Building Positive Customer Experiences With Content Marketing

Customer Experiences
Content is fundamental at every stage of your customer's journey. It's not just a critical tool for engagement—it also builds and nurtures your audience's trust.

When you identify your customer's engagement and decision-making behaviors, you'll formulate the best strategy for engaging with real people—a strategy that echoes their specific wants and needs.
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The Art of Targeting


In episode one of this multi-part series, two of BrightTALK’s demand generation leaders shared their insights for driving marketing and sales alignment. Episode 2 focuses on the next step in the alignment formula. Once shared goals and metrics are established, it's time to talk about targeting. Who are your core buyers? And, more importantly, do marketing and sales agree? This session will focus on how to identify your target buyers and build consistent processes across marketing and sales to drive leads and win new customers.
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Account-Based Marketing for Every Budget


The scalability of ABM means you can practice this strategy on a budget of nearly any size. THE key tenet of ABM espouses narrowing focus to market more effectively to target accounts, which means you can weave it into your marketing efforts even with a relatively small budget and see the positive return on investment.
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Hidden Signals: Expanding your ABM Audiences

B2B Marketers continue to look for ways of improving their audience and ABM marketing tactics. Reaching the right people at target accounts or understanding who’s engaging with your products starts with a solid foundation of privacy-safe data in addition to an agile process to diagnose for opportunities. Learn how to find hidden account signals and recognize your buying committee.
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Organize for ABM: How to Create an Excellent Team

As ABM gains momentum, lots of discussions emerge about hiring dedicated resources to scale and mature the ABM program. Join this session to discuss ways to think about who and how to hire, and where certain roles should fit within a larger marketing organization.
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