Content Marketing SEO 101: Meta is Better

Whenever a content marketer creates a blog post or page, they have the opportunity to include certain tags and metadata to greatly increase a content piece’s likelihood of being found by an organic search. (And forgive the forced Arrested Development joke/reference above, but I promise it serves a purpose later on in this search engine optimization “how-to” post.) A few of these topics will seem elementary to some, but this is an important read for those who are new to creating online content, as well as for those who are already aware of these notions but who may overly rely on SEO plugins as a crutch. The difference between showings up on page 1 vs. page 10 of a search engine results page (SERP) for a given term can be hundreds of thousands of visitors for the most competitive keywords. Search engines weight a URL’s positioning by how popular a site is on the web (by measuring how often others link to your site, and to a smaller extent, how much it is shared on social media), as well as by the content that appears on that site.



FlashIntel: A premier Go-to-Market Intelligence company that strengthens revenue teams by improving their capacity to discover and connect with ideal customer profiles. Our all-inclusive solutions combine sales intelligence and engagement functionalities within a unified platform, allowing revenue teams to refine their workflows and concentrate on achieving enhanced performance.

Buyer Intent Data

Lost in translation: The problem with inconsistent language in marketing

Article | September 11, 2023

Inconsistent language in B2B marketing is becoming a growing hurdle for collaboration. I attended a workshop recently that brought together members of different marketing functions to train them on ABM. The task was simple enough: Act as the agency and put together an ABM brief. We didn’t have any trouble understanding the assignment. We just couldn’t seem to speak the same language. We were discussing the same topics and working toward the same goal. But the variations in how each of us used established B2B marketing terms made collaboration harder. And so, it got me thinking. How often have you sat in a meeting and understood what someone has said but not what they’ve meant? Sure, you understand that impressions measure how many times someone’s seen your ad. But why does it matter? How does it contribute to revenue growth and the overall performance of the campaign? What does it mean to me? I was reminded of when we were learning a foreign language in school. You could try directly translating a sentence to English, but chances are it wouldn’t make much sense. A translation would only add up when you understood its grammatical and syntactical context. So, if we (no matter how humorously) consider B2B marketing a language of its own, why aren’t we as rigorous in policing our use of terminology? Growing pains In the past, B2B marketing departments were seen as single-focus, cost center arms of a business. Since then, the Marketing remit has grown considerably. Tools and technology allow us to work on everything from insights and analytics to bespoke, hyper-personalized 1:1 ABM programs. Sales and Marketing alignment is helping prove our contribution to the bottom line. And we’re finally becoming a revenue center. But I think there’s a catch. The same increased responsibilities that allow us to connect our marketing activity to revenue have made the language we use more inconsistent. Teams are more specialized than ever. And the size of the marketing department has expanded massively. There are even employees in the same functions who’ve never said a word to each other. This creates bubbles of intradepartmental dialects. Linguistic nuances that create collaborative hurdles between teams, departments, and even organizations. Time that should be spent planning, producing, and activating is lost to soul-destroying email chains and inane meetings clarifying points of uncertainty. Things I’m sure we’d all be happier without. The effects on business Then there are the impacts inconsistent language has on your business. Brief your teams unclearly and budget/resource that could be used more productively is squandered on multiple revisions. Chains of stakeholder questions that could have been easily avoided with greater context can result in strained working relationships. Levels of employee stress can increase out of fear of asking a question and sounding stupid. And perhaps the scariest of all – misunderstandings of key deliverables that find their way through to your final outputs. Standardizing our use of language can help alleviate these challenges. Key performance metrics will always differ between functions. KPIs like leads generated and engagement will be valuable to your Marketing or social teams, but not Sales whose sole focus is accelerating pipeline. But it’s context that helps tie everything together. It saves you questioning why everyone’s talking about split testing and not A/B testing (before realizing they’re the same thing an hour into the discussion). It clarifies why certain conversations are happening, sets clear expectations of what needs to be done and by whom, and breaks down siloes between departments. It stops important points of discussion from being lost in translation. Speaking the same language Driving revenue through a more unified marketing and sales function is becoming core to what we do. But we need to take a step back and evaluate our use of terminology. Before considering Sales and Marketing alignment, our marketing teams have to speak the same language. Collaboration is a product of good communication. But siloes across your marketing department can stand in the way of productivity. Making a concerted effort to convey the scope and role of specific marketing functions, core metrics necessary for success, and ways of working for each team helps promote a more collaborative work culture. It’s our responsibility to ensure we’re all on the same page before starting group projects or aligning with other branches of business. Recognizing the inconsistencies in our language and addressing them in advance helps reduce wasted time and resource. It sets us up for success by reducing the number of roadblocks in the way of our work and path to revenue growth. Marketing departments in B2B industries will likely continue to grow. And for organizations like B2B tech enterprises, the challenges associated with inconsistent language are only exacerbated by teams spread by geo, mother tongue, and culture. Creating clear and consistent rules for the language we use as B2B marketers can help overcome these barriers, allowing us to focus on creating exceptional marketing. Some ways forward So, how do we create guidelines for more consistent marketing language? I won’t say I have all the answers. But I do think there needs to be a shift in employee education and training with a view to standardizing nomenclature. Glossaries that include company-specific frameworks can be a great way to provide context and meaning to your business’ use of terminology. Pre-recorded video resources with your subject matter experts can be paired with an intranet site to offer a more interactive, always-on education and training solution. Or, better still, regular workshops across departments to promote cross-functional understanding of why terms are used at certain times. I’d also recommend reviewing your corporate team structures to see which stakeholders have a seat at the table. Changes in how your teams communicate can only come from the top down. And a reflection on how your use of language affects those you work with, through researching communication processes/best practices or otherwise, can be a step toward fostering a more collaborative work culture. Establishing clear definitions for common language allows us to work closer together. It breaks down barriers to collaboration and lets us focus on common business goals. If Marketing really wants to become a revenue center, we need to start speaking the same language.

