comScore Plan Metrix, Now with Mobile Data!

It’s no secret that new screens and ways of accessing media continue to disrupt consumption habits and business models. This disruption has introduced new challenges for our clients and our industry, such as understanding and harnessing advanced audience targets. Advertisers want and need to do more than target their campaigns based on age and gender. In today’s hyper-targeted world, it’s now imperative that they understand certain behaviors and attitudes within that group, whether that’s identifying segments of a particular audience who own an iPhone, drink sparkling water or drive a hybrid, and then reach those consumers across different platforms.


Encuesta, Inc.

Encuesta, Inc. is a U.S.-based marketing and opinion research company that specializes in customized quantitative, online qualitative, and ethnographic research focused on the U.S. Hispanic and Latino population. It is a privately-owned company based in Miami, Florida that was founded in 1989 by Martin Cerda. Specific areas of expertise include consumer habits and practices, brand awareness and usage, advertising tracking, brand equity market segmentation, and shopping research, to name a few, all generally focused on U.S. Hispanics (with some comparisons with U.S. non-Hispanics)...

Programmatic ABM

9 Account-based Marketing Benefits Explained

Article | June 9, 2022

Account-based marketing has been around since the early 2000s, but only recently have businesses started to implement it widely in their marketing strategies. By focusing on ideal customer profiles (ICP), businesses shortlist key accounts and target them with customized content campaigns to convert them from marketing-qualified leads to buyers. An account-based marketing strategy uses sales and marketing orchestration to transform the way key accounts are approached. ABM marketing contributed to a 70 percent increase in the number of opportunities created. (Source: Gartner) Nash Haywood, Global Director-Digital Conversion & Paid Media, Genesys, talked about ABM’s impact on how sales and marketing teams function. “We wanted to have more control of the entire (marketing and sales) process, and an ABM approach allowed us to do that.” B2B account-based marketing drives valuable engagement and leads to higher ROI as compared to other marketing strategies. Benefits of Account-based Marketing Account-based marketing benefits range from increased marketing efficiency and higher ROI to higher engagement and retention. Let us take a look at them in detail: ABM Enhances Your Marketing Efforts ABM marketing is data-driven. Account-based management becomes easy with crucial data like role, industry, and buyer journey stage. Based on this data, appealing personalized content campaigns are created to target key accounts. These campaigns optimize your marketing efforts. They also give insights on which channels and messages appeal to your targeted key accounts so that you can refine your account-based marketing strategy. According to Emarketer, 46 percent of marketers are benefitting from real-time optimization to accelerate their pipeline revenue. Sales and Marketing Teams Synchronize An account-based marketing campaign aligns the goals of the sales and marketing teams. It also brings other important stakeholders, like the IT team and the executive team, together to create an effective strategy for achieving goals. Sales and marketing orchestration can lead to a massive increase in marketing revenue (up to 208 percent as stated by MarketingProfs). ABM Improves Marketing Efficiency Account-based marketing automation technology helps streamline marketing processes and scale ABM implementation across different marketing campaigns. Activities like ad targeting, modelling, upselling media buying, and executing lead nurturing campaigns can be done efficiently using account-based marketing software. You can cease marketing to accounts that do not respond to your campaigns and focus on the ones that do. This can help you save your money and allocate your time and resources better. You Retain Customers Better ABM uses hyper-personalized content to pursue higher customer engagement and retention. By showing key accounts the content they want to see, brand awareness and trust are increased. An account-based marketing campaign, especially one created to engage target accounts, contributes to an enhanced customer experience that makes B2B marketing significantly impactful. It translates to long-term associations and bigger deal sizes. You Close Deals Faster You can move key accounts through the sales funnel swiftly and