Revenue R&D: Why B2B Companies Need to Innovate On Their Revenue Engine

B2B Companies Need to Innovate
Manufacturing revenue is a science.

Companies can innovate on how they manufacture revenue just like they innovate on their product & technology. SaaS companies spend 23% of revenue on Product R&D to keep up with technological advancements, but $0 on Revenue R&D to innovate and improve how they manufacture revenue.

Join Chris Walker, CEO and Founder of Refine Labs, to learn how winning companies are running Revenue R&D just like they run Product R&D – to launch new revenue programs into market, introduce innovation in the customer experience, increase market share, and build a sustainable competitive advantage.
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Turn Account Engagement into ABM Sales Insight


Below you can view the webinar recording and slide deck used. In this recap webinar you will learn: How prospecting and up-selling into large enterprises has changed with the rise of digital, and account-based (ABM) advertising & retargeting. How the B2B buying process has changed in the past year. Why you need to source data and engage all the people in your buying groups. Why it’s time to think beyond leads and form fills and focus on engagement insights. Which accounts and buyers that sales needs to prioritize for outreach every day.
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The Power of Niche Marketing

While customer data is an essential tool in the marketing toolbox, a recent poll revealed that nearly 40% of respondents struggle to apply that data to their marketing campaigns. That’s no surprise though. As audience data floods your CRM and marketing automation tools, it’s easy to lose focus and default to “spray and pray” marketing. It might sound counterintuitive, but sometimes it’s more effective for marketers to go small. It's time to consider a niche marketing approach that brings in the prospects that actually convert.
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Econsultancy: How to Make Your ABM Programmes Scalable Using Webinars


B2B marketers have almost always had their performance determined at least in part by the numbers of leads they are able to generate for sales. But this has become increasingly difficult, with 63% of B2B marketers reporting that generating traffic and leads is their top challenge, a challenge compounded by the fact that prospects often research solutions anonymously.
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How to Overcome the Biggest B2B Buying Barriers

You know your product/service is right for your audience. But your prospects always have a reason for not engaging: They're not in the market They don't know who you are They already have a vendor... So how do you break down the barriers they put up and prove your product is right for them? Join #mpb2b favorite Nancy Harhut for an encore presentation of her fall 2022 B2B Forum talk. She'll show you what to write—and say—to lower customer defenses and obliterate objections (it's science!) so your messages are heard and you can close the deal.
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