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Buyer Intent Data

How LinkedIn ABM Enhances B2B Branding

Article | March 6, 2023

It’s hard to believe that a B2B marketer isn’t aware of the value of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and has switched over as well. Being in a B2B business, if your priorities include efficacious alignment with sales, delivering higher quality and apter leads, and linking other marketing activities that hit directly to revenue, ABM is undoubtedly a practical part of your thinking. But, despite this, only because the benefits are understood doesn’t state that the process for building an ABM program always is the same. ABM can feel daunting for several reasons, such as: The complex task of pulling data together for target accounts The science of profiling those accounts and categorizing audiences The long-lasting task of personalizing content And the effort involved in generating the momentum to make it all happen However, it might be easy to assume that ABM is only workable for larger businesses with sophisticated analytics and resource to spare. But the fact is ABM is already delivering value for a wide range of businesses. And those businesses find many essential ingredients for doing effective ABM. Out of which, a popular ingredient is LinkedIn. It’s through LinkedIn tools that they are now integrating data from both sales and marketing. For example, by having LinkedIn-based marketing, they can now easily have a real-time view of accounts' engagement. It’s on LinkedIn where they find the targeting capabilities to deliver personalized content to the right target audiences. And it’s on LinkedIn where they can find the capabilities to scale ABM programs flexibly. Footing of LinkedIn Account-Based Marketing ABM strategy demonstrates benefits such as the ability to look at the impact of engagement in detail. It enables you to be precise about whom you are targeting and why. The more insight you can integrate while working with sales to plan an ABM program is the better. The sources can come through various marketing automation platforms, ABM-specific tools, and ABM strategies. However, it’s unusual to spot an ABM program that doesn’t combine LinkedIn as a vital source of insight or, say, as a constant source of data collection and the crucial execution channel. Its function across the various stages of an ABM program makes LinkedIn a worthy starting point for marketing teams to build an ABM strategy. Even if you are starting with confined in-house data, LinkedIn affords the essentials for prioritizing accounts, identifying the critical prospects to target, delivering personalized content, and tracking the impact of what you’re doing. It’s one crucial foundation of ABM, which you can build on as you gain more insight. What’s Inside—LinkedIn Account-Based Marketing Many consumers decide to buy a product or service before ever encountering it personally. Of course, this also applies to B2B buying. How is that? People research in B2B as much as in B2C. In the age of social media, people purchase solely through research. Social media has empowered people to research more than ever before, and for B2B, this is oftentimes observed through LinkedIn. People can research every single angle and aspect of a brand and company, from corporate social responsibility and community engagement to followers. In addition, they can research the CEO personally — what the CEO is saying, doing, and buying. So, when people are deciding whether to buy from you, they research. The first thing they'll do is search for you through the LinkedIn profile. When people click on your LinkedIn, they’ll get a positive impression if you have positive content and recommendations and lots of positive engagement on your page. Your content is positive and would lead when it shows long-form posts, short-form posts, videos, graphs, white papers, and figures that explain what you do, how you do it, and what you can do for people. When audiences are involving with your content, it's high time that you know what you are doing and are an expert in it. When Media 7 interviewed Udi Ledergor, Chief Marketing Officer at Gong, he said, “Our top channels for engaging our audience of sales professionals include our LinkedIn page, our highly engaged audience at our LinkedIn profile, and our enthusiastic list of email subscribers. To complement our digital channels, we supplement them with a good dose of content, which includes advertising, and other mediums not often used in B2B Marketing.” Similar to this, when Media 7 interviewed Ed Breault, Chief Marketing Officer at Aprimo said, “We are “humanizing” communications as much as possible, over the phone for voice, broadcast, media buying within different properties like LinkedIn. I think it’s a drive to strike a balance to create a complete experience for my audience. The foremost motivation to innovate should be solving a real-world problem your customers are experiencing.” LinkedIn Account-based Marketing has created value to add for ABM strategies. However, LinkedIn targeting also plays a vital role for smaller marketing teams who have just stepped in their ABM journey and are hungry to gain meaningful insights to help plan their program. Here are some crucial ways to use LinkedIn for targeting campaigns at the stages of executing an ABM: Build a Personal Brand One of the best ways to engage with essential accounts through LinkedIn Account-based Marketing is to have decision-makers as part of your existing system. If you already have a trustworthy relationship with them, they will be more probable to trust you and buy from you. You can take advantage of LinkedIn to build a personal brand, build solutions, and aware your accounts. There is no secret hack to using LinkedIn to expand your personal and company brand. Be authentic. Provide significance to your audience. Don't show up only to sell. To build your brand, the best content type to post will solely depend on your audience. However, LinkedIn users are 10x more active in sharing videos than text-related posts. So, ensure creating your content in the format your audience wants to consume it. Outline the Priority Accounts You can’t stay relaxed after you assign a high-value account for your ABM program. You also need to spend time profiling the business, identifying important stakeholder audiences, and developing a plan for them. The time you invest in understanding your top-priority accounts won’t only support sales, but you will also be creating relevant personas for your broader ABM program. To know how to go about profiling accounts on LinkedIn, you need to know that the Buyer Circle feature within LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a perfect starting point for profiling your priority accounts. In this, you will be able to identify all of the decision-makers and influencers expected to be involved in a purchase decision. Choose Types of Ads Ideal for LinkedIn Account-based Marketing There remains a wide range of advertisement options similar to your target audience. Determining which ones will be the best fit according to your business can benefit your ads to land with an extra punch. Let’s understand it in detail. Content Sponsored Ads A sponsored content is proven to be one of the most effective ad types to engage the audience and is best considered an easy way to get started with LinkedIn account-based marketing. In case of point, you can use an existing post on your company’s page or create a most relevant to your target audience. Content can include images, articles, videos, or presentations that win audiences’ hearts. Likewise, carousel images are a particularly robust strategy that can help humanize your brand through your ads. With the ability to use several images that can link to multiple landing pages