close deals faster by identifying decision-makers of your key accounts. B2B account-based marketing saves time and resources, which can be used to generate new leads. That is why this is one of the most important account-based marketing benefits. ABM Improves Deal Sizes Account-based B2B marketing targets only key accounts with buyer intent. It is about quality more than quantity, and this makes a whole lot of difference in how you approach accounts and strike deals. A shorter sales cycle through account-based marketing means landing a big account that signs away more money than many small accounts would. You Get a Higher ROI According to a report by ITSMA, 87 percent of marketers stated that ABM delivered a higher ROI as compared to other marketing strategies. Since account-based marketing is a data-driven strategy that uses personalized content to target accounts, this approach is easier and more cost-effective as it saves time and resources because of its precision. ABM Performance Is Measurable Account-based reporting is a key account-based marketing benefit. Using metrics like engagement, brand awareness, target account reach, retention, ROI, and influence helps you understand how well your ABM strategy is working. You can optimize your strategy to make it perform better. ABM Makes You the Expert While implementing account-based B2B marketing, you gain deep insights into the conversion behaviours, preferences, challenges, and needs of your target accounts. This knowledge makes you an expert in offering solutions that your target accounts crave. It also helps with new service or product design ideas that can cater to customers in a more personal way. Creating an ABM Strategy That Works To create an account-based marketing program that works, follow these steps: 1. Define the key accounts you want to target. 2. Identify the decision-makers for these accounts. 3. Create hyper-personalized content for them. 4. Zero in on appropriate channels to get maximum impact. 5. Create impressive content campaigns to increase engagement. 6. Measure the success of your campaigns using the correct metrics. Account-based Marketing Services to Scale Your ABM Strategy To adopt ABM at scale for exponential business growth, you need to evaluate your target accounts and then expand your ABM strategy from a small scale to a full-blown ABM. Your expansion can also be across new segments or businesses based on industry or company size. Artificial intelligence and marketing automation make it easier to implement ABM at scale. Account-based marketing services offered by companies that specialize in ABM and marketing like Marketo, Terminus, Demandbase, Optimizely, and Oracle make it easier to implement an ABM strategy at scale. These companies offer services to attract and convert prospects, scale up your marketing, and grow customer relationships through up-selling and cross-selling. Account-based marketing automation, email marketing, lead management, account-based management, social marketing, digital advertising, mobile marketing, multi-channel marketing, account-based reporting using ABM metrics and optimization along with account-based marketing software can help you scale your ABM strategy without breaking a sweat. How SAP Created New Pipeline Opportunities Using ABM SAP launched an account-based marketing program to target the company's top 10% of key accounts. These accounts were responsible for a third of their revenue in America. Through their ABM program, they offered specialized marketing plans for these accounts. SAP gained new pipeline opportunities and moved $57 million down the pipeline because of the benefits of account-based marketing. Summing It Up The time to implement ABM in your marketing strategy is now. Adopting it into your marketing strategy can help scale your business and achieve your business goals. FAQ What are the benefits of account-based marketing? Some noteworthy account-based marketing benefits are: higher ROI, sales and marketing alignment, customer retention, and a shorter sales cycle. Which metrics measure ABM performance? Metrics like engagement, ROI, customer churn rate, content engagement, conversion rate, and average deal size are used to measure the performance of an ABM program. Why is ABM more efficient compared to other marketing strategies? ABM targets accounts with buyer intent, helps with better resource allocation and is cost effective. These factors contribute to a higher ROI and bring great results.

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Account Based Data

Hard Truths and Helpful Tips About Account-Based Marketing (Part 1)

