Predictive Analytics for Social Media Marketers

It's practically mandatory for marketers of all stripes to incorporate social media into their digital marketing mix. What's more, social media is one of the richest troves of data available, replete with real language, preferences, and information about prospects. Yet many marketers struggle to unlock the value of that data, leaving it stuck in vendor tools.
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Email Marketing Best Practices for Account-Based Marketing


Email is one of the most popular marketing channels because it works! It is still a very effective tactic to create engagement and reach your buyers. Join Engagio and LeadGnome in this 45-minute webinar to learn how to combine email marketing with an account-based strategy to increase results and accelerate the buyer’s journey. We’ll share top tips to penetrate and expand into accounts to generate revenue.
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ABM – How to Advance From Pilot to Program

The Mx Group

If you have questions about ABM, you’re not alone. Watch this webinar with SiriusDecisions Senior Research Director Jonathan Tam and The Mx Group Senior VP Tony Riley as they discuss how to determine where you are on the Demand Spectrum and provide real-world insights about how to implement an ABM pilot (or improve your current ABM program). You’ll learn about SiriusDecisions’ Demand Spectrum framework and how to “start where you are” with ABM, improve your plans along the way and measure your success to gain buy-in.
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Power ABM with AI: 5 Exclusive Strategies for Smarter Marketing


Artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing the way we market to our customers, and no strategy is more perfectly positioned for it than account-based marketing. B2B marketers know that ABM can yield significantly higher conversion rates than traditional marketing, and can deliver a much more deeply personalized customer experience. With AI powering their ABM strategy, B2B marketers can get insights into their prospects’ levels of engagement and the success of their campaigns.
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Customer-First: Embedding Experience Design in Your GTM Strategy

Customers are the lifeblood of every business, but how many companies can say that they truly have a customer-centric go-to-market strategy? With so many touchpoints in a customer’s lifecycle, there are innumerable ways to misstep and think about what makes sense for your company instead of who your company serves. Are you segmenting in ways that make sense for your audience? Are you creating marketing events and programs that bring the right types of customers together? When you speak to your audience, are you speaking in their language?
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