Account Based Data

Smarter Go-To-Market Powered By Account Intelligence

February 1, 2023

Smarter Go-To-Market Powered By Account Intelligence
The information you need to target your ideal accounts efficiently is scattered across your systems and processes (or just plain hidden, such as buyer intent).

As a result of the broken and incomplete data, your sales and marketing teams have account blindness. They have no choice but to make hunch-based decisions.

It doesn’t matter how much training you’ve put them through. They will end up spamming prospects (and maybe even existing clients) because they don’t have the intelligence-based insights to guide them.


Green Street Media

GSM are committed to the extraordinary, constantly striving to deliver cutting edge consumer experiences specifically tailored to every clients needs...

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What Human Behavior Can Teach Us About Effective B2B Marketing

whitePaper | October 20, 2022

Modern B2B marketers are experiencing a new frontier of demand and revenue generation, with a wealth of data at their fingertips. Paired with everevolving tools and technologies, marketing teams have a nearly 360-degree view of their market and audience. The challenge no longer lies in gathering insights, but in how to use the right data to drive growth effectively. The pressure to prove revenue contribution has never been stronger. As B2B marketers look to scale their go-to-market efforts, decoding audience insights and behavior is more important than ever before.

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Delivering Frictionless Customer Experience

whitePaper | October 5, 2022

Our relationships with brands naturally change over time, and the radical, accelerated digital evolution of consumer behavior and expectations over the past two years only serves to underscore the need for instant gratification. Not long ago, CX professionals focused in large part on behavioral differences between generations—Millennial or Gen Z versus Boomer. But today’s CX behaviors and the challenges associated with them transcend generations. The pandemic has transformed most of us into digital natives.

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15 Account Based Marketing Strategies and How to Set Them Up

whitePaper | April 24, 2023

Selling your products or services directly to your highestvalue accounts can give you the best profits. And with account based marketing strategies, you can make that possible.

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5 Areas That CMOs Struggle in Measuring ROI and Where to Focus

whitePaper | October 4, 2022

Gartner has predicted that by next year (2022), profitability will overtake customer experience (CX) as a top strategic priority. This change is part of a longer-term trend. CFOs want rigorous measurement of marketing activities. Metrics like cost per acquisition are at a premium. These metrics are linear and atomic, much like accounting and financial data. This conundrum has led to a plethora of methods and tools to measure marketing effectiveness, and ultimately to optimize the marketing mix. But now this confusing landscape cries out for a more clear-eyed answer of “what’s really working and what’s not?” when it comes to marketing measurement and optimization. The answers are not simple or easy.

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What's Working In Social Media Marketing & Selling?

whitePaper | October 13, 2022

Social media marketing and selling is deceptively easy - while it doesn’t take much to fire off a tweet or update a LinkedIn status, the posts that receive the most engagement, and ultimately help close the most deals, are interactive, thoughtful and personalized. But personalization isn’t easy on social media, as its reach extends across the world: 95% of B2B marketers utilize social media content in some form, making it the most widely-used content type. With such a massive reach, marketers often result to generic assets to hopefully cover everyone’s interests, whether it’s an up-and-coming intern or a seasoned CMO. But in a channel as loud, crowded and impersonal as social, blanket-type content won’t suffice.

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The Modern Marketer’s Guide to ABM

whitePaper | May 31, 2021

In this eBook we will address the evolution of the B2B purchase journey and discuss the fundamentals of starting a successful ABM program in our “Ready-Set-Go” framework. B2B sales and marketing is constantly evolving and adapting to new advances in technology, and following traditional lead generation in the information age is no longer the most efficient approach to generating pipeline. ABM prioritizes quality over quantity, so sales and marketing can allocate more resources and time on high-fit, high-intent target accounts. When buyers show interest in your product early in the purchase journey, account-based technology can put these signals right at the fingertips of your marketing and sales organizations.

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Green Street Media

GSM are committed to the extraordinary, constantly striving to deliver cutting edge consumer experiences specifically tailored to every clients needs...
