Three Steps to Paid Media Success in an Account-Based World

In order to create hyper-targeted engagement across channels, brands are leveraging AI-powered ABM solutions that provide a single source of marketing truth. These solutions help marketers gather key insights, determine segmentation, and deliver timely campaigns.  Such personalized experiences can be created on LinkedIn, Twitter, and many other digital channel but these campaigns must be  “always on” to keep prospects and key accounts engaged throughout potentially lengthy buying cycles.
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Five Steps to Design and Execute Impactful Account-Based Plays

Budget and resources are tight, and many B2B go-to-market teams are looking for scrappy - and effective - ways to build pipeline and meet their growth goals. This free webinar is for anyone in Marketing, Sales, or Customer Success who wants to learn how to use account-based plays to orchestrate engagement with target companies most likely to be their next customers.
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How Top Sales Leaders Use Data and Automation to Upskill Teams

Sales leaders have great influence on the success of their organisations. To be an effective leader requires certain attitudes and skills, different from the ones that drive success as individual contributors. ZoomInfo’s successful culture of growth depends on investing real time and resources into developing sales leaders. In this webinar, Ryan Oosterveld (Head of New Business, EMEA) and Phil Nagel (Sales Manager and Lead, Canada) will discuss data-driven ways they adopt to improve the performance of sales teams, and how they channel that success into coaching sales reps to make the career leap into sales management.
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Get Your Data Working for You

Could your data insights be working even harder for you? Phil Carter of IDC and Neil Sholay of Oracle discuss the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence. From connecting data for deeper customer and employee understanding, to freeing up time so you can focus on innovation and strategy. Watch our webinar now.
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Turn Account Engagement into ABM Sales Insight


Below you can view the webinar recording and slide deck used. In this recap webinar you will learn: How prospecting and up-selling into large enterprises has changed with the rise of digital, and account-based (ABM) advertising & retargeting. How the B2B buying process has changed in the past year. Why you need to source data and engage all the people in your buying groups. Why it’s time to think beyond leads and form fills and focus on engagement insights. Which accounts and buyers that sales needs to prioritize for outreach every day.
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