5 Tips for Better Outbound Lead Generation Results

As we’ve said here before, outbound lead generation and inbound lead generation are very different beasts. Though both have their place in a successful lead generation strategy, failing to recognize and accommodate the differences between inbound and outbound will lead to diminished returns and disparagement.Outbound lead generation in particular provides some unique opportunities and challenges for companies. For instance, the campaign-based nature of outbound lead generation allows it to be more tactically employed around business needs (in a way that inbound cannot). At the same time, costs associated with outbound lead generation create increased pressure to monetize leads delivered.The bottom line is that outbound lead generation is a highly effective channel when it is well-understood and employed as part of a solid marketing strategy. With that said, here are five tips to achieve better outbound lead generation outcomes.Targeting is one of the major advantages outbound lead generation has over inbound. Where an inbound lead could be nearly anyone, an outbound lead matches carefully-selected target criteria. If you aren’t fully utilizing the targeting options of your outbound lead vendor, you’re wasting your money.Outbound lead generation offers the opportunity to find customers who are demographically similar to your best existing customers. Setting strict filters prevents your company from wasting time and money on leads that are obviously unqualified. For example, if your company only works with other B2B companies, it would be useful to remove all leads who work at B2C companies.



Digital and Social Marketing Integrator delivering marketing, advertising, and digital PR solutions at the intersection of emerging technologies, mid-size and enterprise ABM (account-based marketing), and lead generation solutions. We help businesses to articulate their brand’s unique story, and share it with the audience in a way that is relatable, to build and sustain great customer relationships. Our team professionally creates the engaging content across digital and social channels, to help corporate clients define and deliver their marketing objectives.

Buyer Intent Data

3 Effective ABM Tactics for B2B Marketers

Article | August 23, 2022

In 2021, 70% of marketers reported using an account-based marketing campaign. Since 2020, their numbers have gone up by 15%. One of the reasons ABM has become so popular is that it can greatly enhance customer loyalty and revenue by tailoring the buyer's journey for unique clients. ABM tactics can further enrich an ABM strategy. In an interview with Media 7, Tim Kopp, CEO of Terminus, talked about the account-based marketing process. “ABM flips the traditional approach of generating leads on its head. It doesn’t adhere to the idea that a full sales funnel will create a trickle-down effect leading to high conversion rates. Instead, ABM enables marketers to refine the criteria by which they identify buyers. While marketers might not have the same amount of leads, each lead is targeted and relevant — and thus more likely to convert.” Account-based marketing is being implemented confidently by more and more B2B marketers. It is important to find ways to amplify its impact on your revenue through accurate targeting and conversions. Let us take a look at three effective ABM tactics that can help you enhance your account-based marketing strategy. 3 Effective ABM Tactics for B2B Marketers Improve Your ABM Funnel's Performance Account-based marketing funnel optimization may be one of the most effective ABM tactics to grow your business. The following techniques can help you improve your funnel’s overall performance: Audit Your Content Smartly Check if your content is personalized according to your target accounts' personas and industry. Does it address the specific needs and pain points of your target accounts? Your content can help you narrow down your list of ideal customers. Make Good Use of Intent Data Dynamic ABM targeting is essential. Based on data from your CRM and other platforms, update your list of target accounts. Make sure you have a good idea of what your target audience is looking for. Are there issues with your company, products, or services that you provide? Always use this information to improve your list. Approach Different Markets Confidently Run multiple account-based marketing campaigns with varying degrees of customization and investment parallelly. Choose between ABM Lite (targeting a small number of accounts), Programmatic ABM (targeting many accounts), or Strategic ABM (targeting a single account) according to your business goals. Optimize Engaged Accounts No two engaged accounts can be in the same sales funnel stage. So, optimizing engaged accounts can be difficult. Start by tracking click-through rates, organic website traffic, email open rates, and any other digital interactions with your brand to see how effective your ads are. Your ads must be both informative and visually appealing. Reach engaged accounts through social media, email, and other suitable channels. Unlock Opportunities Lead generation strategies based on advertising retargeting allow your sales team to tap into accounts that have previously interacted with your ads with renewed vigour. By working with your sales team to develop an account engagement model that defines an "engaged account," you can streamline the lead generation strategies by limiting the number of accounts that your team is required to manage. Increase Outreach Your target account stakeholders' employees should be the focus of your outreach efforts. Target accounts can be contacted via direct mail or in-person meetings. As a result, new pipeline opportunities are now available. You can reach a larger audience by using one-on-one C-level campaigns like phone calls and demos. Implement Marketing Automation Artificial intelligence (AI) marketing can help you improve your B2B account-based marketing strategy. It gives you predictive insights and makes your communication more effective. In your account-based marketing process, marketing automation can run email campaigns that can show you how people interact with your account. CRM data is used by AI and big data to get information about people from different platforms. This information can help you make your content unique for more ABM targeting. Account-based marketing services give you the ability to run targeted marketing campaigns at scale. As an account-based marketing service, ABM automation aims to target firms with multi-person purchasing committees extensively by utilizing individualized content and engagement to influence their purchase decisions. The immediate impact of using marketing automation in your B2B marketing strategy is a shorter sales cycle, a free marketing team, better sales and marketing team alignment, and stronger customer retention. You can start off by creating your ICP. After that, you can set up your target account, integrate your account-based marketing strategy with marketing automation software and your CRM. Then you can create impressive campaigns, personalize content, and offer tailored engagement to your target accounts. You can access the performance of your ABM marketing strategy using marketing automation software’s dashboard and tweak your strategy to make the most of it. Analyze and Improve Your Strategy B2B account-based marketing requires regular testing of your ad wording, content, design, and channel aspects to see what works and what doesn't. You can improve the efficiency of your approach by keeping tabs on key performance indicators (KPIs). Instead of abandoning a tactic because it isn't working, improve it by tweaking it. Account-based marketing approaches can succeed only if you assess how they affect your strategy and continually improve its execution. In an interview with Media 7, Abhi Yadav, Founder & CTO of Zylotech, talked about the importance of customer intelligence in marketing. “Tracking every point of engagement is critical in delivering a holistic view of where buyers are actively engaged and what’s working.” Developing an efficient B2B marketing strategy using the ABM approach requires a great deal of trial and error. Optimize your ABM approach by defining and measuring your KPIs. This B2B ABM marketing tactic is crucial to understanding how effectively you are engaging key accounts and moving them forward in the sales funnel. Couchbase Generated $1.5 Million in Pipeline Opportunities Using ABM Couchbase, a NoSQL database provider for enterprises, used a data-based ABM strategy to determine the interests of their target customers. They then combined real-world behavior with system-generated social personas of their customers, which helped them generate $1.5 million in pipeline opportunities. Conclusion These account-based marketing tactics can help you optimize your ABM marketing strategy. Concentrating on your funnel metrics and KPI and constantly improving your strategy can help you get the best results. FAQ What are funnel metrics? Velocity (time spent in days by a prospect in each stage of the funnel), conversion rates (percentage of leads that move from stage to stage in the funnel), and volume (number of leads passing through any stage of the funnel) are funnel metrics. Improving them is a great B2B ABM marketing tactic. What are the benefits of account-based marketing automation? ABM automation is a great account-based marketing tactic. It allows you to set up a marketing process at once and then scale it across different campaigns. With the help of automation, tasks like media buying, modeling, upselling, and ad targeting are carried out efficiently. How can you develop an effective ABM strategy? Start by identifying key accounts. You can then map their decision-makers, create targeted campaigns to get their engagement, decide on the best channels to approach them, execute your marketing campaigns, and finally measure the results of your ABM strategy.

