LinkedIn Goes All-In On Video Marketing

Video has a proven track record of being the most efficient way to capture an audience’s attention on social media. LinkedIn made its first move a few months back, allowing users to share organic, native or uploaded videos on its platform. Individual creators have found video to be a great way to share knowledge, and to express themselves on a platform that had often been seen as “a little boring.”



Marketing an ICO is a complex and time consuming process. Doing a good job requires planning, preparation and hard work. ICO Success provides comprehensive marketing services. While we believe that the most effective campaigns are managed with a holistic approach, we also understand that sometimes a specialist is needed for specific services. That's why we're proud to offer our clients both forms of engagement.

Buyer Intent Data

A short history of Pride Month

Article | June 20, 2023

Gay Pride or LGBTQ+ Pride is the promotion of dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ+) people as a social group. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBTQ+ rights movements. LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, while the '+' is an inclusive symbol meaning 'and others' to include people of all identities. It's a celebration of people coming together in love and friendship to show how far LGBTQ+ rights have come and how there's still work to be done in some places. Pride events range from solemn to carnivalesque and are typically held during LGBTQ+ Pride Month or other periods that commemorate a turning point in a country's LGBTQ+ history. For example, Moscow Pride in May for the anniversary of Russia's 1993 decriminalization of homosexuality. A short history of Pride Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month is celebrated every year in June to honor the Stonewall Riots that took place on 28 June 1969 – a rebellion led by trans women of color that acted as a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. However, the Stonewall Riots weren’t the first time the LGBTQ+ community organized to stand up for their cause. The Society for Human Rights was founded by US Army soldier Henry Gerber in 1924 and produced the US’ first-ever gay rights newsletter, ‘Freedom & Friendship’ – inspired by the work of the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, an organization dedicated to overturning Germany’s anti-homosexual rulings at the time. In the 1950s, Harry Hay founded The Mattachine Society in Southern California to provide a space for gays and lesbians to gather and discuss their experiences as homosexuals. While The Daughters of Bilitis was one of the first lesbian organizations ever established in the US, formed in 1955 by Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin. And in the 1960s, riots at both Compton’s Cafeteria in San Francisco and Cooper Do-Nuts in Los Angeles represented the first time that LGBTQ+ people stood up against police harassment. Take a journey through time to explore more of the obscure political history of Pride with them.'s video featuring Billy Porter on the subject below. Pride in 2022 Today, celebrations include pride parades, picnics, parties, workshops, and concerts. LGBTQ+ Pride Month events attract millions of participants around the world. Memorials are also held throughout the month for those members of the community who have been lost to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS. The purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally. Pride Month is about acceptance, equality, celebrating the work of LGBTQ+ people, education in LGBTQ+ history, and raising awareness of issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community. It also calls for people to remember how damaging homophobia was and still can be. Did you know? American bisexual rights activist Brenda Howard is known as 'The Mother of Pride' after organizing the first-ever Gay Pride March in Chicago – The Christopher Street Liberation Day March on 28 June 1970 Common symbols of pride include the rainbow flag and other pride flags. Today, the Progressive Pride flag is flown and celebrates the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community The São Paulo LGBTQ Pride Parade is the largest in the world, welcoming three to five million attendants each year The suggestion to call the movement 'Pride' came from L. Craig Schoonmaker, who in 2015 said: A lot of people were very repressed, they were conflicted internally, and didn't know how to come out and be proud. That's how the movement was most useful, because they thought, 'Maybe I should be proud. Since 28 June 1970, Pride events have grown bigger, bolder, and well more proud!

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Buyer Intent Data

Can Your ABM Solution Measure For Your ABX Needs?