of the company’s website, you can share more of your company’s story. Carousel-based ads can even boost your target audience to stop scrolling through their feed and interact with your ad directly to get in contact with your sales team. LinkedIn Text Ad A text ad only includes words. This means you can’t rely on fancy images to draw in leads. Instead, it’s all focused on a creative copy. Text ads can be valuable, especially because they may be cheaper than other ads, and where you can easily update the text to achieve the best ROI. So, if you are thinking of creating specific campaigns, use LinkedIn targeting options and see the results. LinkedIn Display Ads Right in line with LinkedIn account-based targeting, display ads let you target an extremely specified audience. In addition, with using a variety of content for your ads, like text, audio, video, or images, LinkedIn targeting becomes easier. The benefit you get is that you can strengthen your brand and ultimately reach more professionals, decision-makers, and influencers worldwide. LinkedIn Video Ads Video has become a popular choice for brand content because video ads make up 35% of total online expenditure. It’s a simple yet effective way to deliver your company’s message in a creative and informative method. Luckily, you can also utilize video with your ads, as LinkedIn privileges this content format in the best ways. If nothing, begin with creating video ads on LinkedIn for targeting campaigns. Generate Content that Works the Best The ability to deliver customized content is the optimum truth for an ABM program—because everything pivots around it. Personalized content is the bridge where sales meet marketing execution. If it is done right, it means that influencers and decision-makers engage with content that reflects the business’s needs and the priorities in its respective role. Creating personalized content maximizes the engagement that it can generate. For example, in LinkedIn’s recent State of Sales survey, 87% of B2B buyers in Europe say they are more probable to consider products or services from a brand that engages them with content precisely relevant to their role. Similarly, LinkedIn’s exceptional targeting capabilities play a prominent role in a lot of ABM strategies. LinkedIn account targeting ensures that, when you modify content to fit a priority account, you can deliver that content exclusively to that account Keeping an attractive offer for an eBook, guide, white paper, or infographic can be perfect for drawing key prospects’ attention. It is because you never know how it might ultimately create an easy opportunity for a conversion. How do you Now Convert Leads? While you might upload your target list appropriately, create a captivating ad for your audience, and set up all options correctly, still you might have a remaining question in the back of your mind: What if I don’t get conversions? That’s the entire purpose of this, after all. You don’t want to fade off at the last step! When lining up your ad for lead generation, you can indicate your target audience between sending them to your website’s external landing page or filling out a LinkedIn form. While an impeccably executed landing page can convert leads, LinkedIn also might deliver different options to let them fill out a form, where their information will be swiftly and efficiently filled based on their profile. That’s what the power of LinkedIn account-based marketing is doing to other B2B business bodies. Track Engagement for Best Results In the last, it is an obvious step to take! The multiple benefits of tracking your engagement will be equally apparent. Tracking the results of your accounts through LinkedIn account-based marketing can aid you, and your account-based marketer to better understand who other prospects are required to be targeted within existing accounts. Also, you can track at an appropriate time, to give an extra gentle push in the funnel. Activating real-time alerts so that your account-based marketer can get in touch with the accounts that have demonstrated interest in your business within an appropriate time frame. Doing this can help discover further opportunities that may have been missed otherwise. Providing these alerts can enable your account-based marketer to perceive exactly when targeted accounts engage with your ads. Of course, this swells up your engagement score. From this, your team can take additional steps and use that information to determine which accounts aren’t engaging and think critically—why some offerings are working and how you can change the ads that aren’t responding. Since every campaign is different, you will have to determine individual goals for each of the accounts. However, if your campaign is underperforming, there are steps you can always take to make improvements. Ready to Start-up your ABM Process with LinkedIn? Most business professionals are already strengthening LinkedIn for networking, inspiration, and knowledge sharing. So why not use the platform for everything of which it is worth able? No other social media platforms are as specific and curated as LinkedIn. So, if you know whom you are targeting and looking for a new way to capture leads, it’s not too late to use LinkedIn Account-Based marketing techniques. Again because, people are researching you, whether you like it or not. The great thing about LinkedIn Account-Based marketing is that you can take the bull by the horns and proactively craft your LinkedIn profile to guide their research on you. In this way, you are the one writing your narrative and deciding their opinion of you so that your social selling can take off. Frequently Asked Questions What are the benefits of using LinkedIn for ABM? The benefits of using LinkedIn for ABM are generating leads, driving website traffic, multiplying ROI, creating brand awareness, showing marketing potential, and marketing functionalities, among many others. What is the top 3 reason to use LinkedIn for ABM? Well, several reasons are evolving each day to use LinkedIn for ABM, but the reasons actually will give you results are: Selection of targets To profile priority accounts Score leads How to use LinkedIn ABM to generate leads? There are some steps to follow to generate leads using LinkedIn ABM. Don’t miss out on these. Firstly, know your audience Find them on LinkedIn Create a list of target accounts from their LinkedIn profile Specify your accounts Create content through keeping accounts and their business needs Choose your ad type and specify to your audience Post, tag, share throughout the platform Track your engagement { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the benefits of using LinkedIn for ABM?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The benefits of using LinkedIn for ABM are generating leads, driving website traffic, multiplying ROI, creating brand awareness, showing marketing potential, and marketing functionalities, among many others." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the top 3 reason to use LinkedIn for ABM?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Well, several reasons are evolving each day to use LinkedIn for ABM, but the reasons actually will give you results are: Selection of targets To profile priority accounts Score leads" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How to use LinkedIn ABM to generate leads?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "There are some steps to follow to generate leads using LinkedIn ABM. Don’t miss out on these. Firstly, know your audience Find them on LinkedIn Create a list of target accounts from their LinkedIn profile Specify your accounts Create content through keeping accounts and their business needs Choose your ad type and specify to your audience Post, tag, share throughout the platform Track your engagement" } }] }