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Account Based Data

The ABM to ABX Transformation Drives Account Engagement

Article | June 29, 2023

Account-based marketing brings in a higher ROI compared to other marketing activities. It targets key accounts, but not always at the right time. The buyer experience gets compromised if the strategy does not align with the account’s buyer journey. Demandbase CMO John Miller paints an interesting picture of what ABM is. “The analogy that I've always used to describe ABM was fishing with spears, which was an effective analogy. But at the same time, it doesn't feel very good to get poked by a spear.” -Demandbase CMO John Miller If ABM pokes accounts without respecting them or creating an emotional connection with them, customer success cannot be guaranteed. This is where ABX comes in. It’s a GTM strategy that puts the value of customer experience above the value of key accounts. ABM ››› ABX: Why Are B2B Marketers Adopting ABX? B2B marketers clearly understand how effective the ABX strategy is compared to good old ABM. Here are the reasons why: Buyer groups are the stars of the show. AI insights provide accurate information on which accounts exhibit buyer intent and what they are looking for. These accounts are engaged through hyper-personalized campaigns only when they are in the buying phase. Marketing, sales, and customer success teams ensure every touchpoint consistently delivers value to the customer. ABX execution involves being agile enough to adapt to the ever-changing behavior and needs of the customer. Every customer is nurtured to deepen loyalty for a long-term business relationship. Why Does ABX Matter? Upgrading your plain old ABM strategy to an ABX strategy simply means applying customer experience best practices to your marketing processes. Consequently, your campaigns are trustworthy, impactful, empathetic, and relevant to every stage of your customer’s journey. Targeted messaging that appeals to every member of the customer’s buying team influences the buying decision of the account. The strategy brings sales, marketing, SDR, and customer-facing teams together so they work towards creating a wholesome customer experience consistently across all the touchpoints. Conclusion In a world where there is a continuous influx of information and a scarcity of attention, any kind of interruptive marketing may be ineffective and off-putting. Companies should focus on ABX to build trust with key accounts and create engagement that isn’t forced through perfectly orchestrated interactions across a project or management lifecycle.

