Core ABM

Demandbase Can Offer Customers 367% ROI

Demandbase Can Offer Customers 367% ROI
On April 20, Demandbase announced the results of the Total Economic Impact Study that it commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct. The study aimed to help enterprise organizations to understand the business benefits, costs, and potential return on investment by using Demandbase ABX and Advertising Clouds. The analysis was based on a $200 million, 650- employee organization.

Through the study, it was found that Demandbase delivered an ROI as high as 367% in three years with a net present value (NPV) of $1.94 million, payback in less than six months. Demandbase also helped increase revenue by close to $1 million and enabled customers to save investments on third-party tools.

"We've seen the impact Demandbase Ones has on customers time and again," says Gabe Rogol, chief executive officer of Demandbase.

"We've seen the impact Demandbase Ones has on customers time and again," says Gabe Rogol, chief executive officer of Demandbase. "It's really valuable, though, to have a highly respected, third-party research firm like Forrester conduct an independent evaluation of this impact. Their findings confirm what we've seen to be true, which is that our customers' success in sales, marketing and overall revenue is wildly amplified by using Demandbase."

"Historically, one of the most difficult, but necessary, parts of growing revenue is a strong relationship between sales and marketing," says Allison Metcalfe, chief revenue officer of Demandbase. "It's clear through this study that Demandbase not only improves ROI and revenue, but also gets to the heart of an organization by building a bridge between these two essential departments. This creates cohesion and ultimately empowers them to achieve an aligned, optimized go-to-market that puts customers first. This is an incredibly important part of what Demandbase delivers, and what fuels its noteworthy economic impact."

Forrester uncovered Demandbase benefits that organizations can avail when using Demandbase:
  • Marketing productivity gains —Demandbase's Account Intelligence helps teams save days in determining accounts most likely to buy and what content created interest. ABM teams increased their productivity and KPIs, such as a 3% improvement in the close rate for marketing sourced leads.
  • Sales productivity gains —Sales development representatives (SDRs) saw immediate improvements in their metrics, doubling their productivity. One ABM specialist said her team opened 22 new opportunities in just six months.
  • Improved sales & marketing relationships — Interviewees noted that Demandbase drove sales and marketing alignment, with one reporting a 90% adoption rate of account executives (AEs) and SDRs using the tool.



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