Article | June 29, 2023

Are you thinking about ditching your revenue team’s creaky, ineffective sales approach and embracing ABM … but aren’t sure of what you need to know? You’ve found the right blog post. Today, we’re providing some mind-blowing highlights from a recent webinar hosted by Kerry Cunningham, our Senior Principal of Product Marketing. The webinar unpacked what matters most for launching an effective ABM program and offers actionable tips for sales and marketing teams. It’s well worth a watch. But if you’re short on time, here are some insights. Kerry started the webinar by sharing some hard truths about the state of selling: Hard Truth #1: If They’re a Lead, You May Be Too Late B2B sales used to be all about leads. Even now, many revenue teams lean heavily into the lead-based mindset. But the emergence of Account-Based Marketing brought many revelations to revenue teams, including that account opportunities are far more important than individual leads. When you turn your (obsessive) attention from solo buyers and instead examine the full spectrum of interest or intent that an entire organization is expressing in your solution, you’re able to dramatically increase the quantity and quality of your sales intelligence. Without this analysis, your team won’t be aware that buyers are conducting so much research on their own that by the time your team determines that they’re an early-stage “lead,” they may in fact be much farther down the buyer’s journey than expected. Your team plays catchup after that, putting them at a competitive advantage. Hard Truth #2: B2B Buyers Aren’t Even ‘Buyers’ Anymore These days, buyers are no longer individuals, but rather teams of people. On average, buying teams often include 10 people, Kerry explained. “Not everybody involved in the buying process is going to be sitting at the table at the end of that last meeting when they sign the deal,” Kerry said, “but all of those folks are doing some research.” How big are these teams? From the webinar’s transcript: Kerry: “For bigger deals, there may be as many as 20 or more people involved. And again, all of those folks are having interactions. In fact, Forrester Research did a study recently that showed that on average, post-pandemic, buyers are having 27 interactions each. So when you have 10 people or 20 people, and they’re having 20-something interactions each, that adds up.” But there’s an upside to all this activity, Kerry said. As buyers conduct research, they leave behind digital “breadcrumb trails” or “footprints in the snow” across the internet. Sellers armed with leading account engagement technologies can track, aggregate and de-anonymize these intent signals. ABM tools help them better understand the buyers’ research and buying processes. Hard Truth #3: You Might Deal with Multiple Buying Teams Depending on the scope of your solution’s capabilities, your sellers may contend with more than one buying team. Here’s an example: Let’s say a company is looking for a solution to handle the needs of many departments or divisions. Each division may task its own buyer or buying team to conduct its own research to find solutions that effectively solves its own business problems. If your solution can serve the needs of multiple divisions, your revenue team is in a good position, especially if your team can proactively identify the divisions’ unique needs. (Account engagement platforms do a great job of this.) However, don’t assume that your solution can be everything to every division, Kerry warned. Kerry: “If you sell multiple solutions — say you’re a big tech company and you have three, four, five solutions — you may be selling to multiple buying centers. But those buying centers may not all be great prospects for your solution. So take into account the fact that some of the buying centers inside those specific accounts may or may not be good prospects for you.” Hard Truth #4: Buyers Think They Know Everything About Your Solution (But Actually Don’t) Many buyers believe they can get all the information they need about your solution (and your competitors) exclusively through online research, Kerry said. This is super-convenient for buyers, but sellers can’t fully control the narrative. That leads to big problems. Kerry: “Not all the information that they get is going to be accurate. It certainly may not be how you’d like to present yourself. So one of the things that’s really important is you have to understand how your buyers are finding out about you.” This requires identifying other likely sources of information — such as content from competitors or unreliable analysts — and proactively engaging buyers with data and talking points that counter this misinformation. Conclusion Pivoting to an account-based approach isn’t always easy, especially for revenue teams that are entrenched in a older sales approaches. But making the change to ABM can revolutionize your business, Kerry said. “Within the first year, 6sense clients who take all of these new techniques on board are able to produce substantially better results, bigger deal sizes, better win rates, and even shorter sales cycles,” Kerry said. “This is really the way B2B ought to be done.” We’ve covered a few hard truths in this post, but come back tomorrow for Part 2 of this series. We’ll provide some helpful and actionable ABM tips then.