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Core ABM

The Pareto Principle in Account-Based Marketing

Article | June 20, 2023

The Pareto Principle is introduced by an Italian economist - Vilfredo Pareto. According to this principle, for several results, 80% of the outcomes arise from 20% of the cause. Other variations of the Pareto principle states: 80% of the sales come from 20% of customers or 80% of marketing engagement comes from 20% of accounts. Many researchers believe that ABM is a descendent of the 80/20 rule. By following this rule, businesses can spend the bulk on creating personalized marketing campaigns for the 20% of customers who spent the most on the product or services of their company. How the Pareto Rule Brings Sales Growth? In ABM, the Pareto principle can be used as a guide to overcoming the business growth obstacle and acquiring extremely productive business solutions. So here are a few strategies that will assist in bringing the resources and attention to the top 20% of customers. 1. Identify Best Customers Companies might have hundreds or thousands of customers or prospect lists either from email, social media, or by the website. To ensure making a wise choice, it is a must to have a glance at the historical data of every account, then compare it with the ideal customer profile and determine which makes it to the list of the best customers. After finding the top customers for the business, assure to mark them as a top priority. 2. Locating Their Area An important factor is to check the Point-of-Sale platform and find the area from where the highest number of best customers belongs to. It will lead to determining the most suitable sales or marketing strategies that can boost the growth of the organization. 3. Rank The Need Of Customers After creating the list of best accounts or customers, try to dig a bit deeper and discover the want, need, or problems each customer has. If in case, the insight is not up to the mark, a company will have to form a team that can gather some information, by: Tracking customer’s social media Having a conversation with the customer Purchasing Insights from vendors. After finalizing the need list make sure to mark each with their importance and address them accordingly. 4. Offer Personalization Across Different Platform Marketing according to the way that connects with each customer deeply without engulfing the resource and budget can be achieved by making the process as automated as possible through hiring developers. Some of how businesses can personalize their channels are: Using images that shows the customer’s interested area Addressing each customer by their name Sharing related case studies with the customers Including a personalized note Remember to keep a track of the progress you made through these steps and modify your list and strategies based on them. Take Away! If used properly, the Pareto rule in account-based marketing helps a business in keeping the focus on what matters the most. It stops enterprises from multi-tasking all the time. With the help of the 80/20 rule, businesses can properly allocate time and resources to the areas that produce the best results. That being said, relocating the budget while cultivating time for referrals from the customers who generate long-term advantages is the core to sustainable growth.

