Account Based Execution

Skydeo Launches B2B *AccountsGraph

Skydeo Launches AccountsGraph
Skydeo, a leading provider of audience targeting services, has launched *AccountsGraph B2B audience segments for account-based advertising on CTV, social and programmatic platforms.

“AccountsGraph audiences are a major step forward for B2B advertisers and Account Based Marketing (ABM)”, said Brad Brown, Managing Partner (emeritus) from McKinsey & Co., “Skydeo’s unique combination of B2B data with broad reaching mobile-first consumer data provides marketers the ability to target prospects much like LinkedIn but on any platform at lower cost of media. It's a compelling solution."

SkyDeoB2B segments firmographic and contact data based on the company name, job title, company revenue, company employees, and industry. Additionally, it also segments technographic data using modern technology. B2B advertisers can effectively target their prospective customers by using Company Name validation at scale through this data. It will help them for recruitment advertising and selling B2B products and services to the Finance, IT, Tech, Human Resources, and Pharma industries.

"Since we launched SkydeoB2B we've seen a surge in B2B intent data so there is merit to launching AccountsGraph now. We help B2B advertisers rampup their Account Based Marketing," said Skydeo CEO Mike Ford.

"Since we launched SkydeoB2B we've seen a surge in B2B intent data so there is merit to launching AccountsGraph now. We help B2B advertisers rampup their Account Based Marketing," said Skydeo CEO Mike Ford.

Skydeo *AccountsGraph standard taxonomy of the Top 2000 companies in Finance, Tech, Healthcare, and other industries is available on Yahoo, TikTok, Google, LiveRamp, Kargo & StackAdapt, while for the Top 5000 companies, contact Skydeo or visit the accountsgraph website.



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