Why Getting the Customer Experience Right is So Valuable

Customer Experience Right
According to original research commissioned by Salesforce, more than three-quarters of customers surveyed (78%) said they’d consider buying from tech vendors if given the opportunity. Despite deep investments in network infrastructure and services, providers need to give customers a reason to stay if they want to stay competitive. Customers are increasingly open to testing new providers and are willing to switch for better rates, more transparent service agreements, and personalized self-service options.

Join emerging technology consultant Dr. Sally Eaves along with Salesforce’s Kishore Sannidhanam for a deeper dive into what’s driving customer thinking around these new buying decisions for communications products and services.
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If you’re wondering whether Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is just last year’s buzzword or if it’s here to stay, believe the hype! New market research the 2nd Annual ITSMA-ABM Leadership Alliance Benchmark Study documents how ABM is fast becoming a mainstay of B2B marketing, and how the value it provides continues to grow.
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Multichannel ABM Innovators: How Oracle, Amazon Web Services & Cisco Identify & Convert Their Best Accounts

Madison Logic, Linkedin

Join our exclusive roundtable with top marketing leaders, hosted by leading B2B marketing publisher Demand Gen Report and moderated by LinkedIn and Madison Logic. Panelists will discuss how modernizing your account-based go-to-market strategy can drive account engagement across the sales cycle and improve the ROI of your marketing investment.
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Why Account Planning Matters: The Future of Account-Based Selling

Today salespeople face a challenging reality – B2B buyers are increasingly adopting a digital self-service approach. Data sourced from Forrester B2B Buying Studies and online surveys conducted by Forrester have detected that 67% of buyers prefer not to interact with a sales rep and 61% prefer to gather information on their own. Yes, customers continue to shift to online channels for their transactional purchases. But the fact is that when making critical purchasing decisions, B2B buyers still rely on human relationships with sellers. In this on-demand webinar, Guest Speaker and Forrester Principal Analyst, Seth Marrs, will be talking to Upland Altify Managing Director and Strategic Consultant, Travis Hill, to discuss why strategic account planning matters, how it helps you increase revenue, and improve sales velocity across your most important accounts.
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Supercharge Your Content and ABM Strategies with Uberflip & Sigstr


With Uberflip’s new integration with Sigstr, you can turn the thousands of emails your employees send into a targeted content campaign that can supercharge your content distribution strategy and become a powerful tool in your ABM strategy.In this webinar featuring Uberflip, Sigstr, and Snowflake, you'll learn:All about this brand new high-volume channel for your content distribution strategy.
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