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Account Based Data

Finding the Right Balance Between ABM & Demand Generation

Article | June 29, 2023

When it comes to ABM vs. demand generation, most businesses struggle to find the right balance. Swinging too far one way or the other can completely derail your performance — and your organization's trust. Here are some things you can do to get the best of both ABM and demand generation: Check If You Are Too Heavy on Demand If you are someone who focuses more on demand, then you should: Gather insights from data, intelligence, and signals to develop a strong ICP. A strong ICP will help you target the individuals that make up the buying committee. Keep your TAL (target account list) short and base it on buying intent. Build an ABM program that encompasses teams, channels, and activities to gauge output and refine the use case. Engage the double funnel to understand where you should draw the line between ABM and demand generation. Are You Too Focused on ABM? For the account-based marketer in you, it must be very hard to think beyond your target accounts. To balance this out, you should: Get more information on the channels and tactics that your buyers respond to. Draft messaging that creates urgency around your target account’s pain points. Test your content on a large audience to see which gets the most engagement. Use these insights to find the right balance between your demand generation strategy and ABM. Beat the Odds When Implementing Strategies Issues like no alignment between your sales and marketing teams and a superior insisting on implementing 100% ABM may arise. To address such issues, you should: Expertly measure your data so all your responses are data-driven. Chase directional improvements instead of trying to perfect your strategies right away. Define a single metric for success, so your teams work towards achieving the same goal. Keep your efforts balanced when implementing demand gen and ABM strategies. Conclusion If you do not strike a delicate balance between your ABM and your demand generation plan, your SDR teams will get overwhelmed and may not reach the level of efficiency you desire. Remember, your demand generation program should supplement your ABM efforts and not drive them.

