Customer-First: Embedding Experience Design in Your GTM Strategy

GTM Strategy
Customers are the lifeblood of every business, but how many companies can say that they truly have a customer-centric go-to-market strategy? With so many touchpoints in a customer’s lifecycle, there are innumerable ways to misstep and think about what makes sense for your company instead of who your company serves.

Are you segmenting in ways that make sense for your audience? Are you creating marketing events and programs that bring the right types of customers together? When you speak to your audience, are you speaking in their language?
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Evolve Your Customer Journey to Build Connection in 2023

In uncertain moments, marketers and sellers need to double-down on strategies and tactics that drive meaningful business results and ROI. But, buyer needs have changed dramatically meaning traditional digital strategies are not meeting their expectations. Buyers have become inundated with digital noise leaving emails unread and display ads ignored. Gartner research shows that “79% of buyers buy from brands that demonstrate they care about THEM.” Sending enables brands to evolve their customer journeys by emphasizing connection with buyers to deliver human marketing experiences and scale human connection.
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Manufacturing & Life Sciences Have Different ABM Needs

In an ABM world built for tech companies, the unique needs of Manufacturing & Life Sciences can often be missed or ignored completely. This leads to confusion for Marketers and money wasted due to failed ABM programs. Analysts, agencies, and most ABM platforms center their recommendations and philosophies on tech, while Jabmo specializes in helping Manufacturers & Life Science companies execute strategic ABM programs.
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Awareness vs. Precision: How Marketers Are Rethinking Channels, Metrics & Tactics To Engage Accounts & Roles At Key Buying Stages

Demand Gen

New research from Demand Gen Report shows that marketers are increasingly focusing on quality engagement over quantity and are rethinking their investments and traditional tracking metrics to adjust to evolving buyer needs. This webcast, featuring John Dering of Demandbase, highlights the latest benchmark data on the channels, metrics and tools practitioners plan to leverage in order to better attribute marketing campaigns and leads to revenue.
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A First Look At Conversational ABM


Our CEO David Cancel took the stage at the Adobe Summit in Las Vegas in March and announced Conversational ABM™ (powered by Marketo). Now we want to give you the insider scoop. Mark Kilens and Jason Li are going to show you how it works and how customers with early access are already using it to give their dream customers a VIP experience. WATCH THE RECORDING
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