ABM Accounts

Marketing-Led COVID-19 Growth Strategies: 2022 and Beyond

December 19, 2022

Marketing-Led COVID-19 Growth Strategies
At the peak of the pandemic, businesses struggled to navigate the disruptions and upheavals of COVID-19. Now they’re trying to figure out what to do next as they emerge from the chaos. Who better to lead the business recovery charge than marketing? According to Deloitte, “marketing budgets as a percentage of overall budgets have risen to 11.8%, resetting to pre-pandemic levels.” Additionally, yearly marketing spending is breaking records in areas including brand building, customer relationship management, and traditional advertising.



Improving experiences is why InMoment exists. Our mission is to help our clients improve experiences at the intersection of value--where customer, employee, and business needs come together. The heart of what we do is connect our clients with what matters most through a unique combination of comprehensive data, modern technology, and human expertise that helps executives--and the companies they lead--recognize the power and value of customer and employee experiences.

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Leveraging AI to Clean, Organize, and Optimize Customer Registries for Increased Sales and Marketing

whitePaper | April 10, 2023

In today's fast-paced, data-driven world, managing critical data is essential for businesses to remain competitive, efficient, and effective. Our AI-powered MDM solution addresses key industry challenges, including the need for customer centricity, hyper-personalization, adherence to regulatory and privacy mandates, and streamlining data explosion. With a 360-degree view of data and advanced analytics capabilities, our solution provides a comprehensive approach to defining and managing an organization's data, serving as a single source of truth for all functions. This unified, accurate, and streamlined data management system delivers better business insights for breakthrough customer experiences.

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Boost sales with B2B lead generation from your website

whitePaper | February 6, 2023

This white paper provides an overview on how a B2B company can use website traffic to generate up to 100% more leads from their website by monitoring the visitors in a structured way. In addition, the monotoring of the website can give B2B companies valuable insight on how their existing and potential customers are engaging on the website.

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The Rise of Account Based Marketing: Essentials to Success

whitePaper | January 20, 2020

Aligning sales and marketing is one of the most common problems companies face. Managers find that often, sales and marketing have differentiating solutions when it comes to developing strategies; which can affect company revenue and lead generation efforts. With marketing known for its spending habits, company executives demand a good ROI. As a result of significant revenue gain more than 60% of companies plan to launch an account-based marketing (ABM) campaign in the following year. Why is ABM becoming so popular? This marketing tactic allows marketers to create targeted campaigns for specific high-value accounts. In order to have an effective Account Based Marketing strategy it is important for your sales and marketing team to be aligned. But what is account based marketing, and how can you integrate it in your company to make sure your team will deliver the ROI that your company needs?

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B2B Trends: How Intent Data Can Boost Marketing Results

whitePaper | August 23, 2022

To achieve success in today’s digital world, marketers need to collect, analyze and master intent data. But what exactly is intent data and how can organizations use this information to close deals? To answer these questions, we’ve recruited a team of B2B marketing experts to share their tips, tricks and insights on intent data. The result is our free e-book, “B2B Trends: How Intent Data Can Boost Marketing Results.” In it, you’ll discover not only the trends behind intent data, but what actual marketers like you are doing to use it.

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What Human Behavior Can Teach Us About Effective B2B Marketing

whitePaper | October 20, 2022

Modern B2B marketers are experiencing a new frontier of demand and revenue generation, with a wealth of data at their fingertips. Paired with everevolving tools and technologies, marketing teams have a nearly 360-degree view of their market and audience. The challenge no longer lies in gathering insights, but in how to use the right data to drive growth effectively. The pressure to prove revenue contribution has never been stronger. As B2B marketers look to scale their go-to-market efforts, decoding audience insights and behavior is more important than ever before.

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Customer Experience is broken. Learn how to bridge CX gaps using AI.

whitePaper | December 20, 2022

Customers are engaging with businesses on several channels, both online and offline. They want curated brand experiences that reflect an understanding of their preferences and needs. But the sad truth is that most businesses aren’t able to bridge the experience gap due to a host of reasons. This ebook explores these reasons and provides a deep dive into the essential elements of a future-ready customer service strategy that leverages AI and automation.

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Improving experiences is why InMoment exists. Our mission is to help our clients improve experiences at the intersection of value--where customer, employee, and business needs come together. The heart of what we do is connect our clients with what matters most through a unique combination of comprehensive data, modern technology, and human expertise that helps executives--and the companies they lead--recognize the power and value of customer and employee experiences.