Article | August 23, 2022

ABX is about quality, not quantity. The traditional metrics that have been used to gauge ABM success are not useful in the experience-centric realm. The new and more complex benchmarks for measuring success revolve around: Relationship analytics Journey analytics Attribution analytics Once you’ve successfully closed accounts, you want to make sure you understand which ABM programs helped to contribute to that sale so you can rinse and repeat. This is where you can evaluate how a vendor measures ABM success and the entire Account-Based Experience. You will want to choose a vendor who can help you optimize your programs from the top of the funnel to the bottom, and grow your customer’s lifetime value. Some examples of metrics to measure include the volume and velocity of an account as it makes its way through the buyer journey. This helps you understand whether your programs are engaging enough as well as whether your sales cycle is too long. A strong ABM vendor will also have different methods for measuring attribution since not all businesses are alike, and marketers love seeing attribution models so they can measure the success of their marketing efforts and ROI. Other metrics to consider include advertising campaigns and website visits – but with an account-based lens. After all, you want to understand whether your advertising is reaching the right accounts and which accounts are engaging on your website. If you find you’re short-staffed, some ABM vendors offer strategic services to help you with your ABM strategy and measurement. To learn more about vendor onboarding and support, read the next section. Because ABX has a different set of metrics than ABM, when it comes to measuring the performance of the ABM solution from the vantage point of the customer experience, the scope also changes. The vendors on your shortlist should, among other features: Offer a dashboard to measure ABM impact from across the funnel. Track volume, velocity and conversion metrics for each journey stage. Offer customizable subscriptions for all custom reports. People and account based heatmaps. Allow you to combine first party, third party, firmographic and technographic data for segmentation and reporting. Allow you to compare the performance of different audiences or account lists and evaluate the impact of specific programs. Enable you to see the engagement and activities that influenced the different stages of a deal cycle. Measuring a journey and a relationship in the long term requires measuring as much data as possible, so find out if they also: Centralize your existing data sources in one location? Track B2B metrics by account? Track and report on anonymous first-touch visitors by account? Have strategic services in place to help you set up ROI reporting based on your strategies? Allow you to compare different timeframes for account stages? Provide advanced BI capabilities for ABM? The point of measuring is to take action based on knowledge and insights, and having an ABM solution that allows you to bring together all of the relevant data points for your decision-making is pivotal for the success of your business. Our agnostic Definitive Guide to Choosing an Account-Based Marketing Platform provides you with checklists like the one above as well as the reasoning behind the need for each of the features outlined in the ebook. Check it out and take advantage of the printable list we put together for your own use at the end of the guide. ABX is about quality, not quantity. The traditional metrics that have been used to gauge ABM success are not useful in the experience-centric realm. The new and more complex benchmarks for measuring success revolve around: Relationship analytics Journey analytics Attribution analytics Once you’ve successfully closed accounts, you want to make sure you understand which ABM programs helped to contribute to that sale so you can rinse and repeat. This is where you can evaluate how a vendor measures ABM success and the entire Account-Based Experience. You will want to choose a vendor who can help you optimize your programs from the top of the funnel to the bottom, and grow your customer’s lifetime value. Some examples of metrics to measure include the volume and velocity of an account as it makes its way through the buyer journey. This helps you understand whether your programs are engaging enough as well as whether your sales cycle is too long. A strong ABM vendor will also have different methods for measuring attribution since not all businesses are alike, and marketers love seeing attribution models so they can measure the success of their marketing efforts and ROI. Other metrics to consider include advertising campaigns and website visits – but with an account-based lens. After all, you want to understand whether your advertising is reaching the right accounts and which accounts are engaging on your website. If you find you’re short-staffed, some ABM vendors offer strategic services to help you with your ABM strategy and measurement. To learn more about vendor onboarding and support, read the next section. Because ABX has a different set of metrics than ABM, when it comes to measuring the performance of the ABM solution from the vantage point of the customer experience, the scope also changes. The vendors on your shortlist should, among other features: Offer a dashboard to measure ABM impact from across the funnel. Track volume, velocity and conversion metrics for each journey stage. Offer customizable subscriptions for all custom reports. People and account based heatmaps. Allow you to combine first party, third party, firmographic and technographic data for segmentation and reporting. Allow you to compare the performance of different audiences or account lists and evaluate the impact of specific programs. Enable you to see the engagement and activities that influenced the different stages of a deal cycle. Measuring a journey and a relationship in the long term requires measuring as much data as possible, so find out if they also: Centralize your existing data sources in one location? Track B2B metrics by account? Track and report on anonymous first-touch visitors by account? Have strategic services in place to help you set up ROI reporting based on your strategies? Allow you to compare different timeframes for account stages? Provide advanced BI capabilities for ABM? The point of measuring is to take action based on knowledge and insights, and having an ABM solution that allows you to bring together all of the relevant data points for your decision-making is pivotal for the success of your business. Our agnostic Definitive Guide to Choosing an Account-Based Marketing Platform provides you with checklists like the one above as well as the reasoning behind the need for each of the features outlined in the ebook. Check it out and take advantage of the printable list we put together for your own use at the end of the guide.