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ABM Accounts

Tips for Successful B2B Marketing

Article | November 20, 2021

The pandemic has changed the marketing world to a great extent. Customers have tremendously adapted to online buying. The pandemic has forced B2B customers to adapt to new ways of buying and selling. Customers are ready for online meetings and connecting digitally as far as the buying approach is concerned. The only thing that matters to them is that the solutions should answer their hurdles or challenges like personalization and strategizing marketing so But for the selling process, B2B marketing strategies needed creativity. Companies had to put their heads together to convince a buyer through conversations on digital platforms. It was not easy. But B2B companies have taken up the challenge and managed to come out with flying colors. Let us look at the changed scenario of B2B marketing. The Changed Scenario for B2B Marketing In 2020, when the world came to a standstill, people expected it was just a break, and they might return to their lives in no time. But this myth was busted when people had to adopt the new normal instead of going back to normal. Every industry faced challenges, including the B2B industry. Imagine the industry, which had the habit of meeting decision-makers and convincing them with presentations, had to do all the work digitally. But they found solutions after some months of struggles, and the businesses were back on track. Of course, there were difficulties on the way, but they answered every obstacle with time. B2B marketing best ideas include account-based marketing, conversational ABM, personalized campaigns, correct use of data, and more. These paved a path for successful B2B marketing amidst the pandemic. Thus, learning from them, we have curated a list of tips for successful B2B marketing. Tips for Successful B2B Marketing These best ways to market B2B are listed after diving deep into the struggles of B2B marketing. The experts of this area have experienced hurdles and implemented these solutions. Have a Buyer-centric Approach In an interview with Media7, Dmitry Chervonyi, Chief Marketing Officer at Belkins, stated that, “If you don't solve your customers' problems and make their lives better, then it is a waste of time to do this kind of business.” So, you understand how essential the customer is! These days it is more about the customer than about sales. Therefore, you must have a 360-degree alignment with the customer’s needs and preferences. Through this, you have better chances of conversion. Take Risks The market is very unpredictable post the pandemic. The companies that you thought may not require your service can be the ones changing the game. So, do not refrain from taking risks. First, of course, calculate the risks, but they take them. For example, before the pandemic, some businesses may have invested massive resources in digital marketing. As a result, they might not see the results immediately. But meanwhile, the pandemic erupted, and Boom! They were the only ones who survived in the market. Thus, the results of a calculated risk may be harmful or positive, but you either earn profits or learn something valuable from it! Implement ABM If you are a B2B marketer and have not implemented ABM in your marketing strategy, you need to do it immediately. Account-based marketing has the best conversion rate compared to the traditional methods. And this is the best strategy to be implemented post the pandemic. The reason is that companies have various challenges and need immediate solutions. Thus, if you filter the best clients, address their struggles, and target them, they will waste no time in approaching your sales team. But this is possible only when you design the best ABM strategy. Click here to know more about account-based marketing for B2B. Have an Agile Approach Clive Armitage, CEO at Agent3, believes that, “We have to act as the eyes and ears of marketing innovation for our clients; they trust us to help them navigate the pace of change in the way that the process of marketing is evolving.” It means that Agent3 changes its strategies and services as per the clients and market demands. They also keep the clients in the loop of the changes and innovations happening in the market. Thus, have an agile approach. Be ready to change your marketing growth strategies and plans according to the conditions around you. Be Future Ready The example set by the rental car company Hertz shows how future-ready they are with their latest investment. Despite their business being affected by the pandemic, it resurfaced itself through trusted investors. But instead of following the age-old techniques of rental cars, they ordered 100,000 Teslas to electrify its fleet. Not only did Tesla’s shares hit sky-high but, Hertz was all over the news. This critical investment defines how Hertz is making itself future-ready as it knows the future is electric cars. This example explains how important it is to invest for the future, considering the changing customer demands. Hence, implementing the latest technologies like AI and machine learning in marketing campaigns can make you future-ready. Plus they also create a great impression in the mind of the customers. And We Conclude Remember, marketing is all about understanding your customers and delivering what they want. Once you know your customers, you have hit the bull’s eye. So hit targets by taking risks, investing in technology, and developing a personalized approach. And most importantly, adapt to the changing world to thrive in it! Frequently Asked Questions How to identify a successful B2B marketing plan? Analyze your marketing performance Perform competitor analysis Define your marketing goals Identify your marketing budget Implement the latest B2B marketing trends How successful is ABM strategy in B2B marketing? Account-based marketing guarantees a better conversion than traditional marketing methods. Plus, it is one of the most trending strategies in B2B marketing. As a result, companies have saved many resources and fulfilled their sales targets by incorporating account-based marketing. Does ABM guarantee a 100% success rate? Well, ABM guarantees a success rate that may be not 100% but surely more than any other marketing strategy. The success of account-based marketing depends on the personalized content and the tailored approach you provide to your clients. { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How to identify a successful B2B marketing plan?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Analyze your marketing performance Perform competitor analysis Define your marketing goals Identify your marketing budget Implement the latest B2B marketing trends" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How successful is ABM strategy in B2B marketing?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Account-based marketing guarantees a better conversion than traditional marketing methods. Plus, it is one of the most trending strategies in B2B marketing. As a result, companies have saved many resources and fulfilled their sales targets by incorporating account-based marketing." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Does ABM guarantee a 100% success rate?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Well, ABM guarantees a success rate that may be not 100% but surely more than any other marketing strategy. The success of account-based marketing depends on the personalized content and the tailored approach you provide to your clients." } }] }

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Digital and Social Marketing Integrator delivering marketing, advertising, and digital PR solutions at the intersection of emerging technologies, mid-size and enterprise ABM (account-based marketing), and lead generation solutions. We help businesses to articulate their brand’s unique story, and share it with the audience in a way that is relatable, to build and sustain great customer relationships. Our team professionally creates the engaging content across digital and social channels, to help corporate clients define and deliver their marketing objectives.

