Proven ABM Campaigns To Engage And Convert Your Target Audience

Effective demand generation isn’t simply about leads anymore. This session by Andre Yee explains how ABM is changing the landscape of demand generation by focusing on engaging and converting the right accounts. Learn how leading marketers from companies like Clarabridge and Plex are implementing ABM campaigns and delivering results for their companies.
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La Signature Électronique Pour Le Secteur De L'assurance : Accélérez Vos Transactions en B2B Et B2C

Plus de 1000 compagnies d’assurances, y compris trois des plus grandes au monde, automatisent le processus de traitement de leurs documents à l’aide de la plateforme de gestion des transactions avec signature électronique DocuSign. La signature électronique pour le secteur des banques et assurances offre de nombreuses opportunit
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Building a Target Account List for Account-Based Success


Creating, prioritizing, and managing a target account list is one of the biggest challenges faced by account-based teams. Not getting it right has some serious implications wasted budgets and missed revenue. Watch TOPO senior analyst Eric Wittlake and RollWorks VP of marketing Jennifer Toton as they reveal the best tactics to build a successful target account list, as well as how to align internal expectations around outcomes
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The 5 (Real) Pillars of Marketing & Sales Alignment

Did you know ABM has helped 70% of B2B marketers align marketing and sales efforts to close business more efficiently? To learn how you can make the partnership between your own sales and marketing teams sing, join RollWorks’ Sr. Directors of Demand Gen and SDRs in a lively discussion exploring the five pillars of marketing and sales alignment that help their teams work together in lockstep. It’s a don’t-miss session that'll help ensure your own marketing and sales functions are working efficiently and effectively together to drive business results in 2022.
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Insights to Action – Scale Account Based Marketing Success


Jim will share his perspectives on why utilizing machine learning to make predictions on prospects’ buying patterns and using those predictions to inform your content strategy has shown greater results and how to turn these insights into a scalable ABM campaign.Here’s what you’ll learn from this webinar: Why predictive analytics should inform and operationalize your ABM strategy.
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