Gear Up for Business Uplift with Account Based Marketing

A recent study states - ABM strategy is among the top 3 (64% of B2B Tech Marketers) planned adoption trends for 2019 in B2B Tech Marketing. Top ABM outcomes:  Increased Average Contract Value, Increased Sales Velocity, and Higher Close Percentage, Silo buster: Tight-fit Marketing and Sales alignment, Deliver a better customer experience, it’s about them, not you, Optimum use of Marketing Resources, Faster ROI, higher quality leads.
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Close Bigger Deals with Account-Based Marketing through Live Chat

Sales Hacker

One of the key ways to convert high-value accounts into customers is with Account Based Marketing (ABM). ABM is a new motion for many sales and marketing teams, but getting started with ABM still can be easy with a few foundational tools. At Intercom, we built out ABM and outbounding motions using outside tools and our own ABM features within our Intercom product. Throughout the process, we’ve learned some of the best ways to drive even more value from ABM using live chat.
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How Top Sales Leaders Use Data and Automation to Upskill Teams

Sales leaders have great influence on the success of their organisations. To be an effective leader requires certain attitudes and skills, different from the ones that drive success as individual contributors. ZoomInfo’s successful culture of growth depends on investing real time and resources into developing sales leaders. In this webinar, Ryan Oosterveld (Head of New Business, EMEA) and Phil Nagel (Sales Manager and Lead, Canada) will discuss data-driven ways they adopt to improve the performance of sales teams, and how they channel that success into coaching sales reps to make the career leap into sales management.
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Using Animation to Create Content Throughout the Sales Funnel

Today's marketers have only seconds to capture a buyer's attention. With no time to spare, how can you make compelling content that engages them at every stage of their purchasing journey? Animation is the answer. Short-form animated videos elevate your brand, highlight your thought leadership, and promote your products. According to Hubspot, 96% of buyers report watching explainer videos to learn more about a product, with 88% being swayed to make a purchase.
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Power ABM with AI: 5 Exclusive Strategies for Smarter Marketing


Artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing the way we market to our customers, and no strategy is more perfectly positioned for it than account-based marketing. B2B marketers know that ABM can yield significantly higher conversion rates than traditional marketing, and can deliver a much more deeply personalized customer experience. With AI powering their ABM strategy, B2B marketers can get insights into their prospects’ levels of engagement and the success of their campaigns.
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