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Buyer Intent Data

3 Best Buyer Intent Data Tools You Should Know About

Article | October 7, 2022

Account-based marketing strategies prioritize intent data to maximize the effectiveness of their sales and marketing workflows. With the help of intent data, businesses can tailor their interactions with target accounts based on their needs and build valuable relationships with them. In an interview with Media 7, Gil Allouche, the Founder and CEO of, talked about the use of intent data for lead generation. “Without the right tools, companies don’t realize what campaigns have zero traction and what campaigns are attracting the most potential buyers, therefore, money is wasted on leads that won’t lead to revenue.” Intent data aids in the prioritization of a list of target accounts to be pursued for conversion. Additionally, some businesses create specialized groups and targeted lists to hyper-personalize their content offerings and influence purchase decisions. Importance of Buyer Intent Data To make the most of intent data, companies engage B2B buyer intent data tools provided by exclusive intent data providers or account-based marketing software providers. They use these tools for effective lead generation. According to Insights on Professionals, almost 40% of businesses spend more than half of their marketing budget on intent data, and 70% plan to increase spending on intent data. Intent data plays a big role in enhancing an ABM strategy. Below are some ways: It helps with target account selection With the help of intent data, you can define your ICP, understand the ICP’s intent, and gather relevant data from multiple intent data tools or platforms and collate it to amplify your target list. As a bonus, you can also divide your target list based on their intent. Finally, you can target the accounts with the help of all the insights that you gained from the B2B intent data. You can zero-in on the best messaging High-quality B2B buyer intent data includes insights like a prospect’s research history. You can uncover actionable prospect trends that you would have otherwise missed. Using this crucial information, you can optimize your messaging because it plays an important role in content marketing. Buyer intent data can enhance sales pitches by shedding light on the buyer’s interests and needs. It improves your sales outreach Prospects are now focused on doing their own research based on the suggestions their friends or acquaintances provide. With the help of intent signals that the buyer intent tools record, the movement of the prospect is revealed. Once your sales team knows the position of a prospect in the sales funnel, they can decide when to get in touch and work towards a conversion. It helps you retain customers If your customers are looking at your competitor’s products or services, intent data signals will alert you. This kind of information indicates that you need to evaluate your offerings. You can set up triggers to gather such instances and seek feedback from customers to understand their expectations. You can reach out to these customers and provide them with support and attention so you do not lose them. You can amplify your content Content personalization is a crucial component of an effective ABM strategy. Using first and third-party data, you can create impactful blog content, email marketing campaigns, and other relevant content pieces to appeal to your leads. Buyer intent data can help you target your ideal customer profile (ICP). Your marketing team can create content on topics your prospects are looking at and revamp old content to make it more effective. Why Are B2B Marketers Intent on Using Buyer Intent Data? ABM marketing is B2B marketing on steroids. For B2B marketers who want to run intent-based marketing campaigns, buyer intent data has become a go-to tool because it helps them understand their target accounts better. Their approach is focused, tailored, and relevant. Such an approach leads to more conversions, shorter sales cycles, and clearer ROI. Let us look at why B2B marketers are making it a point to use account-based marketing software with buyer intent data tools. Increases brand exposure through customized websites, landing pages, and social media pages to cater to a specific audience Aligns sales and marketing teams by bridging the communication gap between them and establishing shared business goals Facilitates hyper-targeted advertising by providing information on search intent, online behaviour, main interests through keyword searches, and propensity to make purchase Accurately predicts buyer behavior with the help of comprehensive datasets to forecast the buying patterns of prospects Enhances customer experience by providing insights into the prospects’ needs and expectations so the curated content resonates with them 3 Best Buyer Intent Data Tools You Should Know About Here is a list of the three best buyer intent data tools that can help you improve your account-based marketing strategy: Demandbase Demandbase’s ABX Cloud uses account intelligence to help its customers orchestrate sales and marketing moves. With the help of reliable and high-quality insights, you can create relevant content for every stage of the B2B buyer’s journey. ABX Cloud has an engagement platform that shows all of the information your marketing and sales teams have gathered in one place. This way, your teams can find opportunities faster, engage with them smartly, and close deals quickly, which will help your business grow. ABX Cloud also uses predictive analysis so your sales team knows when to approach a lead. It conveniently aligns the efforts of both your sales and marketing teams to create an actionable, measurable, and focused ABM approach. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) for account selection. As a result, your target list is based on intent signals, CRM data, and others, which will help you know your target accounts well enough to create effective messaging. ABX’s account-based analytics measure engagement across each account and track progress throughout pre-defined, unique account journeys. This is how Demandbase uses intent data for lead generation. Demandbase was named a leader in the first-ever 2022 Magic Quadrant for Account-based Marketing Platforms. It is the only company to get the best scores for all three use cases in the accompanying 2022 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Account-based Marketing Platforms report. Demandbase Success Story: SilkRoad Technology, Inc. is a human resource capital management software company. It used Demandbase's ABM platform, which was equipped with intent data, and saw activity and engagement from their top accounts go from 20%–30% to 80%+ in just six months. Bombora Bombora proudly markets itself as a market leader in B2B intent data. It is one of the most popular intent-based marketing facilitators. It has the most comprehensive and privacy-compliant data cooperative on the web. In short, it provides clean, risk-free intent data. It collects data consensually from its proprietary data source that comprises of 4000+ top B2B sites on the internet. It provides the most accurate data on a buyer’s digital journey so you can understand their intent. It has named its intent data solution ‘Company Surge.’ Bombora’s data can be integrated with all major platforms across the ad, sales, and martech ecosystems. This added convenience means you do not have to onboard a new system to access Bombora’s data. You can set it up in your current workflow. Privacy compliance and ethically sourced intent data make Bombora a great choice amongst the tools. It gathers data from websites that are exclusive to Bombora. It has implemented industry-standard consent mechanisms so that all the data is compliant. Company Surge uses BERT-based machine learning to understand the intent behind the words on a webpage and gives you an accurate picture of your buyer’s interest, pain points, requirements, and intent. It also helps with resolving pre-purchase signals of buyers to 2.8 million businesses by using its patented method that fuses behavioral and IP2C (Internet Protocol to Company) data. This data is then amplified by firmographic and demographic data. Bombora detects how many users from a specific organization are researching particular topics, how frequently they visit certain webpages, and how deep their research goes as compared to their usual web activity. Based on this information, it can tell when an organization wants to make a purchase. Bombora Success Story: Hornbill, a global leader of cloud-based workflow application software for IT, HR, security, and customer service teams, integrated Bombora with its HubSpot database. It got net-new in-market accounts every week, which Hornbill prioritized for sales and marketing. In six months, Hornbill found 900+ new accounts that were already in the market, which led to new active sales opportunities. ZoomInfo ZoomInfo Intent helps identify and engage buyers in real-time when they research solutions that your company offers. You can discover ready-to-buy prospects, connect with ideal buyers, and integrate the data with the tools that are already a part of your platform. It is simple to map an ideal customer profile using the buying signals collected by ZoomInfo's database. You can uncover sales-ready leads that are looking at the products or solutions that your company offers. The intent engine triggers signals that are tracked by a network of 300,000 publisher domains. One trillion new keyword-to-device pairs are added to ZoomInfo every month from more than 90% of all the devices in the United States, which is a lot of devices. ZoomInfo can help you identify and understand entire buying teams based on what they research. You can reach decision makers over the phone, through digital marketing channels, and by email to start a meaningful conversation. You can create automated workflows to close more deals by incorporating contact and intent data into your CRM, marketing, and sales software. ZoomInfo Success Story: Speakap, an internal communications app, used ZoomInfo Intent and DiscoverOrg’s combined platform. Their bounce rates fell below 1%, their engagement rate increased by 25%, and their pipeline growth increased by more than 50%. Summing It Up Buyer intent data tools can enhance the way you do business, how efficiently your sales and marketing teams function, and how effectively you can run your ABM marketing campaigns. Choose your buyer intent data tools from trusted intent data providers based on their offerings, their privacy compliance, integration capabilities, transparent metrics, and overall functionality so that you can make the most of your account-based marketing strategy. This way, you can make the most of your marketing efforts. FAQ How can you get buyer intent data? Buyer intent data is collected by buyer intent data tools, which may be a part of your ABM platform or which you can integrate with your platform. They collect the data from website visits, CRM, social media data, content consumption and off-site activity. What are the benefits of buyer intent data tools? Buyer intent data tools provide insights on a customer’s intent to purchase. They do this by mapping the customer journey, performing predictive analysis, behavioral analysis, and tracking competitor data. How can you use buyer intent data to scale your business? By using buyer intent data, you can personalize your website, prioritize your inbound leads, nurture your leads, personalize your emails and identify potential customers who haven’t engaged with you yet. So, you can convert the leads into customers by offering them just what they want.

