The days of untargeted campaigns are long gone. Today, in order to turn more prospects into sales-ready leads, you need to truly understand who to get in touch with, and the best ways to reach them.Most marketers realize this. And yet, many still struggle to implement new strategies, or don’t know what other options are out there.Check out the whitepaper to learn about four alternatives to these outdated B2B marketing solutions.



The world of B2B buying has changed more in the last 5 years than ever in history. That's why we've built the whole solution to capture anonymous buyer activity and execute personalized account-based marketing programs. Global enterprises such as Sealed Air, Colt Technology and Fives rely on Jabmo to drive engagement and revenue with target accounts.

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Account-Based Strategies In Europe

whitePaper | September 2, 2022

According to Christian Weiss, director ABM EMEA at Autodesk, Germany languishes behind English-speaking countries when it comes to account-based maturity, often due to their reluctance to be the first to try something new. “Germans aren’t always keen on trying and testing from scratch and have a tendency to overthink,” he says. “While other cultures might try new approaches and technologies and fail, at least they’ve tried it. And this is a huge aspect of making account-based principles work. It requires deep change across culture, people and technology – and this isn’t always a good fit for people who are hesitant to embrace change, which isn’t traditionally part of a German’s DNA.”

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ABM 2.0: 3 Paths to More Productive Revenue Capture in a Changing Interaction Landscape

whitePaper | September 12, 2022

With face-to-face touchpoints being replaced by virtual interactions, learn how to succeed in this new landscape. B2B marketers need to scale up ABM 1.0 principles to generate more revenue from a larger number of target accounts. In this white paper, ABM 2.0: 3 Paths to More Productive Revenue Capture in a Changing Interaction Landscape, we discuss how changes in B2B interaction are impacting relationship-creation and how you can use intent data to connect buyers to the solutions they need.

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whitePaper | December 10, 2019

The “wealth effect” the idea that consumer and business spending goes up with increases in stock prices, could taper with a downturn in the stock market. With the upcoming political year, it is highly likely that investors will cash out of some of their returns in early 2020, which could result in slower consumer and business spending in the early part of the year. Both B2B and B2C buyers might focus on “must haves” and delay the purchase of “nice to haves” until mid-year.

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The Beginner’s Guide to: Account-based Selling

whitePaper | December 14, 2019

Account-based selling focuses on quality over quantity. Sales teams prioritize their prospecting efforts based on the companies they should be contacting rather than the individuals. They use data to find specific accounts that would benefit from their product and then devise customized, high-touch prospecting approaches for those target accounts. By employing account-based selling, you ensure that your sales teams are focusing on highpotential, high-value accounts, making them more likely to close deals, hit their quotas, and grow your business.

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Long Hold Times Are Killing Your Customer Experience

whitePaper | June 1, 2022

Waiting on hold to get help is inevitable. That being said, long wait times, being bounced around to multiple people, and inability to resolve issues contribute to overall poor experiences for customers and businesses. Time flies when we’re having fun, and it drags on when we’re bored. Sometimes it’s on our side, and other times it’s racing against us. 90-seconds can feel like an eternity when you’re sitting on the phone waiting for help, or answering automated voice prompts, or even waiting for a response from an agent on live chat agent.

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Ignite Your ABX - Winning With Today’s B2B Customers

whitePaper | August 4, 2022

Buyers are influenced by brands they know. By leaning into the entire customer journey, B2B brands can start to think beyond lead-based strategies with account-based experiences (ABX). Delivering account-based experiences (ABX) helps you find and keep customers by staying active in the market and nurturing meaningful account relationships. Learn what successful account-based experiences look like and how to get started on a full-funnel, always-on ABX approach. You’ll discover: Why brand building creates more value than sales activation Key differences among account-based targeting, marketing, and experience Tips on how to implement ABX strategically, one ecosystem at a time How to align your go-to-market teams and accelerate revenue

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The world of B2B buying has changed more in the last 5 years than ever in history. That's why we've built the whole solution to capture anonymous buyer activity and execute personalized account-based marketing programs. Global enterprises such as Sealed Air, Colt Technology and Fives rely on Jabmo to drive engagement and revenue with target accounts.