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Core ABM

Optimizing ABM with Personalized Landing Pages

Article | August 8, 2022

Personalization is an essential component of an ABM strategy. Without content personalization, it is difficult to target decision makers and influence their purchase decisions. Within this content personalization, ABM landing pages play an important role in offering your target account just what they are looking for. However, without proper personalization, your ABM landing pages will not perform as expected and remain industry-specific pages that are too generic to create any impact. With the help of technology, it is easy to create hyper-personalized ABM landing pages. Here is how you can build your landing page strategy: Categorize Your Accounts Break your accounts into clusters, map patterns and choose relevant, effective content for each landing page. Use industry or firmographic details in the beginning and then switch to using account-specific pain points that each segment might face. Based on this data, you can build account personas. If you can, make a separate persona profile for each job role for certain accounts. This will make things run more smoothly. Create Value-added and Relevant Content for Each Cluster Your deep research into your target accounts will help you understand what kind of content will be valuable for each account. With your buyers in mind, create content that empowers them and facilitates their purchasing journey. Avoid creating fluffy content that raves about your brand. Instead, give the visitor something that can help them solve their business problems. Offer Personalized Offers for Each ABM Landing Page In a 2019 study conducted by Hanover Research for PROS, 69% of buyers said that personalized offers helped them purchase a product and that they were willing to pay more if a specially tailored price was quoted. Having relevant promotions and offers for a landing page that targets an account can get you the conversions you desire. Every visitor that arrives on the page should know that you have created specific content for them that can add value to their business. Delegate a Dedicated Sales Representative Your visitors may be used to chatbot automation, but they might still want to interact with a sales representative to get their queries cleared or to make special demands. Assign one sales representative to handle an account. This representative’s information should be available on the landing page so the visitors know who to get in touch with. Design a Personalized ABM Landing Page Layout Your landing page should follow a layout that aligns with the customized content. It should have a nice flow and should guide the visitor towards the call to action. It should influence the visitor through content they might find resourceful. Elements like a custom logo and the company’s banner will enrich the page with branding. The most important part of the page will be relevant content pieces like the visitors’ pain points, their industry highlights, product comparisons, and case studies. These are lucrative resources that the visitors might find useful. Using a landing page builder tool that is up-to-date, you can easily make campaigns for different campaigns. Focus on Your Call to Action Don’t hesitate to offer your visitors multiple calls to action. Offer them lead magnet downloads, specially tailored resources, tools, app downloads, upsells/cross-sells, etc. to entice them. Think about all the possible ways that could help your target accounts throughout the buying process and post-conversion. Multiple CTAs can be your way of showing how much you care about the visitors’ needs and experience. What’s the Bottomline? The pressure to bring in new customers is higher than ever before. Marketers need to get creative, revamp their acquisition strategy, and start talking to their target prospects directly through relevant content. Only then can ABM deliver the results you are looking for.

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FlashIntel: A premier Go-to-Market Intelligence company that strengthens revenue teams by improving their capacity to discover and connect with ideal customer profiles. Our all-inclusive solutions combine sales intelligence and engagement functionalities within a unified platform, allowing revenue teams to refine their workflows and concentrate on achieving enhanced performance.

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Integrate Launches Media Division, Pipeline360, for Holistic Demand Generation

PRWeb | January 11, 2024

Integrate, a leading B2B marketing demand management platform, today announced the launch of Pipeline360, its media arm that offers an all-in-one integrated media solution for content syndication, account intelligence enhancement, and digital advertising. Pipeline360 incorporates what was previously known as the Integrate Lead Generation Marketplace with multichannel, full-funnel, global campaign management, including real-time analytics, lead validation and standardization, and enhanced segmentation. In "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey conducted by Pipeline360 and Demand Metric, 80% of B2B marketers report getting new qualified leads is mission critical or an urgent priority, yet 53% of B2B marketers report not being able to meet their pipeline goals. Additionally, an overwhelming 93% of B2B marketers say that data compliance and accuracy is a priority at their company. "This gap in marketers' ability to meet pipeline goals underscores the complex intersection of challenges B2B marketers face today - budget constraints alongside rising targets, a convergence of brand and demand, all while facing heightened scrutiny on data privacy," said Jeremy Bloom, co-founder and CEO of Integrate. "We developed Pipeline360 to provide our customers with a flexible solution that makes it easy and seamless to generate a robust pipeline enriched with high quality leads. This complements our SaaS platform's capability to connect, govern, and measure performance across multiple demand channels." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey found that the #1 challenge in marketing today is budget constraints (50%) followed by economic slowdown (40%) and impossible targets (32%). In response, B2B companies are adapting to fewer resources by consolidating teams and/or job responsibilities (79%), cutting travel budgets (33%), and relying on agencies (33%). The survey also found that 61% of B2B marketers who use content syndication were able to reach their goals as compared to 45% for those who do not use content syndication. However, the survey also found that 37% of respondents have not considered using content syndication for lead generation, 38% don't know what content syndication is, and 35% don't understand how it works. "These data suggest that more than a third of B2B marketers are not maximizing the tools and channels available to them, and by not leveraging the power of content syndication, advanced display advertising, and a full-funnel approach, they're losing out on pipeline and revenue," said Tony Uphoff, President, Pipeline360. "That's why we created Pipeline360 - to support marketers to maximize the value of a multichannel approach, bring their brand and demand efforts together, and drive marketing pipeline in a scalable, compliant, and predictable way." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" was conducted with global research and advisory firm, Demand Metric and surveyed 400+ B2B marketers across North America and the UK. The questions were fielded in Q4 of 2023 to unveil key challenges, investments, and priorities for demand marketers. To learn more about "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth," please visit our blog, "B2B Marketing Trends: The Realities of B2B Marketing Pipeline Growth in 2024." To learn more about Pipeline360, please visit About Pipeline360 Powered by Integrate, a leading B2B marketing solutions provider, Pipeline360 solutions combine three powerful demand generation tools: targeted display, content syndication, and a comprehensive marketplace model. Pipeline360 ensures that marketers achieve 100% compliant and marketable leads by effectively engaging with audiences much earlier in the buying cycle, connecting with buyers at every stage of the process, and optimizing programs to drive performance. Pipeline360 enables a strategic, holistic demand generation approach tailored for the reality of today's B2B purchasing process. Customers include high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Cisco, Dell, and VMware. For more information, please visit About Integrate Integrate offers a cross-channel demand management SaaS platform for enterprise B2B demand and marketing operations teams. Integrate accelerates speed-to-business value through powerful integrations, delivers 100% marketable and compliant leads with trusted governance, and provides AI-powered insights to enhance and expedite smart decision-making. Integrate works with high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Microsoft, Akamai, and Pluralsight to power their B2B marketing strategies. For more information, visit or engage with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram.