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Personalizing Account-Based Marketing: 7 Tactics

Article | April 13, 2020

Account-based marketing (ABM) is becoming more popular as companies begin to realize that traditional funnel marketing does not produce the same results it used to in the B2B space. ABM gives the ability to personalize sales and marketing outreach on the account level, and technology helps us do it at scale. In this article, we uncover the best tactics you can implement in your ABM strategy to personalize your outreach for marketing, sales & service.

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Marketing an ICO is a complex and time consuming process. Doing a good job requires planning, preparation and hard work. ICO Success provides comprehensive marketing services. While we believe that the most effective campaigns are managed with a holistic approach, we also understand that sometimes a specialist is needed for specific services. That's why we're proud to offer our clients both forms of engagement.

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Account Based Data

RollWorks Expands its Segmentation Capabilities Through LinkedIn Audience Syncing

RollWorks | September 09, 2022

Account-based marketing platform RollWorks, a division of NextRoll, today announced the launch of RollWorks Audience Syncing for LinkedIn, a new integration with LinkedIn Marketing Solutions that allows customers to push RollWorks-created Account Lists into LinkedIn ad accounts. With this new feature, organizations of any size can leverage RollWorks' proprietary segmentation capabilities to identify high ROI accounts and ensure their ads are delivered to extremely targeted and relevant audiences on LinkedIn. With this news, RollWorks builds upon its current integration for LinkedIn that allows customers to run their single image Sponsored Content ads through the RollWorks platform via their RollWorks account. The new integration allows customers to connect their own LinkedIn Campaign Managers account, which provides the flexibility to push RollWorks-created Audience Lists to their LinkedIn Campaign Manager account and leverage all LinkedIn ad formats and targeting capabilities. "RollWorks focuses on the most relevant, high-quality prospects, and gives organizations a simple way to engage those targets," said Mike Stocker, SVP of Partnerships at RollWorks. "RollWorks focuses on the most relevant, high-quality prospects, and gives organizations a simple way to engage those targets," said Mike Stocker, SVP of Partnerships at RollWorks. "Audience Syncing is a powerful new integration that strengthens our ongoing collaboration with LinkedIn and gives our customers more flexibility to use RollWorks and LinkedIn together in the way that works best for them." Using Audience Syncing for LinkedIn, customers can: Get even more targeted with LinkedIn audiences using RollWorks' segmentation capabilities: a huge value-add to account-based marketers using both platforms RollWorks segmentation creates hyper-specific targeting using specific attributes like intent, engagement, and G2 searches. Customers can then layer on native LinkedIn facets like Job Title, Member Skills, and Company Growth Rate. Use all available LinkedIn ads: building off of the current RollWorks integration with LinkedIn Ads, which offers single image sponsored content ads, customers can now use all LinkedIn ads, such as Video, Event, Lead Gen Forms, Conversation Ads. Connect multiple LinkedIn Campaign Manager accounts to RollWorks Learn more about how to easily sync your RollWorks Audiences to your LinkedIn ad accounts. If you're at HubSpot INBOUND® 22 in Boston this week, stop by the ABM For Small Teams session with Randi Barshack, CMO of RollWorks, and Kaitlin Bellay, Head of Partner Marketing at LinkedIn, today, Thursday, September 8, at 2:20 pm ET in the LinkedIn Lounge. And check out the complete list of RollWorks events at HubSpot INBOUND activities here. About RollWorks RollWorks, a division of NextRoll, offers ambitious B2B companies an account-based platform to align their marketing and sales teams and confidently grow revenue. Powered by proprietary data and machine learning, RollWorks' solutions address the needs of organizations large and small — from those with best-in-class ABM programs to those just beginning their exploration. By empowering teams to identify their target accounts and key buyers, reach those accounts across multiple channels, and measure program effectiveness in their system-of-record, RollWorks is an indispensable platform for marketers and sellers who believe that an account-based approach is just good business. To learn more visit

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Account Based Data

Kennected's Bulk LinkedIn Messaging Tool Continues to Get Highly Positive Reviews

