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Arun Gopalaswami

Building Recotap - a personalization-focused ABM product. The AI-powered Account-based Marketing platform helps marketers to programmatically reach high-value Accounts, at scale, using the power of data and personalization. Recotap is purpose-built for B2B companies to boost their marketing effectiveness by 2X. Previously, Arun has co-founded a for-profit social enterprise brand - MarketStreat - to facilitate direct market access to micro & small businesses owners using technology & digital interventions. In his stints at corporate enterprises, Arun has worked extensively in identifying and delivering business values to the clients, including several Fortune 100 companies, in the Telecom, Banking, and Service industry verticals.



Recotap is account-based marketing and advertising platform. It offers B2B marketers a better way to run personalized and multi-channel ABM campaigns. Using Recotap, marketers can make data-driven decisions to improve marketing and advertising performance and deliver better marketing ROI. Recotap’s Identify module can help teams to quickly build the account list, which is usually a very time-consuming process. All Recotap-identified accounts come pre-loaded with purchase intent to design effective campaigns. Using our core advertising solution, marketers can precisely target their audience on social media and major ad networks and engage them with personalized ads. They can also increase ad performance and website engagement using their smart pages module that dynamically alters web content based on the visitor profile. Lastly, Recotap can track and measure the audience interactions across ads, emails, and website activity to build an engagement score that acts as an indicator of account readiness for sales activation.

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