Successful Retargeting In Account Based Retargeting

In the constantly developing world of marketing, and further to that, digital marketing, retargeting or remarketing tactics have become one of the most popular and effective way for brands to continue to expose themselves to those website visitors who have come and gone from their pages.But if you’re not a marketer, you may have heard of these terms, but do you really understand what they means? And if you are a marketer, do you know of a way that you could further improve upon your current retargeting/remarketing strategies?


Marketing Association

Our goal is to champion the practice of professional marketing and the role of marketers in building a better New Zealand. We employ the most innovative talent in the industry. People who have an insatiable dose of curiosity to nurture, encourage and sustain strong relationships between brands and their customers in turn, creating meaningful experiences while driving business results.

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Lead Management for Cloud Offering

whitePaper | May 5, 2023

With the latest advancements in technology, businesses can now oversee an entire financial transaction in a minute at the comforts of their offices rather than take a time-consuming trip to the bank. With far-reaching access to mobile technology, things have moved even faster than ever as businesses and entrepreneurs are able to deal with each other at the tip of their fingertips. The rapid evolution of B2B solutions has made it possible to find leads and nurture their interest in a product or service through an automated platform that integrates different marketing channels instantaneously. With such accelerated development of technology, doing business has gotten easier every day. However, this has also meant clients moving at a much faster pace. Instantaneous transactions have become the common thing in ways unimaginable just decades ago that “follow-up delays” has become the biggest deal killer today.

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Reclaiming Channel Partners’ Rightful Spot in ABM

whitePaper | November 30, 2019

Organizations that use a channel-based ABM strategy are advantaged as they tap into the broader reach already built into their channel partner network. This extended ABM strategy provides all parties with the visibility and the foundation for collaboration on the accounts, leads, and deals that help build pipeline, revenue, and partner traction. “Nearly half of its practitioners

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The Modern Marketer’s Guide to ABM

whitePaper | May 31, 2021

In this eBook we will address the evolution of the B2B purchase journey and discuss the fundamentals of starting a successful ABM program in our “Ready-Set-Go” framework. B2B sales and marketing is constantly evolving and adapting to new advances in technology, and following traditional lead generation in the information age is no longer the most efficient approach to generating pipeline. ABM prioritizes quality over quantity, so sales and marketing can allocate more resources and time on high-fit, high-intent target accounts. When buyers show interest in your product early in the purchase journey, account-based technology can put these signals right at the fingertips of your marketing and sales organizations.

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4 Common Intent Data Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

whitePaper | June 27, 2022

Everywhere marketers turn, people are talking about Intent data. After all, 94% of marketers believe that using data to track buyer Intent gives them a competitive advantage. But Intent data is now a term whose meaning, like most buzzwords, has gotten diluted. There’s a false belief that Intent data is a silver bullet, alleged to solve any and all marketing woes. But in reality, many organizations are barely scraping the surface of how Intent data can benefit them and, more importantly, their bottom line.

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Elevating ABM: Building Blocks for Long-Term Growth

whitePaper | March 3, 2023

Revenue Forecasting, Sales and Marketing, Intent DataOne of the most interesting aspects of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is the interplay between continuity and change. Twenty years into the ABM journey, core principles from the very beginning have stood the test of time: leading with customer insight, full partnership with sales, tailoring and customizing customer connection, and focusing on the three R’s—Reputation, Relationships, and Revenue.

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10 Ways to Put Intent Data to Work

whitePaper | February 22, 2023

Here are the 10 ways B2B marketing teams are leveraging the power of intent to fill their pipelines, engage targets, and guide prospects all the way to a sale. Maybe your organization wants to leverage intent data but is not able to allocate the necessary budget or the manpower to build an in-house solution. A more workable alternative might be to import ready-to-work leads generated by an intent monitoring platform. When reviewing possible lead generation partners — like content syndicators and tele-prospecting sources — be sure to ask vendors whether they use intent data in generating the leads they send you, and listen carefully to their responses. The growing popularity of intent data is no secret, and many marketers have begun working the word “intent” into their marketing — including those who incorporate intent data only in the very loosest sense.

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Marketing Association

Our goal is to champion the practice of professional marketing and the role of marketers in building a better New Zealand. We employ the most innovative talent in the industry. People who have an insatiable dose of curiosity to nurture, encourage and sustain strong relationships between brands and their customers in turn, creating meaningful experiences while driving business results.