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Account Based Data

DemandScience’s End-to-End B2B Demand Generation Products Earn 50 Awards in Winter 2024 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | January 10, 2024

DemandScience, a leading B2B demand generation company that accelerates global growth for its clients, today announced that the company’s products earned 50 awards in G2’s Winter 2024 reports. This is the second consecutive quarter DemandScience has won 50 or more G2 awards. Highlights include: four Fastest Implementation awards, three Easiest To Do Business With awards, four Momentum Leader awards, nine Leader and 30 High Performer awards. “Winning 50 G2 awards across our product portfolio underscores DemandScience’s ability to partner with our customers at any point in their demand generation campaign lifecycle to help them exceed their goals and realize a quantifiable ROI – which is vitally important during these times when marketers are expected to do more with less,” said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. “We value each and every customer and are especially proud of these G2 awards because they are based on verified reviews from real users of our solutions.” DemandScience’s Winter 2024 G2 awards are both global and regional, including wins in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. Examples of recent, verified customer reviews of DemandScience on the G2 platform: “The level of knowledge and attention the team provides is exceptional.” “They are very flexible, quick to respond and are thorough from beginning to end. I enjoy having a full program that provides the level of insight and lessons learned once the program wraps up. I’d recommend…” “DemandScience - A win for Lead Gen.” “DemandScience is the best way to get highly qualified MQA (Marketing Qualified Accounts) using content syndication campaigns…” “Klarity by DemandScience is the wind beneath my wings.” “Klarity has been an invaluable and versatile tool for our Growth Marketing team. We have been able to use it in a variety of ways including database building, pulling in specific segments to run campaigns to, and identifying target audiences for us to run in both content syndication and display with DemandScience.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 25 awards: Award Report Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Advertising Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Mid-Market Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture High Performer Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Enterprise Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales Account Intelligence tool for building, sharing, and prioritizing contact lists has won 25 awards: Award Report Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Asia Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer India Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Asia Pacific Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. For more information on G2 Research Scoring Methodologies, visit here. Learn more about what real users have to say at G2’s DemandScience page and Klarity by DemandScience page. About DemandScience DemandScience is the premier B2B demand generation company accelerating global growth for our clients. The DemandScience intelligence platform empowers B2B organizations to swiftly identify the right accounts and target in-market buyers with precision. By combining groundbreaking technologies, machine learning and data science innovation, the company ensures timely delivery of accurate data, intelligence, and insights, adding value to the end-to-end journey from initial engagement to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience provides 1,500 global customers with superior marketing solutions, B2B data, and leads. With a team of 600+ employees across operations in seven countries, DemandScience is certified as a Great Place To Work, named #5 on Fortune Magazine’s 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing, and one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 for 10 consecutive years. For further insights on why DemandScience stands at the forefront of transformative demand generation, visit and connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit

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Account Based Data, Buyer Intent Data

DemandScience Products Earn 27 Awards in Summer 2023 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | July 13, 2023

DemandScience, a leading B2B demand generation company that makes marketing and sales easier by enabling organizations to find the right prospects faster and target in-market buyers, today announced that the company’s products earned a total of 27 awards in G2’s Summer 2023 Reports. Highlights include three Fastest Implementation awards, two Easiest To Do Business With awards, Best Estimated ROI award, Best Support award, and 20 G2 Grid® Report Awards as a Leader, Momentum Leader or High Performer. “Our mission is to provide B2B marketing and sales teams with easy to use products that deliver rapid ROI and help them exceed their demand generation goals,” said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. “G2 awards are based on verified reviews from real users, so winning these 27 awards is direct validation of the effectiveness of our solutions and DemandScience’s ability to help our global customers succeed.” Examples of verified customer reviews on the G2 platform: “Our Top Performing Content Syndication Vendor.” “(Klarity) generates high quality leads and converts into ROI. DemandScience reaches the right target audience for our product and the team is very flexible if we need to make any shifts to targeting and content…” “An Exceptional Experience with DemandScience.” “Exceptional services, expert team, data-driven approach, global reach, integrated solutions, and commitment to innovation make them stand out.” “DemandScience quarter over quarter produces fantastic results for B2B Demand Gen marketing.” “First and foremost, results, results, RESULTS.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 14 awards: Award Report Best Support Relationship Index for Small-Business Lead Capture Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Leader Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Mid-Market Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Mid-Market Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences High Performer Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Mid-Market Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences High Performer Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales prospecting tool for building, sharing, and saving contact lists has won 13 awards: Award Report Best Estimated ROI Small-Business Results Index for Marketing Account Intelligence Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Lead Mining Fastest Implementation Small-Business Implementation Index for Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Small-Business Implementation Index for Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Small-Business Implementation Index for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. Learn more about what real users have to say at G2’s DemandScience page and Klarity by DemandScience page. About DemandScience DemandScience is a leading B2B demand generation company that makes marketing and sales easier by enabling organizations to find the right prospects faster and target in-market buyers. The DemandScience Live Data Factory uses innovative technologies to deliver accurate data with relevant intent signals, helping organizations accelerate the buyers’ journey from top-of-funnel to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience’s products, data and leads benefit more than 1,500 customers worldwide. With offices in 7 countries and 800+ employees, DemandScience is #5 on Fortune Magazine’s list of the best workplaces in advertising & marketing. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit

