeting and conversions. Let us take a look at three effective ABM tactics that can help you enhance your account-based marketing strategy. 3 Effective ABM Tactics for B2B Marketers Improve Your ABM Funnel's Performance Account-based marketing funnel optimization may be one of the most effective ABM tactics to grow your business. The following techniques can help you improve your funnel’s overall performance: Audit Your Content Smartly Check if your content is personalized according to your target accounts' personas and industry. Does it address the specific needs and pain points of your target accounts? Your content can help you narrow down your list of ideal customers. Make Good Use of Intent Data Dynamic ABM targeting is essential. Based on data from your CRM and other platforms, update your list of target accounts. Make sure you have a good idea of what your target audience is looking for. Are there issues with your company, products, or services that you provide? Always use this information to improve your list. Approach Different Markets Confidently Run multiple account-based marketing campaigns with varying degrees of customization and investment parallelly. Choose between ABM Lite (targeting a small number of accounts), Programmatic ABM (targeting many accounts), or Strategic ABM (targeting a single account) according to your business goals. Optimize Engaged Accounts No two engaged accounts can be in the same sales funnel stage. So, optimizing engaged accounts can be difficult. Start by tracking click-through rates, organic website traffic, email open rates, and any other digital interactions with your brand to see how effective your ads are. Your ads must be both informative and visually appealing. Reach engaged accounts through social media, email, and other suitable channels. Unlock Opportunities Lead generation strategies based on advertising retargeting allow your sales team to tap into accounts that have previously interacted with your ads with renewed vigour. By working with your sales team to develop an account engagement model that defines an "engaged account," you can streamline the lead generation strategies by limiting the number of accounts that your team is required to manage. Increase Outreach Your target account stakeholders' employees should be the focus of your outreach efforts. Target accounts can be contacted via direct mail or in-person meetings. As a result, new pipeline opportunities are now available. You can reach a larger audience by using one-on-one C-level campaigns like phone calls and demos. Implement Marketing Automation Artificial intelligence (AI) marketing can help you improve your B2B account-based marketing strategy. It gives you predictive insights and makes your communication more effective. In your account-based marketing process, marketing automation can run email campaigns that can show you how people interact with your account. CRM data is used by AI and big data to get information about people from different platforms. This information can help you make your content unique for more ABM targeting. Account-based marketing services give you the ability to run targeted marketing campaigns at scale. As an account-based marketing service, ABM automation aims to target firms with multi-person purchasing committees extensively by utilizing individualized content and engagement to influence their purchase decisions. The immediate impact of using marketing automation in your B2B marketing strategy is a shorter sales cycle, a free marketing team, better sales and marketing team alignment, and stronger customer retention. You can start off by creating your ICP. After that, you can set up your target account, integrate your account-based marketing strategy with marketing automation software and your CRM. Then you can create impressive campaigns, personalize content, and offer tailored engagement to your target accounts. You can access the performance of your ABM marketing strategy using marketing automation software’s dashboard and tweak your strategy to make the most of it. Analyze and Improve Your Strategy B2B account-based marketing requires regular testing of your ad wording, content, design, and channel aspects to see what works and what doesn't. You can improve the efficiency of your approach by keeping tabs on key performance indicators (KPIs). Instead of abandoning a tactic because it isn't working, improve it by tweaking it. Account-based marketing approaches can succeed only if you assess how they affect your strategy and continually improve its execution. In an interview with Media 7, Abhi Yadav, Founder & CTO of Zylotech, talked about the importance of customer intelligence in marketing. “Tracking every point of engagement is critical in delivering a holistic view of where buyers are actively engaged and what’s working.” Developing an efficient B2B marketing strategy using the ABM approach requires a great deal of trial and error. Optimize your ABM approach by defining and measuring your KPIs. This B2B ABM marketing tactic is crucial to understanding how effectively you are engaging key accounts and moving them forward in the sales funnel. Couchbase Generated $1.5 Million in Pipeline Opportunities Using ABM Couchbase, a NoSQL database provider for enterprises, used a data-based ABM strategy to determine the interests of their target customers. They then combined real-world behavior with system-generated social personas of their customers, which helped them generate $1.5 million in pipeline opportunities. Conclusion These account-based marketing tactics can help you optimize your ABM marketing strategy. Concentrating on your funnel metrics and KPI and constantly improving your strategy can help you get the best results. FAQ What are funnel metrics? Velocity (time spent in days by a prospect in each stage of the funnel), conversion rates (percentage of leads that move from stage to stage in the funnel), and volume (number of leads passing through any stage of the funnel) are funnel metrics. Improving them is a great B2B ABM marketing tactic. What are the benefits of account-based marketing automation? ABM automation is a great account-based marketing tactic. It allows you to set up a marketing process at once and then scale it across different campaigns. With the help of automation, tasks like media buying, modeling, upselling, and ad targeting are carried out efficiently. How can you develop an effective ABM strategy? Start by identifying key accounts. You can then map their decision-makers, create targeted campaigns to get their engagement, decide on the best channels to approach them, execute your marketing campaigns, and finally measure the results of your ABM strategy.

