7 Content Marketing Trends You Need to Know Now

Being great at content marketing was harder to do in 2016 than ever before. That's because there's more content in more places, with more topics and more faces. And that trend isn't going to stop in 2017 – it's only going to multiply.Get ahead of the competition by understanding how to take a more nuanced, informed approach, so your content works smarter and harder.
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Fire-Breathing ABM


While marketing actions have traditionally focused on interacting with individual leads, sales success has always been focused on accounts and the buying groups within them.In reality, success at scale requires that sales and marketing work together as a unified team on a unified concept of what they're really going after.
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ABM-ify Your Revenue Strategy

Over 90% of B2B marketers say they recognize the importance of implementing an account-based strategy, both in terms of increasing ROI and improving customer retention. Still, many organizations hesitate to fully commit to it, citing concerns about cost and overhauling internal operations. An account-based approach doesn’t have to be complex. Simply aligning around which accounts to prioritize and how to effectively engage them, helps marketing and sales teams close deals faster.
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Seasonal Content Round Up

About the articles in the round up: 1. Why Pre-Planning and Timing is Critical for Seasonal Content Evergreen content isn’t the only option for your digital content strategy. Discover why seasonal content can boost your social media presence and check out this handy shortlist of special days to promote. 2. Secrets to Creating Mo
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When “Just Right” Just Works: The Goldilocks Effect Of ABM

As marketers, we strive toward "just right": Delivering the right conversation at the right time to the right person that primes them to make the right decision. But we've all come in a little too hot via email or pushed an ad campaign that had, well, run cold. There's a better way to meet prospects and customers where they are. If you're interested in learning how getting it "just right" can be more than fairy tale lore, join this deep dive into account-based marketing with RollWorks.
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