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Account Based Analytics

Increasing ABM Engagement through Sales Empowerment

Article | August 3, 2022

ABM implementation may be commonplace in the B2B domain, but the application of fundamental ABM concepts is not consistent. This inconsistency can impact the success of an ABM strategy. So, how can you ensure the success of your ABM? Follow these four simple steps: Look for Potential in Target Accounts Your sales team must investigate the target accounts' potential. The sales team must act confidently when a buying group becomes active. Your team should build relationships with unengaged buying groups. This helps inspire new buying initiatives. It may also increase the buying group's proactivity. Go Beyond the Lead-based Approach Your sales and marketing teams must move past their lead-based approach for ABM to work properly. Leads alone won't deliver the desired impact and may even have negative effects. Sales management must understand the subtleties and motivate change in mindsets and processes. Participate in Buying Group Marketing Your sales team needs better group and individual monitoring technologies to implement buying group marketing to ABM. Quality purchase intent data can provide insights into the behavior of target account individuals. Appropriate intent data can show which solutions and purchase-related topics resonate with each buyer. Your team can then create better tactics and outreach. Upgrade Your Sales Approaches Present a high-value offer (HVO) that combines insights into the buying group's needs and interests, as well as their business. Address the challenges that you are facing in ABM execution with this HVO. Bring together your marketing, sales, and account executives to chalk out relevant processes, roles, and responsibilities. With an Empowered Sales Team, Your ABM Engagement Rises An enabled sales team can help you drive improved revenue from a defined set of target accounts if it has the right approach and flexibility to optimize its processes and responsibilities.