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Buyer Intent Data

Transform Your Business into a Sales Machine with Buyer Intent Data

Article | August 23, 2022

B2B buyer intent data provides insight into a user’s purchase intent. With this information, you can identify when a prospect matching your ICP is actively considering buying your product, or similar products or solutions. This intent data is collated from different digital sources that use cookies to analyze key intent search terms to zero in on when a prospect is in an active buying journey. With this information, B2B companies like yours can make campaigns that are very specific to these prospects and are more likely to convert them. Let us take a look at how B2B buyer intent data can assist sales teams to achieve their revenue goals. Identify High-Intent Target Accounts In account-based marketing, a target account list has companies and accounts that are most likely to buy your product. This target account list helps your sales and marketing teams concentrate their efforts to push high-quality leads through the sales funnel. Using B2B buyer intent data, the sales team can know which prospect is showing key signals of purchase intent. These B2B intent data key signals include downloading resources, reading blog posts, signing up for a free trial, booking a demo, viewing the pricing page, and revisiting your website after the first interaction. Your sales team can segment the target list based on this information. Every lead can be broken down into three segments: high intent, medium intent, and low intent. Now that your sales team has the high intent leads, they can target these leads and convert them without wasting time on low intent leads that may not be ready to buy. Your Sales Cycles Are Shorter than Ever Salespeople often struggle with closing deals faster. The reasons behind this could be anything from wrong contact details to chasing imprecise, low-qualified leads and cold prospecting. Reaching out to accounts that do not show any intent to buy is a waste of time your sales team cannot afford if it wants to meet the revenue targets. With the help of B2B buyer intent data, your sales team gets actionable data insights on the accounts that are in the market and what they are looking for so they can approach these accounts confidently. Popular intent data providers provide more than 95% accurate contact information, company structure, and buyer group details on accounts so your sales team can connect with decision-makers directly and close deals faster. Lead Prioritization is No Longer a Struggle Prioritized lead scoring effectively puts sales managers and salespeople in a position to see real opportunities. B2B buyer intent data allows them to see what other paths leads can take even if they do not visit your website. They can understand which leads are in the final stage of the sales cycle in real-time. Leveraging this information, sales managers can align sales representatives based on the comprehensive overview of accounts without worrying about the initial ranking of the account with the help of intent-based marketing. It helps the entire sales team take advantage of the foresight that intent data provides to create an agile method to capture demand accurately. Improved ABM Implementation Enriching the B2B buyer journey with hyper-personalized content to target ICP in marketing as a part of intent data marketing becomes easy for your marketing teams. They can prepare content for each stage of the buying funnel, which consists of awareness, consideration, and decision-making stages. In the awareness stage, you can help your prospects narrow down their search and lead them to your brand. In the consideration stage, your sales teams can get in touch with the decision-makers who respond the most to your marketing campaigns and are in the stage to purchase your product. In the final decision-making stage, your customer support and sales teams can provide the prospects the assistance they need through content on crucial pages via a product guidance tool or a chat service. This way, your B2B account-based marketing strategy can be implemented with added accuracy. Final Thought Saving costs, generating more leads, and boosting sales becomes easier with the help of buyer intent data. Rather than letting your sales team wait for prospects to stumble upon landing pages, your business can leverage B2B intent data to gain a competitive edge by finding them first and offering them solutions to their problems through your products using buyer intent data strategies.

