Core ABM

Why Data-Backed ABM Programs Bring More Sales?

February 8, 2022

Data-Backed ABM
With access to valuable data, marketers are focused on leads that are more likely to become buyers. They can also work on targeting their messaging towards these potential buyers. Firmographic, technographic, engagement, and intent data are used to create target account lists increases Average Contract Value.


Student Advantage

Student Advantage, LLC is a leading integrated media and commerce company focused on the higher education market...

Other Infographics
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7 Important ABM KPIs To Measure Success

Infographic | January 20, 2022

They track the engagement rate of the leads within your target accounts. They measure the impact of your campaign on your top accounts. They measure the average selling point (ASP) to confirm correct account targeting. It measures the accounts that have ceased business with you over a period. It tracks the engagement each piece of content brings.

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Benefits of Zero-Party Data in Personalization

Infographic | February 19, 2022

Zero-Party data is information that a customer proactively volunteers to share with a brand through quizzes, content, surveys, opt-in forms, and other forms of communication. While first-party data is rich with behavioral data and implied interest, zero-party data provides explicit interest and preferences, and you must use it to improve the value you provide to consumers. Firms collect first-party data through interactions with customers. This differs from zero-party data, which consumers give you in exchange for benefits from your firm.

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Account Tiering in ABM

Infographic | March 2, 2022

Using technology, data points, and research to prioritize and segment your key accounts is called account tiering.

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Top 5 Effective Lead Qualification Frameworks

Infographic | May 30, 2021

As a marketing and sales manager, reaching out to the target audience and bringing in leads is only half the job done. The other half includes making sure that you qualify those leads as well. HubSpot claims that the majority of medium and large companies generate less than 5,000 qualified leads per month. The process of qualifying leads is not as easy as it seems and undoubtedly, each company has its own unique method. Lead qualification can be done using several types of frameworks and each method has its logic and analytical reasoning. Each lead qualification framework helps ease things a bit.

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The Importance of Conversational Marketing in ABM

Infographic | December 10, 2021

Conversational marketing is about leveraging the power of real-time conversations and two-way dialogue to engage customers and seamlessly move them through your marketing and sales funnels. This could be online chats, social media channels, or live brand experiences, but the end goal is the same — engaging with customers one-on-one to stand out from the competition and humanize your brand.

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10 Tell-tale Signs that Intent Data Is Here To Stay

Infographic | June 4, 2021

Intent data has been a hot topic amongst B2B marketers for a few years. But is it a passing trend, or is it here to stay? Our research suggests that intent data is here for the long haul and is only going to get more reliable, useful and fundamental to our marketing strategies.

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Student Advantage

Student Advantage, LLC is a leading integrated media and commerce company focused on the higher education market...