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Account Based Data

Banzai Executes LOI to Acquire Top Rated Lead Generation Platform, IGLeads

GlobeNewswire | January 08, 2024

Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) (“Banzai” or the “Company”), a leading marketing technology company that provides essential marketing and sales solutions, today announced that it has signed a non-binding letter of intent (the “LOI”) to acquire IGLeads, a cutting-edge automated lead generation platform. Unlike competitive products that rely on firmographic data, IGLeads uses search criteria leading to 100% verified, targeted lead generation. With the proposed strategic acquisition of IGLeads, Banzai would be poised to significantly enhance its audience acquisition services, executing its strategic commitment to acquiring best-in-class, data-focused products that serve marketers everywhere. IGLeads stands out as a top-rated lead generation solution that uses search criteria, rather than firmographic filters, to extract valuable contact data from the most extensive public databases and leading social media platforms, all in one interface. IGLeads enables marketers to construct qualified, target audiences based on intent signals such as conversation topics and interests, rather than traditional firmographic filters. “IGLeads has built a unique way to deliver verified target audiences based on interest, intent, and social engagement versus traditional firmographics. IGLeads is well suited for Banzai’s customers, and we’re excited to have a chance to integrate its capabilities into our other offerings,” said Joe Davy, CEO and Founder of Banzai. “Brandon has built an efficient, profitable, and high-growth business. We’re excited to take it forward to the next stage of growth.” Compelling Strategic and Financial Benefits Profitable growth business: IGLeads is a highly profitable, rapidly growing business that Banzai can leverage to drive additional scale and acquisition opportunities. Complementary product offering: Banzai intends to integrate IGLeads’ all-in-one lead generation platform to better serve existing customers with cross-sell opportunities. Highly rated: IGLeads has close to 1,000 customers and is one of the top-user-rated lead generation solutions with a 4.7 star rating on TrustPilot. Brandon King, CEO and Founder of IGLeads commented: “Getting IGLeads to this point is a testament to the hard work and success of our team, and we believe IGLeads would be a notable addition to the Banzai platform and to Banzai’s customers. We are excited to pursue an opportunity to join Banzai and support the progression of their award-winning innovation initiatives that are working to democratize data in the MarTech space.” About Banzai Banzai is a marketing technology company that provides essential marketing and sales solutions for businesses of all sizes. On a mission to help their customers achieve their mission, Banzai enables companies of all sizes to target, engage, and measure both new and existing customers more effectively. Banzai customers include Square, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Thinkific, Doodle and ActiveCampaign, among thousands of others. Learn more at www.banzai.io. For investors, please visit https://ir.banzai.io/ About IGLeads IGLeads.io, established in 2021, provides innovative solutions in social media and B2B scraping across multiple platforms, offering an efficient lead generation service without the need for logins or proxies. Our team of experts is committed to excellence, customer satisfaction, and integrity. We pride ourselves on staying ahead of industry trends and adapting to meet our clients' diverse needs in the Technology SaaS sector. As a leader in this field, we offer tailored support for businesses of all sizes, aiming to drive success and growth through effective lead generation.

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Account Management

Seismic Releases The State of AI in Enablement: 2023 Report, Finds AI Supercharges GTM Efforts and Improves Customer Satisfaction, Despite Hurdles

Business Wire | October 20, 2023

Seismic, the global leader in enablement, today released the findings of The State of AI in Enablement: 2023 Report. More than 600 full-time employees in a sales, enablement, or customer success role at the management level or above in the United States were surveyed, with findings indicating AI-powered enablement technology is a game changer for businesses looking to quickly and efficiently drive revenue growth as they continue to weather the economic storm. The report found that go-to-market (GTM) leaders expect investments in AI to pay off in dividends, as 85% of respondents believe the fusion of AI and GTM strategy will lead to revenue growth for their organization. Among this group, leaders predict an average of 23% growth will be directly attributed to AI utilization over the next five years. The report also found that the majority of GTM leaders use enablement technology, and of those, 84% say that it’s mission-critical to achieving revenue goals. So it comes as no surprise that 89% of those who use the technology already have plans to further invest in 2024. These leaders anticipate enablement budgets to increase by 19% next year – a decision they largely attributed to the significant advancements in AI. What’s more: 93% agree that advancements in AI – and specifically the ways they can bolster enablement efforts – are a major driver for their company’s increasing investment in enablement technology going into next year. However, the impact will not be immediate – overcoming challenges, driving adoption of new tech, and seeing results takes time. Over half (66%) of GTM leaders who have deployed AI tools report that they encountered initial hurdles before eventually realizing positive outcomes. Notably, 51% say that implementation and adoption are their greatest areas of concern in regards to using AI in enablement, which is why enablement tools like Seismic are critical to help facilitate seamless integration within a business’s revenue operations. But these hurdles certainly haven't prevented the march toward progress, with 83% reporting they would like to deploy more AI solutions for their team within the next 12 months. The past year has been wrought with market challenges, which makes AI-powered enablement technology more crucial for business success than ever before, said Doug Winter, CEO and cofounder, Seismic. The proof is in the pudding: When an organization's enablement efforts are streamlined with AI technology, it drives greater GTM efficiency, operational optimization, and better buyer experiences – all of which translate into a stronger bottom line. At Seismic, we are leading the charge to define the future of AI-powered enablement and look forward to working closely with our customers and partners on this endeavor. Additional key report findings include In 2024, a significant majority (93%) of GTM leaders who intend to boost their investment in enablement technology attribute their decision to the significant advancements in AI In fact, over half (54%) of GTM leaders say their organization already uses AI-powered tools for sales enablement The three top functions that GTM leaders are leveraging AI-powered enablement tools for are: 53% use it for content analytics 50% use it for content distribution 48% use it for learning and coaching And businesses are reaping the benefits: 91% of those who have implemented AI tools say that their company has noted an increase in customer satisfaction since implementing AI into their enablement processes However, implementation of AI technology takes time and does not come without challenges. Of those who faced challenges, 54% report integration issues, 41% report a lack of understanding, and 34% report security or privacy concerns That said, the data is clear: the benefits far outweigh the challenges 63% of GTM leaders believe that AI is the primary force behind evolving customer experiences today 73% believe that companies that fail to effectively incorporate AI into their GTM processes will fall behind their competitors within the next three years About Seismic Seismic is the global leader in enablement, helping organizations engage customers, enable teams, and ignite revenue growth. The Seismic Enablement CloudTM is the most powerful, unified enablement platform that equips customer-facing teams with the right skills, content, tools, and insights to grow and win. From the world’s largest enterprises to startups and small businesses, more than 2,000 organizations around the globe trust Seismic for their enablement needs. Seismic is headquartered in San Diego with offices across North America, Europe, and Australia.

