Drive Demand with Account-Based Marketing

Many organizations struggle to understand where account-based marketing (ABM) fits in their broader demand-creation picture. Watch this webinar, featuring SiriusDecisions, to learn the role of ABM and how to provide a comprehensive demand strategy.You’ll also learn about:The SiriusDecisions Demand Spectrum.
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The Art and Science of Intent-driven Campaigns​

With a narrow window to uncover buyer interest in time, how can demand teams get in front of the right accounts early in the research journey? And how can you perfect your timing to get in the door before your competition? Join Robin Izsak-Tseng, VP of Revenue Marketing at G2, and Ben Salzman, SVP of Special Projects at ZoomInfo, to learn why intent data is a must-have in your go-to-market motion.
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The Magic ABX Potion – Key Elements to Think About When Creating Your ABX Strategy for 2023

Change is scary. We get it. But what’s scarier is missing your number. So while change feels risky, it’s really riskier to keep doing things the same old way. The math simply doesn’t add up. Building out your ABX strategy can be complex. Fear not we have the magic potion that will ensure you thrive in 2023. Join our webinar and hear from Demandbase’s very own Tenessa Lochner, Director, Integrated Marketing & ABX and Ashley Long, Director, GTM Operations and Forecasting discuss what you should be thinking about as you start planning your ABX strategy for 2023 and what essential changes are needed to not only survive, but thrive.
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Insights to Action – Scale Account Based Marketing Success


Jim will share his perspectives on why utilizing machine learning to make predictions on prospects’ buying patterns and using those predictions to inform your content strategy has shown greater results and how to turn these insights into a scalable ABM campaign.Here’s what you’ll learn from this webinar: Why predictive analytics should inform and operationalize your ABM strategy.
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Account-based marketing is a powerful way to engage B2B buyers. From an elementary level, ABM is a marketing strategy that concentrates resources on a specific set of target accounts. In all cases, it uses personalized campaigns designed to engage a client or prospect. Sounds like a great case for email, right? Not so fast. ABM goes well beyond the inbox. With 85% of marketers saying ABM delivers higher ROI returns than any other marketing approach, it should be a major part of your marketing arsenal. This free webinar provides a look at strategic ABM tactics that can lead to shorter sales cycles, clearer ROI and fewer wasted resources and marketing dollars.
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