Defining Content in a Digital-First World

How do content marketers move from simply creating content to creating content experiences? And how do we create content experiences that make sales part of the process? The role of content for content marketers and sales is shifting. We’ve invited Samantha Stone, Founder & CMO at The Marketing Advisory, and Mark Bornstein, VP of Content Marketing at ON24, to explore the challenges that lie ahead to help you prepare.
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Digital Reach

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you knew what your prospects were thinking? Wouldn’t that help every element of your marketing and sales processes, from choosing what content to deliver to structuring your sales pitch? With Intent Data, you can do exactly that. So, we’re sitting down with the masters of Intent Data, Bombora, to discuss how best to incorporate Intent into your Account-Based Marketing and Sales strategies.
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The Value of Personalization for B2B Companies

Personalization is top of mind for many organizations – 67 percent of marketers are pursuing personalization today. And although personalization is critical to engaging audiences in an increasingly competitive digital landscape, it’s challenging for organizations to understand where exactly to start. In the first portion of this
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Intelligent Retail:Driving more personalized engagement through enhanced customer service

Traditional call centers that simply log service cases, provide scripted standard answers and facilitate problem resolution tasks no longer cut it in today’s competitive retail environment. Modern call centers are at the front lines of the consumer experience and need to be an integral part of a retailer’s business strategy in
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Awareness vs. Precision: How Marketers Are Rethinking Channels, Metrics & Tactics To Engage Accounts & Roles At Key Buying Stages

Demand Gen

New research from Demand Gen Report shows that marketers are increasingly focusing on quality engagement over quantity and are rethinking their investments and traditional tracking metrics to adjust to evolving buyer needs. This webcast, featuring John Dering of Demandbase, highlights the latest benchmark data on the channels, metrics and tools practitioners plan to leverage in order to better attribute marketing campaigns and leads to revenue.
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