The Advertiser’s Guide to ABM: From Personalization to Targeting

Increase your deal size by 20% with ABM. Learn the ins and outs of ABM and how precise targeting can increase your ROI from our friends at RollWorks.Here’s what you’ll learn:What ABM is and how to incorporate it into your marketing strategy, How precise targeting can increase your ROI.
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The Current And Future State Of Account-Based Selling Technologies

This webinar reviews the landscape of strategic account mapping and alignment technologies that help organizations’ account planning and execution efforts by revealing complex relationships, identifying white space, supporting opportunity planning efforts, and enabling collaboration that makes it easier to identify, win, retain, and grow business with key accounts.
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How Vya uses Person-Based Advertising to drive demand

During the pandemic, Vya’s main sources of demand, events and direct mail, essentially collapsed. Website form fills declined dramatically. How did Vya adapt? Vya’s sales and marketing team went all in on Person-Based Advertising (PBA). By building a person-based strategy that aligned marketing to the sales organization, it helped ensure that marketing was able to effectively support a unified outbound process. Martha France, VP of Sales and Marketing at Vya, joins Joe McNeill, Influ2’s CRO to discuss how sales and marketing can align on accounts to drive pipeline growth. Vya is a B2B end-to-end marketing resource management platform for businesses that need to distribute their marketing materials across a widely distributed salesforce and enable customization at the local level.
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Personalization: The Key to Delivering ROI in 2023

Nearly all decision-makers (96%) say they feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of people trying to get their attention at any given moment. If you're one of the many marketers trying to get in front of those decision-makers, you won't want to miss this valuable webinar. Karen Steele, chief marketing advisor at Sendoso, will explain how to captivate your buyers with a relevant, personalized, and memorable experience so you can drive meaningful results and ROI in 2023.
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A Look Behind The ABM Curtain: Crafting a Hit Multi-channel Campaign


Watch as we pull the covers off our most successful ABM campaign to date. This webinar is packed full of practical first-hand experiences you’ll see why the campaign was featured on Demand Gen Report’s homepage.
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