Kennected | August 25, 2022

Kennected, a company that offers a SaaS-based marketing software, is proud to announce that their sales enablement software continues to gain highly positive reviews, with more than 52 five-star reviews on G2 and dozens of video testimonials on their YouTube channel. Recently, they received an email testimonial from Ryan Moskow, Chief Revenue Officer of Private Label Accelerator, who expressed gratitude for the bulk messaging tool for LinkedIn from Kennected that was able to drive growth for their business. In the testimonial, Ryan Moskow said, “My name is Ryan Moskow, I'm the Chief Revenue Officer of an E-Commerce automation company called Private Label Accelerator that specializes in launching, managing, and scaling our clients' Amazon FBA businesses." In the testimonial, Ryan Moskow said, “My name is Ryan Moskow, I'm the Chief Revenue Officer of an E-Commerce automation company called Private Label Accelerator that specializes in launching, managing, and scaling our clients' Amazon FBA businesses. My team and I have been leveraging LinkedIn for over a year now as part of our lead generation process and I am ecstatic to have come across Kennected. It streamlines every bit of that process for us. I wanted to send you a message to show my appreciation for your team. Both Bryce Ber and Emma Westlake have gone above and beyond to get us rolling! Excited to see what the future holds.” This LinkedIn bulk messaging tool is capable to sending personalized messages to either new or current connections on LinkedIn. This is an effective lead generation tool because LinkedIn accounts for 80 percent of all social media leads, according to the most recent social media statistics. With the LinkedIn messaging tool from Kennected, messages can be sent to people automatically. It is possible to send prospecting messages, connection requests, and any other type of message that one woul d like to send in LinkedIn. But the key to automating the sending of LinkedIn messages is to do it safely. LinkedIn allows the sending of automated messages except that it must be done properly. It is important to initiate meaningful conversations with connections in order to generate leads. The Cloud Kennect LinkedIn automation software mentioned in the Private Accelerator testimonial has several advantages. It allows the user to select the target audience easily. It is also possible to create campaigns with follow-ups. The user will simply need to create sequences for the first, second, or third degree connections, and then add as many follow-up messages as desired and establish time delays between them to simulate human behavior. The LinkedIn automation tool will do the rest. It also allows the user to make the message stand out by using tags that automatically fill in the prospect’s name, company, and more. This tool also has a real-time detailed analytics dashboard to allow the user to see the most successful campaigns and monitor the health of their account based on their LinkedIn SSI score. Users can also collect valuable public data regarding their connections to allow for follow-up using multiple channels. And users can link Kennected with their preferred CRM. Kennected also offers a proven agency white label partner solution. They have an Agency Department made up of people who specialize in handling their white label or private label partners. Kennected may be the best choice for those who are looking to white label a proven commodity. Founded in 2018, Kennected is a software as a service (SaaS) company that develops and offers tools for lead generation, automation, and education to help simplify the marketing activities of business owners and entrepreneurs. One example is their Lead Flow Mastery education platform that teaches LinkedIn mastery to entrepreneurs and business owners, such as personal branding, building relationships, copywriting, and how to apply their innovative marketing software. They have also developed a way to automate the prospecting and outreach activities through LinkedIn automation. And they are offering assistance to various companies of different sizes to generate leads that will ultimately be converted into their customers with the end result of boosting their revenue.

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Account Based Data

TrustRadius Announces LinkedIn Matched Audiences Integration

TrustRadius | March 21, 2022

On March 15, TrustRadius announced an intent data integration with LinkedIn Matched Audiences which is a part of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions. "Buyers use TrustRadius to research software and make a purchase decision, and their behavior translates to high-fidelity intent-data signals," said TrustRadius CEO Vinay Bhagat. "Buyers use TrustRadius to research software and make a purchase decision, and their behavior translates to high-fidelity intent-data signals," said TrustRadius CEO Vinay Bhagat. "Those downstream signals reveal buyers that are looking at your product, your competitors, pricing, product alternatives, features scorecards, FAQs, and, of course, customer reviews." "When we switched from manually importing TrustRadius downstream buyer intent data to using the integration with LinkedIn Matched Audiences, we increased our CTR by 35%," said Erin Christopher, director of Demand Generation, Totango. Thanks to this integration, B2B tech marketers can access downstream intent data from TrustRadius within LinkedIn Campaign Manager so that they can target and convert in-market buyers even in the late stages of the buying cycle. It proves TrustRadius’ efforts to help software providers adapt to how the buying landscape is evolving. With the help of this integration allows marketers to target LinkedIn ads to in-market accounts with personalized content and social proof like customer quotes they get from reviews on TrustRadius. As many as 50 companies are already using this integration to scale their ABM efforts, improve their click-through rates by as much as 35% and to lower their CPL by 20%. The integration is available for LinkedIn Match Audiences. It is simple to set up and can be used within minutes.