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VMLY&R is a global marketing agency with more than 7,000 employees worldwide with principal offices in Kansas City, London, New York, São Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore and Sydney. VMLY&R works with client partners including Colgate-Palmolive, Danone, Dell, Ford, Office Depot, PepsiCo, Pfizer and Wendy’s.

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EverString, the leading marketing and sales intelligence software company, today announced a record-breaking first quarter with top-line sales that were 70% greater than the same period in 2017. In January, the company launched the EverString Data Platform, setting a new standard for clean, reliable data that is constantly refreshed, improving, and expanding in real time. Everstring gained several large accounts in the financial services, retail, insurance and business services. The company has hundreds of customers around the globe spanning the Fortune 50 to small to mid-sized businesses. The Everstring Data Platform is designed to give B2B sales, marketing, operations, and advanced analytics teams detailed company intelligence, the ability to move with greater speed, and the confidence to land more and more valuable deals. EverString Data Platform covers the largest number of companies, delivers the highest accuracy, and uncovers the greatest depth of signals per company by using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and a proprietary Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) system. The result is data that is living, up to date and actionable.

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EverString Adds 70 Million Verified Contacts To B2B Database & Delivers Record-Breaking Quarter

EverString | November 13, 2019

EverString, a leading B2B data provider has introduced 70 million verified contacts to the company's master B2B database, representing momentous growth for the organization. The new product release significantly strengthens EverString's position as a primary source of B2B data and contributed to the strongest quarter in company history. EverString's growth in B2B data comes thanks to AI-enhanced crawling and verification systems, human-in-the-loop quality controls, and a business-oriented machine learning system. Initially, EverString introduced over 35 million contacts to its platform in early 2019. After scaling the technology EverString rapidly doubled its coverage, bringing the company's master database to 70 million verified contacts and removing the need for all third-party contact partnerships.

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Everstring | January 30, 2018

EverString, the leading marketing and sales intelligence software company, today launched EverString Data Platform, setting a new standard for clean, reliable data that is constantly refreshed, improving, and expanding in real time. The platform is designed to give B2B sales, marketing, operations, and advanced analytics teams detailed company intelligence, the ability to move with greater speed, and the confidence to land more and more valuable deals. EverString Data Platform covers the largest number of companies, delivers the highest accuracy, and uncovers the greatest depth of signals per company by using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and a proprietary Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) system. The result is data that is living, up to date and actionable.With the new platform, users no longer have to choose between data coverage and accuracy. Legacy solutions are hamstrung because they rely solely on humans to clean their data, creating databases that offer either broad coverage with low accuracy, or high accuracy for only a small set of companies.

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Everstring | June 11, 2019

EverString, the leading marketing and sales intelligence software company, today announced a record-breaking first quarter with top-line sales that were 70% greater than the same period in 2017. In January, the company launched the EverString Data Platform, setting a new standard for clean, reliable data that is constantly refreshed, improving, and expanding in real time. Everstring gained several large accounts in the financial services, retail, insurance and business services. The company has hundreds of customers around the globe spanning the Fortune 50 to small to mid-sized businesses. The Everstring Data Platform is designed to give B2B sales, marketing, operations, and advanced analytics teams detailed company intelligence, the ability to move with greater speed, and the confidence to land more and more valuable deals. EverString Data Platform covers the largest number of companies, delivers the highest accuracy, and uncovers the greatest depth of signals per company by using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and a proprietary Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) system. The result is data that is living, up to date and actionable.

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