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Buyer Intent Data

DemandScience Products Earn a Record 53 Awards in Fall 2023 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | October 20, 2023

DemandScience, a leading AI-powered B2B demand generation company that accelerates global growth for its clients, today announced that the company’s products earned a total of 53 awards in G2’s Fall 2023 Reports. Receiving 53 awards from G2’s recognition program is a new record for DemandScience. Highlights include: three Fastest Implementation awards, three Easiest To Do Business With awards, five Momentum Leader awards, and 42 G2 Grid® Report Leader and High Performer awards. At DemandScience, one of our most important goals is to forge trusted partnerships with our clients. Our global team works hard every day to achieve this by providing B2B enterprise organizations with innovative AI-powered marketing solutions that help them tackle complex demand generation problems, exceed their goals and realize a quantifiable return on their investments, said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. Since G2 awards are based on verified reviews from real users, being recognized with these awards is a meaningful validation of our approach, the effectiveness of our solutions, and our ability to help clients succeed. In addition to earning more G2 Fall 2023 awards than in any previous quarter, DemandScience won around the world, including the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. News of DemandScience’s G2 wins follows the company’s recent announcement that it is one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies for ten consecutive years. Highlights of verified customer reviews of DemandScience on the G2 platform: “Amazing Customer Experience.”“DemandScience has been incredibly helpful in connecting our TAL (Target Account List) to our content syndication efforts. We have unlocked an entirely new channel to support our Sales team in driving business…” “Top Performing Content Syndication Vendor.”“DemandScience drives high ROI for our content syndication program, drive(s) high quality leads and are flexible...” “Great Platform for Lead Generation.”“Klarity is a very accurate platform designed by DemandScience. It really helps our team of Appointment Setters find the most accurate information for leads and contacts... it has increased the effectiveness of our team's success.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 24 awards: Award Report Easiest To Do Business With Easiest To Do Business With Easiest To Do Business With Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader High Performer High Performer High Performer High Performer High Performer Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Advertising Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Grid Report for Lead Capture Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Grid Report for Lead Capture Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Enterprise Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Small-Business Americas Grid Report for Lead Capture EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture UK Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Americas Regional Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales account intelligence tool for building, sharing, and prioritizing contact lists has won 29 awards: Award Report Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Sales Intelligence Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Mining High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Asia Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer India Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business UK Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. About DemandScience DemandScience is the premier AI-powered, B2B demand generation company accelerating global growth for our clients. The DemandScience intelligence platform empowers B2B organizations to swiftly identify the right accounts and target in-market buyers with precision. By combining groundbreaking technologies and AI innovation, the company ensures timely delivery of accurate data, intelligence, and insights, adding value to the end-to-end journey from initial engagement to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience provides 1,500 global customers with superior marketing solutions, B2B data, and leads. With a team of 600+ employees across operations in seven countries, DemandScience is certified as a Great Place To Work, named #5 on Fortune Magazine’s 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing, and one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 for 10 consecutive years. For further insights on why DemandScience stands at the forefront of transformative demand generation, visit demandscience.com and connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit www.g2.com.