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Buyer Intent Data

Integrate Launches Media Division, Pipeline360, for Holistic Demand Generation

PRWeb | January 11, 2024

Integrate, a leading B2B marketing demand management platform, today announced the launch of Pipeline360, its media arm that offers an all-in-one integrated media solution for content syndication, account intelligence enhancement, and digital advertising. Pipeline360 incorporates what was previously known as the Integrate Lead Generation Marketplace with multichannel, full-funnel, global campaign management, including real-time analytics, lead validation and standardization, and enhanced segmentation. In "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey conducted by Pipeline360 and Demand Metric, 80% of B2B marketers report getting new qualified leads is mission critical or an urgent priority, yet 53% of B2B marketers report not being able to meet their pipeline goals. Additionally, an overwhelming 93% of B2B marketers say that data compliance and accuracy is a priority at their company. "This gap in marketers' ability to meet pipeline goals underscores the complex intersection of challenges B2B marketers face today - budget constraints alongside rising targets, a convergence of brand and demand, all while facing heightened scrutiny on data privacy," said Jeremy Bloom, co-founder and CEO of Integrate. "We developed Pipeline360 to provide our customers with a flexible solution that makes it easy and seamless to generate a robust pipeline enriched with high quality leads. This complements our SaaS platform's capability to connect, govern, and measure performance across multiple demand channels." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" survey found that the #1 challenge in marketing today is budget constraints (50%) followed by economic slowdown (40%) and impossible targets (32%). In response, B2B companies are adapting to fewer resources by consolidating teams and/or job responsibilities (79%), cutting travel budgets (33%), and relying on agencies (33%). The survey also found that 61% of B2B marketers who use content syndication were able to reach their goals as compared to 45% for those who do not use content syndication. However, the survey also found that 37% of respondents have not considered using content syndication for lead generation, 38% don't know what content syndication is, and 35% don't understand how it works. "These data suggest that more than a third of B2B marketers are not maximizing the tools and channels available to them, and by not leveraging the power of content syndication, advanced display advertising, and a full-funnel approach, they're losing out on pipeline and revenue," said Tony Uphoff, President, Pipeline360. "That's why we created Pipeline360 - to support marketers to maximize the value of a multichannel approach, bring their brand and demand efforts together, and drive marketing pipeline in a scalable, compliant, and predictable way." "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth" was conducted with global research and advisory firm, Demand Metric and surveyed 400+ B2B marketers across North America and the UK. The questions were fielded in Q4 of 2023 to unveil key challenges, investments, and priorities for demand marketers. To learn more about "The 2024 State of B2B Pipeline Growth," please visit our blog, "B2B Marketing Trends: The Realities of B2B Marketing Pipeline Growth in 2024." To learn more about Pipeline360, please visit About Pipeline360 Powered by Integrate, a leading B2B marketing solutions provider, Pipeline360 solutions combine three powerful demand generation tools: targeted display, content syndication, and a comprehensive marketplace model. Pipeline360 ensures that marketers achieve 100% compliant and marketable leads by effectively engaging with audiences much earlier in the buying cycle, connecting with buyers at every stage of the process, and optimizing programs to drive performance. Pipeline360 enables a strategic, holistic demand generation approach tailored for the reality of today's B2B purchasing process. Customers include high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Cisco, Dell, and VMware. For more information, please visit About Integrate Integrate offers a cross-channel demand management SaaS platform for enterprise B2B demand and marketing operations teams. Integrate accelerates speed-to-business value through powerful integrations, delivers 100% marketable and compliant leads with trusted governance, and provides AI-powered insights to enhance and expedite smart decision-making. Integrate works with high-growth and enterprise organizations like Salesforce, Microsoft, Akamai, and Pluralsight to power their B2B marketing strategies. For more information, visit or engage with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram.

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Account Based Data

DemandScience’s End-to-End B2B Demand Generation Products Earn 50 Awards in Winter 2024 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | January 10, 2024