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Account Based Data

RollWorks Expands its Segmentation Capabilities Through LinkedIn Audience Syncing

RollWorks | September 09, 2022

Account-based marketing platform RollWorks, a division of NextRoll, today announced the launch of RollWorks Audience Syncing for LinkedIn, a new integration with LinkedIn Marketing Solutions that allows customers to push RollWorks-created Account Lists into LinkedIn ad accounts. With this new feature, organizations of any size can leverage RollWorks' proprietary segmentation capabilities to identify high ROI accounts and ensure their ads are delivered to extremely targeted and relevant audiences on LinkedIn. With this news, RollWorks builds upon its current integration for LinkedIn that allows customers to run their single image Sponsored Content ads through the RollWorks platform via their RollWorks account. The new integration allows customers to connect their own LinkedIn Campaign Managers account, which provides the flexibility to push RollWorks-created Audience Lists to their LinkedIn Campaign Manager account and leverage all LinkedIn ad formats and targeting capabilities. "RollWorks focuses on the most relevant, high-quality prospects, and gives organizations a simple way to engage those targets," said Mike Stocker, SVP of Partnerships at RollWorks. "RollWorks focuses on the most relevant, high-quality prospects, and gives organizations a simple way to engage those targets," said Mike Stocker, SVP of Partnerships at RollWorks. "Audience Syncing is a powerful new integration that strengthens our ongoing collaboration with LinkedIn and gives our customers more flexibility to use RollWorks and LinkedIn together in the way that works best for them." Using Audience Syncing for LinkedIn, customers can: Get even more targeted with LinkedIn audiences using RollWorks' segmentation capabilities: a huge value-add to account-based marketers using both platforms RollWorks segmentation creates hyper-specific targeting using specific attributes like intent, engagement, and G2 searches. Customers can then layer on native LinkedIn facets like Job Title, Member Skills, and Company Growth Rate. Use all available LinkedIn ads: building off of the current RollWorks integration with LinkedIn Ads, which offers single image sponsored content ads, customers can now use all LinkedIn ads, such as Video, Event, Lead Gen Forms, Conversation Ads. Connect multiple LinkedIn Campaign Manager accounts to RollWorks Learn more about how to easily sync your RollWorks Audiences to your LinkedIn ad accounts. If you're at HubSpot INBOUND® 22 in Boston this week, stop by the ABM For Small Teams session with Randi Barshack, CMO of RollWorks, and Kaitlin Bellay, Head of Partner Marketing at LinkedIn, today, Thursday, September 8, at 2:20 pm ET in the LinkedIn Lounge. And check out the complete list of RollWorks events at HubSpot INBOUND activities here. About RollWorks RollWorks, a division of NextRoll, offers ambitious B2B companies an account-based platform to align their marketing and sales teams and confidently grow revenue. Powered by proprietary data and machine learning, RollWorks' solutions address the needs of organizations large and small — from those with best-in-class ABM programs to those just beginning their exploration. By empowering teams to identify their target accounts and key buyers, reach those accounts across multiple channels, and measure program effectiveness in their system-of-record, RollWorks is an indispensable platform for marketers and sellers who believe that an account-based approach is just good business. To learn more visit

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Account Based Data

Kennected's Bulk LinkedIn Messaging Tool Continues to Get Highly Positive Reviews