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Account Based Data

Banzai Executes LOI to Acquire Top Rated Lead Generation Platform, IGLeads

GlobeNewswire | January 08, 2024

Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) (“Banzai” or the “Company”), a leading marketing technology company that provides essential marketing and sales solutions, today announced that it has signed a non-binding letter of intent (the “LOI”) to acquire IGLeads, a cutting-edge automated lead generation platform. Unlike competitive products that rely on firmographic data, IGLeads uses search criteria leading to 100% verified, targeted lead generation. With the proposed strategic acquisition of IGLeads, Banzai would be poised to significantly enhance its audience acquisition services, executing its strategic commitment to acquiring best-in-class, data-focused products that serve marketers everywhere. IGLeads stands out as a top-rated lead generation solution that uses search criteria, rather than firmographic filters, to extract valuable contact data from the most extensive public databases and leading social media platforms, all in one interface. IGLeads enables marketers to construct qualified, target audiences based on intent signals such as conversation topics and interests, rather than traditional firmographic filters. “IGLeads has built a unique way to deliver verified target audiences based on interest, intent, and social engagement versus traditional firmographics. IGLeads is well suited for Banzai’s customers, and we’re excited to have a chance to integrate its capabilities into our other offerings,” said Joe Davy, CEO and Founder of Banzai. “Brandon has built an efficient, profitable, and high-growth business. We’re excited to take it forward to the next stage of growth.” Compelling Strategic and Financial Benefits Profitable growth business: IGLeads is a highly profitable, rapidly growing business that Banzai can leverage to drive additional scale and acquisition opportunities. Complementary product offering: Banzai intends to integrate IGLeads’ all-in-one lead generation platform to better serve existing customers with cross-sell opportunities. Highly rated: IGLeads has close to 1,000 customers and is one of the top-user-rated lead generation solutions with a 4.7 star rating on TrustPilot. Brandon King, CEO and Founder of IGLeads commented: “Getting IGLeads to this point is a testament to the hard work and success of our team, and we believe IGLeads would be a notable addition to the Banzai platform and to Banzai’s customers. We are excited to pursue an opportunity to join Banzai and support the progression of their award-winning innovation initiatives that are working to democratize data in the MarTech space.” About Banzai Banzai is a marketing technology company that provides essential marketing and sales solutions for businesses of all sizes. On a mission to help their customers achieve their mission, Banzai enables companies of all sizes to target, engage, and measure both new and existing customers more effectively. Banzai customers include Square, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Thinkific, Doodle and ActiveCampaign, among thousands of others. Learn more at www.banzai.io. For investors, please visit https://ir.banzai.io/ About IGLeads IGLeads.io, established in 2021, provides innovative solutions in social media and B2B scraping across multiple platforms, offering an efficient lead generation service without the need for logins or proxies. Our team of experts is committed to excellence, customer satisfaction, and integrity. We pride ourselves on staying ahead of industry trends and adapting to meet our clients' diverse needs in the Technology SaaS sector. As a leader in this field, we offer tailored support for businesses of all sizes, aiming to drive success and growth through effective lead generation.

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Account Management

Seismic Releases The State of AI in Enablement: 2023 Report, Finds AI Supercharges GTM Efforts and Improves Customer Satisfaction, Despite Hurdles

Business Wire | October 20, 2023

Seismic, the global leader in enablement, today released the findings of The State of AI in Enablement: 2023 Report. More than 600 full-time employees in a sales, enablement, or customer success role at the management level or above in the United States were surveyed, with findings indicating AI-powered enablement technology is a game changer for businesses looking to quickly and efficiently drive revenue growth as they continue to weather the economic storm. The report found that go-to-market (GTM) leaders expect investments in AI to pay off in dividends, as 85% of respondents believe the fusion of AI and GTM strategy will lead to revenue growth for their organization. Among this group, leaders predict an average of 23% growth will be directly attributed to AI utilization over the next five years. The report also found that the majority of GTM leaders use enablement technology, and of those, 84% say that it’s mission-critical to achieving revenue goals. So it comes as no surprise that 89% of those who use the technology already have plans to further invest in 2024. These leaders anticipate enablement budgets to increase by 19% next year – a decision they largely attributed to the significant advancements in AI. What’s more: 93% agree that advancements in AI – and specifically the ways they can bolster enablement efforts – are a major driver for their company’s increasing investment in enablement technology going into next year. However, the impact will not be immediate – overcoming challenges, driving adoption of new tech, and seeing results takes time. Over half (66%) of GTM leaders who have deployed AI tools report that they encountered initial hurdles before eventually realizing positive outcomes. Notably, 51% say that implementation and adoption are their greatest areas of concern in regards to using AI in enablement, which is why enablement tools like Seismic are critical to help facilitate seamless integration within a business’s revenue operations. But these hurdles certainly haven't prevented the march toward progress, with 83% reporting they would like to deploy more AI solutions for their team within the next 12 months. The past year has been wrought with market challenges, which makes AI-powered enablement technology more crucial for business success than ever before, said Doug Winter, CEO and cofounder, Seismic. The proof is in the pudding: When an organization's enablement efforts are streamlined with AI technology, it drives greater GTM efficiency, operational optimization, and better buyer experiences – all of which translate into a stronger bottom line. At Seismic, we are leading the charge to define the future of AI-powered enablement and look forward to working closely with our customers and partners on this endeavor. Additional key report findings include In 2024, a significant majority (93%) of GTM leaders who intend to boost their investment in enablement technology attribute their decision to the significant advancements in AI In fact, over half (54%) of GTM leaders say their organization already uses AI-powered tools for sales enablement The three top functions that GTM leaders are leveraging AI-powered enablement tools for are: 53% use it for content analytics 50% use it for content distribution 48% use it for learning and coaching And businesses are reaping the benefits: 91% of those who have implemented AI tools say that their company has noted an increase in customer satisfaction since implementing AI into their enablement processes However, implementation of AI technology takes time and does not come without challenges. Of those who faced challenges, 54% report integration issues, 41% report a lack of understanding, and 34% report security or privacy concerns That said, the data is clear: the benefits far outweigh the challenges 63% of GTM leaders believe that AI is the primary force behind evolving customer experiences today 73% believe that companies that fail to effectively incorporate AI into their GTM processes will fall behind their competitors within the next three years About Seismic Seismic is the global leader in enablement, helping organizations engage customers, enable teams, and ignite revenue growth. The Seismic Enablement CloudTM is the most powerful, unified enablement platform that equips customer-facing teams with the right skills, content, tools, and insights to grow and win. From the world’s largest enterprises to startups and small businesses, more than 2,000 organizations around the globe trust Seismic for their enablement needs. Seismic is headquartered in San Diego with offices across North America, Europe, and Australia.