DemandScience, a leading B2B demand generation company that accelerates global growth for its clients, today announced that the company’s products earned 50 awards in G2’s Winter 2024 reports. This is the second consecutive quarter DemandScience has won 50 or more G2 awards. Highlights include: four Fastest Implementation awards, three Easiest To Do Business With awards, four Momentum Leader awards, nine Leader and 30 High Performer awards. “Winning 50 G2 awards across our product portfolio underscores DemandScience’s ability to partner with our customers at any point in their demand generation campaign lifecycle to help them exceed their goals and realize a quantifiable ROI – which is vitally important during these times when marketers are expected to do more with less,” said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. “We value each and every customer and are especially proud of these G2 awards because they are based on verified reviews from real users of our solutions.” DemandScience’s Winter 2024 G2 awards are both global and regional, including wins in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. Examples of recent, verified customer reviews of DemandScience on the G2 platform: “The level of knowledge and attention the team provides is exceptional.” “They are very flexible, quick to respond and are thorough from beginning to end. I enjoy having a full program that provides the level of insight and lessons learned once the program wraps up. I’d recommend…” “DemandScience - A win for Lead Gen.” “DemandScience is the best way to get highly qualified MQA (Marketing Qualified Accounts) using content syndication campaigns…” “Klarity by DemandScience is the wind beneath my wings.” “Klarity has been an invaluable and versatile tool for our Growth Marketing team. We have been able to use it in a variety of ways including database building, pulling in specific segments to run campaigns to, and identifying target audiences for us to run in both content syndication and display with DemandScience.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 25 awards: Award Report Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Enterprise Account-Based Advertising Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Mid-Market Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture High Performer Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Enterprise Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales Account Intelligence tool for building, sharing, and prioritizing contact lists has won 25 awards: Award Report Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Small-Business Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Implementation Index for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Asia Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer India Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Asia Pacific Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Mid-Market Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Americas Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. For more information on G2 Research Scoring Methodologies, visit here. Learn more about what real users have to say at G2’s DemandScience page and Klarity by DemandScience page. About DemandScience DemandScience is the premier B2B demand generation company accelerating global growth for our clients. The DemandScience intelligence platform empowers B2B organizations to swiftly identify the right accounts and target in-market buyers with precision. By combining groundbreaking technologies, machine learning and data science innovation, the company ensures timely delivery of accurate data, intelligence, and insights, adding value to the end-to-end journey from initial engagement to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience provides 1,500 global customers with superior marketing solutions, B2B data, and leads. With a team of 600+ employees across operations in seven countries, DemandScience is certified as a Great Place To Work, named #5 on Fortune Magazine’s 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Advertising & Marketing, and one of only 143 companies in history to be named to the Inc. 5000 for 10 consecutive years. For further insights on why DemandScience stands at the forefront of transformative demand generation, visit and connect on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit

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Account Based Data, Buyer Intent Data

DemandScience Products Earn 27 Awards in Summer 2023 G2 Reports

GlobeNewswire | July 13, 2023

DemandScience, a leading B2B demand generation company that makes marketing and sales easier by enabling organizations to find the right prospects faster and target in-market buyers, today announced that the company’s products earned a total of 27 awards in G2’s Summer 2023 Reports. Highlights include three Fastest Implementation awards, two Easiest To Do Business With awards, Best Estimated ROI award, Best Support award, and 20 G2 Grid® Report Awards as a Leader, Momentum Leader or High Performer. “Our mission is to provide B2B marketing and sales teams with easy to use products that deliver rapid ROI and help them exceed their demand generation goals,” said Peter Cannone, Chair and CEO of DemandScience. “G2 awards are based on verified reviews from real users, so winning these 27 awards is direct validation of the effectiveness of our solutions and DemandScience’s ability to help our global customers succeed.” Examples of verified customer reviews on the G2 platform: “Our Top Performing Content Syndication Vendor.” “(Klarity) generates high quality leads and converts into ROI. DemandScience reaches the right target audience for our product and the team is very flexible if we need to make any shifts to targeting and content…” “An Exceptional Experience with DemandScience.” “Exceptional services, expert team, data-driven approach, global reach, integrated solutions, and commitment to innovation make them stand out.” “DemandScience quarter over quarter produces fantastic results for B2B Demand Gen marketing.” “First and foremost, results, results, RESULTS.” DemandScience’s Content Syndication, ABM Display and B2B Intent Data products won 14 awards: Award Report Best Support Relationship Index for Small-Business Lead Capture Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers Leader Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Enterprise Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Mid-Market Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Mid-Market Grid Report for Lead Capture Leader Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Lead Capture Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Advertising Momentum Leader Momentum Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences High Performer Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Mid-Market Grid Report for Account-Based Web and Content Experiences High Performer Mid-Market Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Capture Klarity by DemandScience, the company’s B2B marketing and sales prospecting tool for building, sharing, and saving contact lists has won 13 awards: Award Report Best Estimated ROI Small-Business Results Index for Marketing Account Intelligence Easiest To Do Business With Relationship Index for Lead Mining Fastest Implementation Small-Business Implementation Index for Marketing Account Intelligence Fastest Implementation Small-Business Implementation Index for Lead Intelligence Fastest Implementation Small-Business Implementation Index for Sales Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Europe Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer UK Regional Grid Report for Sales Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Lead Intelligence High Performer Small-Business Grid Report for Lead Intelligence “Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers,” explained Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. “Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they’re rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews.” G2 is one of the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplaces. Learn more about what real users have to say at G2’s DemandScience page and Klarity by DemandScience page. About DemandScience DemandScience is a leading B2B demand generation company that makes marketing and sales easier by enabling organizations to find the right prospects faster and target in-market buyers. The DemandScience Live Data Factory uses innovative technologies to deliver accurate data with relevant intent signals, helping organizations accelerate the buyers’ journey from top-of-funnel to conversion. Founded in 2012, DemandScience’s products, data and leads benefit more than 1,500 customers worldwide. With offices in 7 countries and 800+ employees, DemandScience is #5 on Fortune Magazine’s list of the best workplaces in advertising & marketing. About G2 G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 60 million people annually — including employees at all of the FORTUNE 500 — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business – including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit

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