A Look Behind The ABM Curtain: Crafting A Multichannel Hit

During this webinar, you'll learn:
- Mapping four major sales stages;
- Targeting key decision makers not just accounts anywhere they are online;
- Delivering personalized messages;
- Segmenting granularly by company, department and more; and
- Focusing display ads on prospects that have stalled.
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How to Build a High-Converting Lead Magnet

Join us for How to Build a High-Converting Lead Magnet, a free (no-pitch/no-sales) webinar with demand generation expert Kenda Macdonald. Some lead magnets are far better than others. And good lead magnets should do much more than attract your prospects and collect leads. Join us for this practical and actionable webinar, and learn how to create high-converting lead magnets that: Progressively profile your prospects and give you data to support them on their buying journey Educate prospects on your solutions and give you a healthy bump in average order value (AOV) Move your leads from marketing qualified leads (MQL) to sales qualified leads (SQL) and increase your sales conversations Address objections early so your sales department can convert more prospects into happy customers
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Demand Gen is Broken: Fixing the funnel in 2022

With only 5% of your customers ready to buy at any moment, it’s critical that marketing supports them throughout the funnel, and converts them before the opportunity is lost. But how? The buyer journey has grown more complex than ever. And with so much noise in the purchasing process – multiple decision makers, an excess of choice, and not enough differentiation – prospects are frequently becoming stuck mid-funnel. So where should we begin fixing it?
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Why Getting the Customer Experience Right is So Valuable

According to original research commissioned by Salesforce, more than three-quarters of customers surveyed (78%) said they’d consider buying from tech vendors if given the opportunity. Despite deep investments in network infrastructure and services, providers need to give customers a reason to stay if they want to stay competitive. Customers are increasingly open to testing new providers and are willing to switch for better rates, more transparent service agreements, and personalized self-service options. Join emerging technology consultant Dr. Sally Eaves along with Salesforce’s Kishore Sannidhanam for a deeper dive into what’s driving customer thinking around these new buying decisions for communications products and services.
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The Gartner Predictions for 2023: The Top Customer Experience Trends

Customer experience continues to be a hot topic as enterprises wrestle with disruptions stemming from new business priorities and changing customer expectations. Join this complimentary panel discussion as Gartner CX experts explore key trends and recommendations that will help you shape your CX strategy for 2023.
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