Whitepaper Integrating Outbound Demand Generation

The challenge (and opportunity) exists when you and your marketing colleagues rely on third-party data sources (media partners, events, webinar vendors, etc.) to generate the all-important prospects that feed your Marketo-driven processes. Marketing automation is incredibly valuable for capturing inbound prospect data on owned websites and landing pages, as well as activities meant to refine this prospect data into sales-ready leads or convert prospects into customers (via scoring models and nurturing tracks). Yet, today’s demand gen requirements are much broader than inbound lead capture and refinement.


KEO Marketing Inc.

KEO Marketing Inc. is an award winning, B2B marketing agency committed to developing marketing strategies that dramatically increase leads and sales. Some of the world’s largest brands have depended on us for marketing programs that drive business growth. Our solutions include: lead generation and nurturing, search engine marketing and optimization, website development, social networking and media, online advertising, and local and mobile marketing and much more.

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Les impératifs de transformation dans le secteur du commerce de gros et de la distribution

whitePaper | December 9, 2022

Le modèle d’affaires traditionnel du secteur du commerce de gros et de la distribution n’est pas viable. « L’effet Amazon » et les perturbations récurrentes telles que la COVID-19 et les blocages portuaires comme celui du canal de Suez exposent les distributeurs à de nombreux imprévus qui révèlent les faiblesses des stratégies d

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AI and Sales Trends for 2023 and Beyond

whitePaper | January 27, 2023

97% of sales leaders and sales operations pros already believe that AI gives reps more time to sell.1 However, giving reps more time back through automation is just the beginning. AI also provides a means of augmenting human intelligence, so salespeople can finally exceed the expectations of today’s most demanding buyers. This report provides a window into how the right AI-powered sales solutions will empower companies to, at last, fix a broken B2B sales process.

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The Essential Guide to the Buying Experience of the Future

whitePaper | August 23, 2022

Your buyers’ lives, preferences, and expectations have changed. Two-thirds or 67% of buyers prefer remote or digital interactions - and they expect those interactions to be substantive and valuable. They hold your sellers to a high standard. That means the buying experiences of the past - in-person meetings, transactional conversations, and linear sales funnels - no longer deliver. So forget your old sales playbook. Your best value proposition is an impactful buying experience that guides people to the best possible decision.

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Sales Pipeline Readiness: The Predictable Pipeline Strategy for Marketing and Sales Teams

whitePaper | December 5, 2022

Efficiency and productivity are what will lead to efficient growth. Still, to achieve this, you must have the correct data and tools to project pipeline and align GTM teams around a strategy guaranteed to hit pipeline and revenue targets. That’s why we wrote this guide to help you develop a Sales Pipeline Readiness strategy that allows you to not only predict but also generate pipeline efficiently and effectively.

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Why ABM-i Is The Next Wave For B2B Companies

whitePaper | April 14, 2021

Today, work and home life are converging due to the pandemic and a greater acceptance of remote work as a business practice. In addition, the same individual attention and personalized approach that people demand from the B2C companies they interact with as consumers is now being demanded from the B2B companies they engage with as business buyers. As we hunker down at home, connecting with business prospects now means reaching them the same way B2C companies reach consumers. This white paper outlines why account-based marketing for the individual (ABM-i) is the future of ABM. You'll learn: 8 ABM-i strategies to create a truly personalized approach for engaging decision-makers; How to use technology, data and analytics to build a scalable, yet personal outreach plan; and Real-world examples of effective ABM-i programs from leaders across industries.

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Delivering Frictionless Customer Experience

whitePaper | October 5, 2022

Our relationships with brands naturally change over time, and the radical, accelerated digital evolution of consumer behavior and expectations over the past two years only serves to underscore the need for instant gratification. Not long ago, CX professionals focused in large part on behavioral differences between generations—Millennial or Gen Z versus Boomer. But today’s CX behaviors and the challenges associated with them transcend generations. The pandemic has transformed most of us into digital natives.

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KEO Marketing Inc.

KEO Marketing Inc. is an award winning, B2B marketing agency committed to developing marketing strategies that dramatically increase leads and sales. Some of the world’s largest brands have depended on us for marketing programs that drive business growth. Our solutions include: lead generation and nurturing, search engine marketing and optimization, website development, social networking and media, online advertising, and local and mobile marketing and much more.
