Can Advertising Really Fuel Your ABM? You Better Believe it

Hear industry experts from Terminus, Salesforce, Betterworks, and Blackbird PPC Digital Agency talk about how you can use digital advertising to reach the right accounts at the right time. Our esteemed panel tackle common questions that they hear from digital marketers tasked with building ABM campaigns.
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Metadata Account-Based Advertising Platform


Attend this 30-minute overview and demo with live Q&A and see how the Metadata Account-Based Advertising platform can help you scale your ABM efforts.
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Au-delà de la signature électronique, comment moderniser et automatiser la gestion de vos contrats ?

Tous les contrats ne sont pas statiques et gravés dans le marbre. Certains sont évolutifs et doivent être gérés activement tout au long de leur vie pour attester qu’ils respectent et réalisent leurs objectifs initiaux. Aussi, et d’après une étude de Gartner, 90% des multinationales et 50% des PME disposeront d’une solution de ge
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How to Win High-Value Deals with Social Tactics and Advanced Account-Based Selling

Transportation Marketing & Sales Association

The majority of sales leaders consider social selling and account-based tactics essential to their process-64% say they couldn't live without them. And there's a reason for this. Gone are the days when sellers pressured buyers into making purchases. Today, buyers are more informed than ever before and rely less on sales professionals to make buying decisions. In this session, Jamie Shanks outlines proven social selling and advanced account based strategies to reach buyers earlier in their journey and win high-value accounts at scale.
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How to Build a Business Case for ABM ft. Forrester & Union Bank

ABM is no longer the fastest path to growth – it’s essential for survival. Why? Because none of us have time or budget to waste. Over the last decade, the definition of account-based marketing (ABM) has evolved to an intelligence-driven go-to-market (GTM) framework that is essential in B2B marketing. This evolution has impacted B2B MarTech stacks – shifting away from solely relying on marketing automation platforms (MAPs) to needing technology that enables revenue organizations to be better informed, more targeted, more relevant, and therefore more efficient and effective.
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