Analytics that Matter: How to Turn Raw Data Into Actionable Insight Through Hypothesis-Driven Thinking

Raw Data Into Actionable Insight
As marketers, we have more raw data than we know what to do with. But how do you tell a story, extract insight, and know what to do next as a marketer when we are swimming in all the data? In this rapid-fire session, we dive deep into methodically combining the principles of marketing data, the key reports to be looking at that matter to the C-suite, and scientific hypothesis-driven thinking.
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The Secret to Building Better ABM Experiences

Madison Logic

With 2019 around the corner it’s time to take your ABM experience to the next level. Join Ceros, Clari, and Madison Logic on December 6th at 2pm ET/11am PT as they break down the steps for planning, performing and perfecting ABM campaigns that simply rock!
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Take Control in an Account-Based Buying World


Failing to align on marketing and sales strategies leads to wasted efforts, execution mishaps and lost business opportunities. Yet according to SiriusDecisions research, only 37 percent of b-to-b organizations would say there is overall marketing and sales alignment, and nearly one-third of sales organizations estimate they lost at least one month of productivity re-evaluating their account territory assignments after the start of the year.Tune-in to learn industry best practices for aligning sales and marketing to drive demand in an account-based buying environment. Discover tips for leveraging technology to gain actionable insights on accounts, focusing prioritization efforts to rapidly scale ABM efforts.
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Best Practices for Improving Sales Territory Management

Creating sales territories, assigning them to reps and monitoring their performance can be slow or never-ending. At best, the process is a combination of intuition and internal data analysis but the result is often inequitable sales territories. It’s the reason why turnover is high and so many sales reps struggle to meet their numbers. This webinar will walk you through the ways in which a CDP can help you create a strategy to manage your territories, based on data — to ensure equitable territories that means your sellers hit their numbers.
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Customer-First: Embedding Experience Design in Your GTM Strategy

Customers are the lifeblood of every business, but how many companies can say that they truly have a customer-centric go-to-market strategy? With so many touchpoints in a customer’s lifecycle, there are innumerable ways to misstep and think about what makes sense for your company instead of who your company serves. Are you segmenting in ways that make sense for your audience? Are you creating marketing events and programs that bring the right types of customers together? When you speak to your audience, are you speaking in their language?
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