Delivering Content in an ABM World

The shift to ABM as the dominant B2B marketing strategy has brought about advances in targeting, personalization and analytics. But many ABM programs still look like traditional demand gen. Many marketers haven’t adapted the way they deliver content and educate buyers in this new world. Watch this on-demand webinar with LookBookHQ to gain insights on how to best deliver content to your prospects at account level.
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Building your Demand Gen Team for ABM


The benefits of account-based marketing (ABM) within your demand-generation strategy are considerable by getting as many engaged, qualified accounts as possible, your conversion rate will increase and you'll find that marketing and sales are (gasp!) more aligned.
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7 Must-Try Tips for Lead Nurturing

Dreamforce Video

Your database is loaded with dormant and less than sales-ready leads, but that doesn't mean they should be ignored. The smart marketer knows better than to rely on the sales team to keep up with less than hot leads over a long period of time. Join us to learn advanced tips for moving leads through the sales funnel with automated lead nurturing.
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Beyond alignment: A new approach to sales and marketing for B2B

Pushed into a (wholly) digital way of working by COVID, B2B sales teams needed to work with and rely on marketing more than ever before to find new opportunities and close revenue. Now with the threat of an economic downturn, this symbiotic relationship will be even more important. Delivering an amazing customer experience means going beyond alignment. And requires restructuring teams, processes, and measures of success. To get ahead, teams need to blow away silos, and build based on customer experience vs. internal views or politics.
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In this webinar, you will hear from TOPO’s Chief Analyst, Craig Rosenberg, on a framework for ABM and how to make it work for your organization. You will learn tactics and insights to use within your own company.
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