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Buyer Intent Data

DemandScience Products Earn a Record 53 Awards in Fall 2023 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | October 20, 2023

DemandScience, a leading AI-powered B2B demand generation company that accelerates global growth for its clients, today announced that the company’s products earned a total of 53 awards in G2’s Fall 2023 Reports. Receiving 53 awards from G2’s recognition program is a new record for DemandScience. Highlights include: three Fastest Implementation awards, three Easiest To Do Business With awards, five Momentum Leader awards, and 42 G2 Grid® Report Leader and High Performer awards. At DemandScience, one of our most important goals is to forge trusted partnerships with our clients. Our global team works hard every day to achieve this by providing B2B enterprise organizations with innovative AI-powered marketing solutions that help them tackle complex demand generation problems, exceed their goals and realize a quantifiable return on their investments, said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. Since G2 awards are based on verified reviews from real users, being recognized with these awards is a meaningful validation of our approach, the effectiveness of our solutions, and our ability to help clients succeed. In addition to earning more G2 Fall 2023 awards than in any previous quarter, DemandScience won around the world, including the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. News of DemandScience’s G2 wins follows the company’s recent announcement that it is one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies for ten consecutive years. Highlights of verified customer reviews of DemandScience on the G2 platform: “Amazing Customer Experience.”“DemandScience has been incredibly helpful in connecting our TAL (Target Account List) to our content syndication efforts. We have unlocked an entirely new channel to support our Sales team in driving business…” “Top Performing Content Syndication Vendor.”“DemandScience drives high ROI for our content syndication program, drive(s) high quality leads and are flexible...” “Great Platform for Lead Generation.”“Klarity is a very accurate platform designed by DemandScience. It really helps our team of Appointment Setters find the most accurate information for leads and contacts... it has increased the effectiveness of our team's success.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 24 awards: Award Report Easiest To Do Business With Easiest To Do Business With Easiest To Do Business With Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader Momentum Leader High Performer High Performer High Performer High Performer High Performer Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Advertising Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Grid Report for Lead Capture Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Grid Report for Lead Capture Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Enterprise Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Small-Business Americas Grid Report for Lead Capture EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Mid-Market Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture UK Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Americas Regional Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales account intelligence tool for building, sharing, and prioritizing contact lists has won 29 awards: Award Report Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Sales Intelligence Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Mining High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Asia Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer India Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business UK Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. About DemandScience DemandScience is the premier AI-powered, B2B demand generation company accelerating global growth for our clients. The DemandScience intelligence platform empowers B2B organizations to swiftly identify the right accounts and target in-market buyers with precision. By combining groundbreaking technologies and AI innovation, the company ensures timely delivery of accurate data, intelligence, and insights, adding value to the end-to-end journey from initial engagement to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience provides 1,500 global customers with superior marketing solutions, B2B data, and leads. With a team of 600+ employees across operations in seven countries, DemandScience is certified as a Great Place To Work, named #5 on Fortune Magazine’s 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing, and one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 for 10 consecutive years. For further insights on why DemandScience stands at the forefront of transformative demand generation, visit demandscience.com and connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit www.g2.com.

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