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Buyer Intent Data

2023 Buyer Intent Data Trends: What Growing Businesses Need to Know

Article | September 11, 2023

Gain insights into 2023 buyer intent data trends. Explore key marketing technologies and strategies essential for businesses to enhance their ability to engage potential customers effectively. Buyer intent data is indispensable for businesses in an increasingly fast-paced and data-centric account-based marketing (ABM) space. It serves as a compass guiding marketing and sales efforts by providing profound insights into consumer behavior and purchase intent. With this information, businesses can precisely target their targeted audiences, personalize their messages, and optimize their resource allocation, all of which result in higher conversion rates and a greater return on investment. With rapidly changing customer behavior and evolving marketing space, buyer intent data has become the cornerstone of contemporary marketing and sales strategies. In 2023, it is set to reach new milestones, fueled by growing technological advancements and a deeper understanding of consumer behavior. As a result, it is essential for B2B businesses and marketing teams to be aware of the emerging buyer intent data trends to adopt cutting-edge technologies and strategies that enhance their ability to understand and engage potential customers effectively. Futuristic Buyer Intent Data Trends for 2023 and Beyond In an era where competition is fierce and customer expectations are continually growing, harnessing the power of buyer intent data is not just advantageous; it's fundamental for achieving sustainable growth and increasing market share in the space. Furthermore, it bolsters customer engagement and loyalty by demonstrating a commitment to understanding and meeting their needs. Businesses that embrace B2B buyer intent data gain a decisive advantage, positioning themselves as agile and customer-focused enterprises ready to thrive in the marketing domain. Consequently, staying informed about buyer intent data trends is not only a strategic advantage, it's a necessity for sustained growth and relevance. Here are some of the latest buyer intent data trends that businesses must be aware of in 2023 AI-Powered Predictive Analytics One of the most exciting trends in buyer intent data is the increasing role of artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics. AI-powered buyer intent data tools analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that might not be apparent to human analysts. This, coupled with predictive analysis, enables businesses to predict buyer intent more accurately. With advanced AI algorithms, businesses are able to sift through vast datasets, recognize intricate patterns, and predict buying intent with unprecedented precision. This technological advancement enables companies to not only identify prospective customers but also create customized marketing strategies and engage them at the precise moment when they are most likely to make a purchase. In essence, AI-powered predictive analytics is elevating buyer intent data to an entirely new level, making it an invaluable asset for any forward-thinking business striving for marketing and sales excellence. Integration of Multiple Data Sources Buyer intent data relied on a single source of information, such as website analytics or email engagement metrics in the past. However, with increasing emphasis on understanding customer behavior, there's a growing recognition of a holistic view of buyer intent. This, in turn, is increasingly creating a need to integrate multiple data sources. The trend of integrating multiple data sources provides a more detailed and deeper understanding of consumer behavior, thereby significantly enhancing the value of buyer intent data. Businesses can construct an extensive mosaic of each lead's digital journey by combining data from various touchpoints and channels, such as website interactions, social media engagement, email responses, and chat interactions. This multidimensional perspective provides more in-depth and accurate insights into buyer intent, allowing companies to tailor their marketing and sales strategies with unmatched precision. Real-time Intent Monitoring As businesses and marketers increasingly adopt advanced technologies, the days of post-event analysis are rapidly diminishing. Now, real-time monitoring of intent has become the primary focus. The strategy involves the use of innovative tracking technologies to detect and respond to buyer signals in real-time. The trend is increasingly gaining prominence as it allows businesses to respond to buyer signals as they happen. When a potential customer exhibits strong purchasing signals, such as extended engagement with pricing pages, repeated product demo views, or initiating a live chat, real-time alerts trigger immediate action. This instantaneous response capability enables marketing and sales teams to provide highly relevant information and immediately deploy targeted messaging or offers, significantly increasing the chances of conversion. Cross-channel Engagement As businesses recognize the significance of engaging with leads and consumers across multiple channels, the need for innovative strategies, such as cross-channel engagement, is rapidly growing to ensure that businesses are present where their audience is, be it via email, social media, website interactions, or even chatbots. In an era where consumers frequently switch between channels during the purchasing journey, cross-channel engagement ensures that businesses are consistently present and responsive. It improves the customer journey, enables complete data capture and analysis, and contributes to a more in-depth and accurate understanding of buyer intent. Cross-channel engagement enriches buyer intent data by providing businesses with a more detailed and real-time view of their audience's behavior and preferences, ultimately resulting in more effective marketing and sales strategies and stronger customer relationships. Hyper-personalization The hyper-personalization trend is ushering in a new era of consumer intent data utilization by bringing personalization to new heights. The approach utilizes the abundance of available consumer intent data and AI-driven content recommendation engines to deliver personalized experiences to individual leads and customers. By analyzing a prospect's past actions, preferences, and interactions, businesses can create hyper-personalized content and offers that precisely align with their interests. It also optimizes time, ensuring that engagements occur exactly when a prospect has the highest possibility of converting. This level of personalization increases the chances of conversion as well as fosters a deeper connection between brands and their target audience. Hyper-personalization is not merely favoring consumer intent data; it is elevating it, enabling businesses to deliver exceptional, one-to-one experiences that boost engagement, trust, and brand loyalty. The Bottom Line Buyer intent data is the lifeblood of modern businesses, providing vital insights into consumer preferences and behavior. It enables companies to determine when potential consumers are prepared to buy, allowing timely and targeted marketing and sales efforts. Staying informed about the latest buyer intent data trends enables businesses to employ cutting-edge technologies and strategies that improve their capacity to comprehend and engage potential customers. Companies can improve their techniques, enhance customer targeting, and optimize resource allocation by foreseeing and adapting to these trends. Furthermore, being aware of these trends is crucial for maintaining customer trust and compliance with evolving data privacy regulations, thereby ensuring the ethical and responsible use of data.

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Encuesta, Inc.

Encuesta, Inc. is a U.S.-based marketing and opinion research company that specializes in customized quantitative, online qualitative, and ethnographic research focused on the U.S. Hispanic and Latino population. It is a privately-owned company based in Miami, Florida that was founded in 1989 by Martin Cerda. Specific areas of expertise include consumer habits and practices, brand awareness and usage, advertising tracking, brand equity market segmentation, and shopping research, to name a few, all generally focused on U.S. Hispanics (with some comparisons with U.S. non-Hispanics)...

