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CMO Council to Improve B2B Lead Revenue Science and Account Marketing


The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council announced entering into a partnership with WM America, a leading B2B marketing company, on a new Q4 thought leadership program. The thought leadership initiative is an urgent response to enhance marketing compliance through lead revenue science, addressing inefficiencies in demand generation and customer engagement amid the evolving digital buyer journey.

The best practice study seeks to enhance the predictability, integrity, and performance of content-driven demand-generation campaigns. The B2B marketing-focused initiative, titled "Boosting Yield in the Account Marketing Field," will create a certified Lead Evaluation and Assurance Process (LEAP) model. This model aims to introduce transparency, accountability, and reliability to prospect verification, validation, and sales conversion.

EAP will facilitate enhanced actionable intelligence at scale. It will leverage the integration of data sources and AI-driven analysis of real-time buyer insights, behavior, and content consumption based on intention. This expertise will build upon technological advancements in partner organizations.

Executive Director of the CMO Council, Donovan Neale-May, said

Seeding and harvesting the sales pipeline – the process of capturing, acquiring, qualifying and converting business opportunities – is crucial to the profitability and growth of B2B marketers across each industry and geographic sector.

[Source – Globe Newswire]

He mentioned that customer demand generation is a mission-critical procedure in which organizations invest heavily but are commonly dissatisfied with the results.

About the CMO Council

The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council serves as the exclusive global network for executives focused on exchanging knowledge, building personal relationships, and thought leadership among senior corporate marketing leaders and brand decision-makers across diverse global industries. With over 16,000 members overseeing almost $1 trillion in combined annual marketing expenditures, they manage complex, widespread marketing and sales operations on a global scale.

About WM America

WM America is a prominent B2B marketing firm specializing in precise in-market demand generation. Their intent database monitors the intent behavior of more than 75 million global business professionals 24/7, categorized into 3,300 segments. WMA continuously monitors buying signals within each category. Leveraging this extensive data, the company provides highly targeted prospects, enabling focused marketing efforts.



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