Quora Marketing: How to Drive Traffic, Leads, and Sales with Quora

Quora is a question-and-answer website where people can share and gain knowledge on various subjects. Launched in 2009, it’s one of the most popular websites in the world. As of 2018, Quora has 300 million monthly users and is currently ranked as the 92nd most visited website in the world according to Alexa.com. On Quora, anyone can ask a question, and anyone can answer it. The most popular questions are upvoted by users and appear at the top of the Quora feed. Similarly, the best and the most upvoted answers to questions appear at the top of a question thread. Quora members ask and answer questions on a wide variety of topics, including technology, science, business, psychology, history, etc. People use Quora to ask questions related to both their personal and professional lives, to ask for recommendations for products and services, and to get other people’s opinions on various subjects. Since Quora seems to have discussions on every topic under the sun, it can be used to promote almost any type of business. Why you should use Quora: There are many benefits that businesses can gain from posting on Quora. It allows you to: Establish yourself as an authority in your industry – Providing answers to questions relevant to your industry on Quora can help you establish yourself as an authority in your industry. Share your expertise with Quora users and take the time to provide them with in-depth answers to their questions. Answer questions related to your products or services – Quora users are asking questions on a wide variety of topics every day. Search Quora for mentions of your products or services and answer your customers’ questions.


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