Kennected | August 25, 2022

Kennected, a company that offers a SaaS-based marketing software, is proud to announce that their sales enablement software continues to gain highly positive reviews, with more than 52 five-star reviews on G2 and dozens of video testimonials on their YouTube channel. Recently, they received an email testimonial from Ryan Moskow, Chief Revenue Officer of Private Label Accelerator, who expressed gratitude for the bulk messaging tool for LinkedIn from Kennected that was able to drive growth for their business. In the testimonial, Ryan Moskow said, “My name is Ryan Moskow, I'm the Chief Revenue Officer of an E-Commerce automation company called Private Label Accelerator that specializes in launching, managing, and scaling our clients' Amazon FBA businesses." In the testimonial, Ryan Moskow said, “My name is Ryan Moskow, I'm the Chief Revenue Officer of an E-Commerce automation company called Private Label Accelerator that specializes in launching, managing, and scaling our clients' Amazon FBA businesses. My team and I have been leveraging LinkedIn for over a year now as part of our lead generation process and I am ecstatic to have come across Kennected. It streamlines every bit of that process for us. I wanted to send you a message to show my appreciation for your team. Both Bryce Ber and Emma Westlake have gone above and beyond to get us rolling! Excited to see what the future holds.” This LinkedIn bulk messaging tool is capable to sending personalized messages to either new or current connections on LinkedIn. This is an effective lead generation tool because LinkedIn accounts for 80 percent of all social media leads, according to the most recent social media statistics. With the LinkedIn messaging tool from Kennected, messages can be sent to people automatically. It is possible to send prospecting messages, connection requests, and any other type of message that one woul d like to send in LinkedIn. But the key to automating the sending of LinkedIn messages is to do it safely. LinkedIn allows the sending of automated messages except that it must be done properly. It is important to initiate meaningful conversations with connections in order to generate leads. The Cloud Kennect LinkedIn automation software mentioned in the Private Accelerator testimonial has several advantages. It allows the user to select the target audience easily. It is also possible to create campaigns with follow-ups. The user will simply need to create sequences for the first, second, or third degree connections, and then add as many follow-up messages as desired and establish time delays between them to simulate human behavior. The LinkedIn automation tool will do the rest. It also allows the user to make the message stand out by using tags that automatically fill in the prospect’s name, company, and more. This tool also has a real-time detailed analytics dashboard to allow the user to see the most successful campaigns and monitor the health of their account based on their LinkedIn SSI score. Users can also collect valuable public data regarding their connections to allow for follow-up using multiple channels. And users can link Kennected with their preferred CRM. Kennected also offers a proven agency white label partner solution. They have an Agency Department made up of people who specialize in handling their white label or private label partners. Kennected may be the best choice for those who are looking to white label a proven commodity. Founded in 2018, Kennected is a software as a service (SaaS) company that develops and offers tools for lead generation, automation, and education to help simplify the marketing activities of business owners and entrepreneurs. One example is their Lead Flow Mastery education platform that teaches LinkedIn mastery to entrepreneurs and business owners, such as personal branding, building relationships, copywriting, and how to apply their innovative marketing software. They have also developed a way to automate the prospecting and outreach activities through LinkedIn automation. And they are offering assistance to various companies of different sizes to generate leads that will ultimately be converted into their customers with the end result of boosting their revenue.

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Account Based Data

TrustRadius Announces LinkedIn Matched Audiences Integration

TrustRadius | March 21, 2022

On March 15, TrustRadius announced an intent data integration with LinkedIn Matched Audiences which is a part of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions. "Buyers use TrustRadius to research software and make a purchase decision, and their behavior translates to high-fidelity intent-data signals," said TrustRadius CEO Vinay Bhagat. "Buyers use TrustRadius to research software and make a purchase decision, and their behavior translates to high-fidelity intent-data signals," said TrustRadius CEO Vinay Bhagat. "Those downstream signals reveal buyers that are looking at your product, your competitors, pricing, product alternatives, features scorecards, FAQs, and, of course, customer reviews." "When we switched from manually importing TrustRadius downstream buyer intent data to using the integration with LinkedIn Matched Audiences, we increased our CTR by 35%," said Erin Christopher, director of Demand Generation, Totango. Thanks to this integration, B2B tech marketers can access downstream intent data from TrustRadius within LinkedIn Campaign Manager so that they can target and convert in-market buyers even in the late stages of the buying cycle. It proves TrustRadius’ efforts to help software providers adapt to how the buying landscape is evolving. With the help of this integration allows marketers to target LinkedIn ads to in-market accounts with personalized content and social proof like customer quotes they get from reviews on TrustRadius. As many as 50 companies are already using this integration to scale their ABM efforts, improve their click-through rates by as much as 35% and to lower their CPL by 20%. The integration is available for LinkedIn Match Audiences. It is simple to set up and can be used within minutes.

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