Take the pulse of your customers and target them in their vital organs. (Maybe we’ve taken this too far.) Much like the machine that goes “ping,” an Ideal Customer Profile gives you a continuously-updated readout of your buyers’ vital signs. Whether you want to target competitors, reach people with specific job functions (not just titles), or people or companies who use specific technologies, creating an ICP is a vital procedure to ensure a healthy campaign. Predictive scoring is the wide-spectrum antibiotic that cures ailing inbound leads. Think of an Ideal Customer Profile as a CAT scan of your best customers. A solid ICP lets you understand attributes that other tools miss. Fill the right prescriptions in your marketing automation and hot leads will go straight to the right specialist…er, sales rep. Leads that need more TLC are automatically added to the right nurture campaigns. Prep your database for a radical bad-leadectomy. Your pain may well be localized in your database, and radiating outward. Start by diagnosing your existing lead and contact information. Seek a second opinion from the external universe of lead information, including top B2B lead databases, unstructured web data and social networks. On-demand, accurate information that goes beyond the business card may bring immediate relief. Once your data’s clean, make it part of a comprehensive recovery regime. Prefer a holistic approach? Building campaigns without attributes like areas of expertise, technology used and job function is like going to the ER and saying, “Please remove an organ at random.” Segment your database to pinpoint people and companies in specific channels with your marketing automation, dynamically insert attention-getting, relevant attributes, and watch your prospects open up and say “Ahhhh.”



We combine the best of human & machine to create the best possible customer experience for your consumers. Humach simplifies and streamlines customer experiences for the world’s leading brands with agents and technology. With operations throughout the United States, Mexico, and Jamaica, Humach blends live agents, digital agents, and robust technology to allow businesses to focus on their core business operations.

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What Human Behavior Can Teach Us About Effective B2B Marketing

whitePaper | October 20, 2022

Modern B2B marketers are experiencing a new frontier of demand and revenue generation, with a wealth of data at their fingertips. Paired with everevolving tools and technologies, marketing teams have a nearly 360-degree view of their market and audience. The challenge no longer lies in gathering insights, but in how to use the right data to drive growth effectively. The pressure to prove revenue contribution has never been stronger. As B2B marketers look to scale their go-to-market efforts, decoding audience insights and behavior is more important than ever before.

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The Essential Intent Data Guide

whitePaper | June 1, 2022

Find out how Intent data strengthens the foundation of your marketing and sales strategy by reading the essential Intent data guide. In this guide, you'll also find answers to the important questions about Intent data, like What exactly is Intent data, and what are the different types of it? Why should I be paying attention to Intent data? How can I start using Intent data today? How does Intent data accelerate B2B growth and drive ROI?

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Les impératifs de transformation dans le secteur du commerce de gros et de la distribution

whitePaper | December 9, 2022

Le modèle d’affaires traditionnel du secteur du commerce de gros et de la distribution n’est pas viable. « L’effet Amazon » et les perturbations récurrentes telles que la COVID-19 et les blocages portuaires comme celui du canal de Suez exposent les distributeurs à de nombreux imprévus qui révèlent les faiblesses des stratégies d

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Top 10 XaaS Marketing Trends for 2023

whitePaper | October 5, 2022

For technology businesses, the move from traditional on-premises sales and licensing models to an “as-aservice” subscription model is critical. Yet, while the upsides of recurring revenue streams are substantial, there are risks. This flexible, ongoing billing model gives customers more leverage to switch if they can find alternate solutions that offer a better customer experience (CX) or enhanced features. Today’s technology businesses must redefine their go-to-market strategies and tactics to ensure adoption, usage, and renewal to avoid attrition.

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Marketing attribution for the revenue-driven marketer

whitePaper | September 30, 2022

Life as a SaaS marketer (and a person) in 2022 feels uncertain, to say the least. An ongoing pandemic, talks of a possible recession, and tech companies laying off more than 24,000 employees in the first half of this year means it is definitely not business as usual. Operating with reduced headcount and budgets, marketers are facing increasing pressure to tie activity directly to revenue. Enter marketing attribution, a key pillar of revenue-driven marketing. Attribution enables marketing teams to track the effectiveness of their programs and showcase their impact on the business.

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ABM 2.0: 3 Paths to More Productive Revenue Capture in a Changing Interaction Landscape

whitePaper | September 12, 2022

With face-to-face touchpoints being replaced by virtual interactions, learn how to succeed in this new landscape. B2B marketers need to scale up ABM 1.0 principles to generate more revenue from a larger number of target accounts. In this white paper, ABM 2.0: 3 Paths to More Productive Revenue Capture in a Changing Interaction Landscape, we discuss how changes in B2B interaction are impacting relationship-creation and how you can use intent data to connect buyers to the solutions they need.

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We combine the best of human & machine to create the best possible customer experience for your consumers. Humach simplifies and streamlines customer experiences for the world’s leading brands with agents and technology. With operations throughout the United States, Mexico, and Jamaica, Humach blends live agents, digital agents, and robust technology to allow businesses to focus on their core business operations.
