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RollWorks Product Updates to Help B2B Marketers Prove Marketing ROI

B2B Marketers
RollWorks, an account-based marketing platform, announced significant upgrades to its Site Visitor API features to advance the incorporation of account-level insight into web content personalization. It now supports LiveRamp’s identifier, RampID, across channels. It continues to ramp up its product infrastructure to prepare itself for a future without third-party cookies.

"Our drumbeat of product innovation demonstrates our continued investment in technology that helps our customers better identify and understand their anonymous website traffic to create a more tailored experience for accounts visiting," said Justin Cooperman, VP, Product Management at RollWorks.

"Our drumbeat of product innovation demonstrates our continued investment in technology that helps our customers better identify and understand their anonymous website traffic to create a more tailored experience for accounts visiting," said Justin Cooperman, VP, Product Management at RollWorks.

With the help of RollWorks Site Visitor API, B2B marketers can understand their anonymous website traffic and create a more personalized experience for accounts. They can also analyze trends over time. Account-level identification, including firmographic details of site visitors in real-time, can help marketers create engaging, account-centric visitor experiences. The latest update allows customers to identify website visitors across more account-level data, such as whether a visitor is on the RollWorks Target Account List, Account Group or Journey Stage.

"RollWorks' Site Visitor API helps marketers turn their data into account-based insights, thanks to our rich data assets, ability to ingest first- and third-party data, and machine-learning models," added Cooperman.

With these updates, B2B marketing and sales teams can understand who their ideal customers are and prioritize accounts to outreach to:
  • Create a new account list based on ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) fit scoring model
  • See firmographic attributes - company size, revenue, industry, etc. - that make up an ICP
  • Automatic sync of modeling data from an ICP fit grade back to Salesforce and HubSpot
Advertisers who use RampID can unlock premium inventory, additional reach in cookieless browsers, and improved marketing tactics such as frequency capping, people-based audience targeting, and more. Thanks to more accurate targeting through such identifiers, RollWorks offers B2B marketers:
  • The ability to reach Apple device and Safari browser users that have been harder to target since Apple began blocking tracking methods in 2017
  • The ability to reach Firefox browser users that have been harder to target since Mozilla began blocking third-party cookies in 2019
  • A futureproofed user-level targeting method that will enable users to maintain their reach when Google blocks tracking methods in late 2023
RollWorks can help streamline ABM operations and drive more revenue.



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