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Core ABM

Intellimize Enables B2B Marketers to Drive More Efficient Pipeline from Key Accounts

PR Newswire | June 07, 2023

Intellimize, the leading experience optimization platform, has released a turnkey Salesforce integration that makes it easy for B2B marketers to target website visitors from any account and deliver personalized experiences on every page. The release also includes the ability to deanonymize visitors from key accounts and arm sales teams with personalized outbound experiences for target prospects. ABM success requires a deep understanding of each target persona to deliver the right personalized experience at the right time. However, the bane of every ABM marketer has been to identify which anonymous website visitors are from key accounts so they can show personalized content right from their first page view. Intellimize's Salesforce integration with Enhanced Match solves this, making it easier to show personalized content for each prospect at every opportunity stage, to satisfy the individual needs of the entire buying committee. "This is a real game changer for ABM Marketers – to be able to personalize for the entire buying committee, even the anonymous ones, is huge," said Tracy Sestili, Intellimize Chief Marketing Officer. "Plus it really creates synergy among the sales and marketing teams to deliver account based experiences (ABX) at scale." Marketers no longer need to rely on manually setting up campaign UTMs or manually building hundreds of personalized landing pages in order to deliver the content their buyers need to move through the funnel. Using Intellimize, they can create targeted outbound landing pages enabling sales teams to confidently send emails, texts, or direct mail and be certain that each key account will arrive on a landing page personalized just for them. "I'm thrilled that we can provide B2B marketers with everything they need to deliver 1:1 ABM experiences throughout the buyer journey," said Guy Yalif, Intellimize CEO. "With a few simple clicks, marketers can connect their valuable Salesforce data to automatically generate personalized experiences for each unique visitor, within each unique account." This Salesforce integration compliments Intellimize's existing behavioral targeting capabilities which allow marketers to create personalized experiences using on-site visitor behavior so companies can meet prospects where they are in their purchase journey. Marketers have, for example, tailored homepage content for target prospects who visited a product page twice in the past week to highlight that product of interest. Intellimize is the only codeless platform that uses AI to optimize for 1:1 personalized website experiences across the entire buyer's journey. Marketing teams at Gong, Okta, Drift, Coupa and Sumo Logic gain a competitive edge when using Intellimize to drive efficient pipeline and revenue growth in a cookieless world. About Intellimize Intellimize is the only codeless SaaS platform that uses AI to optimize for 1:1 personalized website experiences across the entire buyer's journey. Marketing teams gain a competitive edge when using Intellimize to drive efficient pipeline and revenue growth in a cookieless world. Leading marketing teams at Gong, Okta, Drift, Sumo Logic, Coupa and more trust Intellimize to inspire, test and learn faster, drive revenue, and be more efficient. Intellimize is backed by Cobalt Capital, Addition, Amplify Partners, Homebrew, and Precursor Ventures. Learn more on the Intellimize website or follow them on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.

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Behavioral Ad Targeting Not Paying Off for Publishers, Study Suggests

The Wall Street Journa | May 29, 2019

Are creepy advertisements really necessary to support the free web? A new academic study suggests they aren’t. Behavioral advertising, which involves collecting data about readers online behavior and using it to serve them specially tailored ads, often through bits of code called cookies, has become the dominant force in digital advertising in recent years. But in one of the first empirical studies of the impacts of behaviorally targeted advertising on online publishers revenue, researchers at the University of Minnesota, University of California, Irvine, and Carnegie Mellon University suggest publishers only get about 4% more revenue for an ad impression that has a cookie enabled than for one that doesn’t. The study tracked millions of ad transactions at a large U.S. media company over the course of one week.

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FTC Staff Issues Long-Awaited Cross-Device Tracking Report

FTC | January 24, 2017

On January 23, 2017, the FTC Staff released its long-awaited Report ("Report") on cross-device tracking following its November 2015 workshop on the topic. The Report explains what cross-device tracking is, discusses the benefits of and challenges posed by tracking consumers across their many devices, and outlines industry efforts at regulating this technology. The Report concludes by offering recommendations to industry regarding transparency, choice, the use of sensitive data, and data security.

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Core ABM

Intellimize Enables B2B Marketers to Drive More Efficient Pipeline from Key Accounts

PR Newswire | June 07, 2023

Intellimize, the leading experience optimization platform, has released a turnkey Salesforce integration that makes it easy for B2B marketers to target website visitors from any account and deliver personalized experiences on every page. The release also includes the ability to deanonymize visitors from key accounts and arm sales teams with personalized outbound experiences for target prospects. ABM success requires a deep understanding of each target persona to deliver the right personalized experience at the right time. However, the bane of every ABM marketer has been to identify which anonymous website visitors are from key accounts so they can show personalized content right from their first page view. Intellimize's Salesforce integration with Enhanced Match solves this, making it easier to show personalized content for each prospect at every opportunity stage, to satisfy the individual needs of the entire buying committee. "This is a real game changer for ABM Marketers – to be able to personalize for the entire buying committee, even the anonymous ones, is huge," said Tracy Sestili, Intellimize Chief Marketing Officer. "Plus it really creates synergy among the sales and marketing teams to deliver account based experiences (ABX) at scale." Marketers no longer need to rely on manually setting up campaign UTMs or manually building hundreds of personalized landing pages in order to deliver the content their buyers need to move through the funnel. Using Intellimize, they can create targeted outbound landing pages enabling sales teams to confidently send emails, texts, or direct mail and be certain that each key account will arrive on a landing page personalized just for them. "I'm thrilled that we can provide B2B marketers with everything they need to deliver 1:1 ABM experiences throughout the buyer journey," said Guy Yalif, Intellimize CEO. "With a few simple clicks, marketers can connect their valuable Salesforce data to automatically generate personalized experiences for each unique visitor, within each unique account." This Salesforce integration compliments Intellimize's existing behavioral targeting capabilities which allow marketers to create personalized experiences using on-site visitor behavior so companies can meet prospects where they are in their purchase journey. Marketers have, for example, tailored homepage content for target prospects who visited a product page twice in the past week to highlight that product of interest. Intellimize is the only codeless platform that uses AI to optimize for 1:1 personalized website experiences across the entire buyer's journey. Marketing teams at Gong, Okta, Drift, Coupa and Sumo Logic gain a competitive edge when using Intellimize to drive efficient pipeline and revenue growth in a cookieless world. About Intellimize Intellimize is the only codeless SaaS platform that uses AI to optimize for 1:1 personalized website experiences across the entire buyer's journey. Marketing teams gain a competitive edge when using Intellimize to drive efficient pipeline and revenue growth in a cookieless world. Leading marketing teams at Gong, Okta, Drift, Sumo Logic, Coupa and more trust Intellimize to inspire, test and learn faster, drive revenue, and be more efficient. Intellimize is backed by Cobalt Capital, Addition, Amplify Partners, Homebrew, and Precursor Ventures. Learn more on the Intellimize website or follow them on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.

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Behavioral Ad Targeting Not Paying Off for Publishers, Study Suggests

The Wall Street Journa | May 29, 2019

Are creepy advertisements really necessary to support the free web? A new academic study suggests they aren’t. Behavioral advertising, which involves collecting data about readers online behavior and using it to serve them specially tailored ads, often through bits of code called cookies, has become the dominant force in digital advertising in recent years. But in one of the first empirical studies of the impacts of behaviorally targeted advertising on online publishers revenue, researchers at the University of Minnesota, University of California, Irvine, and Carnegie Mellon University suggest publishers only get about 4% more revenue for an ad impression that has a cookie enabled than for one that doesn’t. The study tracked millions of ad transactions at a large U.S. media company over the course of one week.

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FTC Staff Issues Long-Awaited Cross-Device Tracking Report

FTC | January 24, 2017

On January 23, 2017, the FTC Staff released its long-awaited Report ("Report") on cross-device tracking following its November 2015 workshop on the topic. The Report explains what cross-device tracking is, discusses the benefits of and challenges posed by tracking consumers across their many devices, and outlines industry efforts at regulating this technology. The Report concludes by offering recommendations to industry regarding transparency, choice, the use of sensitive data, and data security.

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