'CMOs must champion the customer,' advises Steve O'Neil Director at Agent3

We had the opportunity to explore the best way to leverage Account-based marketing strategies in the digital era, through this interview with Steve O'Neil, Director at Agent3. Read on to find out new digital marketing trends to look out for in 2022, and how CMOs and enterprises can best leverage them in their initiatives.

The need to build impactful, engaging and differentiated digital experiences that hold attention and convert became an imperative during the pandemic.

MEDIA 7: As an expert developer and a leader in digital ideas, what is your view on how marketers can use ABM as an approach to embrace the digital age?
B2B engagement in the digital age has historically relied on fairly broad, “spray-and-pray” tactics, with huge budgets being wasted on generic, catch-all campaigns, often centered around driving engagement with a particular solution to anyone who will listen. Targeting is often generic, focusing on personas or seniorities, and whilst an acceptable number of leads will usually be generated, it’s pure luck as to whether or not they have the authority to influence, accelerate, or sign-off any deal. The application of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) principles is a more intelligent approach to revenue generation and will eventually become commonplace in B2B engagements as organizations look to deliver outstanding Account-Based eXperiences (ABX) using digital technologies.

By leveraging a combination of intent data sources and signals to prioritize a set of key accounts; organizations can focus purely on these accounts, treating them as a market of one. With key contacts engaged on their terms, via the right channels with hyper-focused positioning and messaging in a creative and impactful way, engagement with the right people will be supercharged, pipeline velocity accelerated and better, more measurable outcomes that can be tied back to key business objectives, will be driven. This demonstration of ROI will then make the case to scale the approach through further investment.

An additional consideration is that B2C marketers have understood for some time that, in order to drive adoption or sales of a product or service, the consumer experience - which starts with digital communication - needs to be highly personalized. So if those same consumers - you and I - are now used to experiencing heavily personalized digital experiences in their personal lives, they will expect the same level of sophistication in their professional lives too. The ABM approach to digital and building out true ABX, therefore, is a fantastic opportunity to bridge this gap.

M7: According to you, what are some of the different ways to build an effective ABM program?
Every organization will have different expectations for its ABM program. Prior to starting your first ABM program, it’s worth conducting an ‘ABM Maturity assessment, which will provide a baseline from which progress and the evolution of your approach can be demonstrated back to leadership. Once you’re ready to begin, setting meaningful objectives is an important first step that helps focus the mind on what the business expects as a return on the investment in their ABM program. Once this is understood, a basic measurement framework can be deployed as part of the ABM program to demonstrate success, proving the business impact of ABM.

Successful ABM programs tend to comprise the following: strong account segmentation so that the right accounts feature in the program from the outset; solid foundational account-level intelligence and intent data; account-specific positioning & messaging; outstanding creative experiences that differentiate from competitors; a highly optimized RevTech stack that can be used to deploy superb; hyper-personalized account-based experiences that supercharge engagement across the entire lifecycle, and a robust measurement dashboard that makes it quick and easy to attribute and report success to multiple levels of seniority within the organization.

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The application of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) principles is a more intelligent approach to revenue generation.

M7: What are some of the different ways the role of a CMO has changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of organizations globally almost overnight. Campaigns and messaging that had been working, became irrelevant. Marketing budgets were diverted to digital or significantly reduced and face-to-face events, a staple for many organizations in their engagement strategy, stopped. The need to build impactful, engaging, and differentiated digital experiences that hold attention and convert became an imperative. The challenge for the CMO was in galvanizing the organization to achieve this in a creative way, deploying the experience via the right smart technology. After all, if your competitors are attempting the same thing, how do you, as the CMO, ensure your organization stands out amongst the noise?

The CMO has always been responsible for delivering growth, but having navigated an incredibly challenging, volatile, and uncertain time during the pandemic, they are now seen as the guiding lights for digital transformation, tasked with driving sustainable and profitable growth through the delivery of outstanding, engaging and impactful omnichannel customer experiences. CMOs must champion the customer. And those who build resilient, agile, diverse and inclusive marketing organizations, capable of evolving with the times, embracing new technologies and acting as a catalyst for innovation will ultimately succeed in this new world.

M7: What are the different ways Agent3 helps its clients maximize their ROI and revenue?
Agent3 is a technology and services business. This means that we provide the ABM consultancy and strategy that a client would expect from a global ABM agency, but we back this up with expertise deployed via a specialist model comprising teams with deep expertise in Advisory, Insight, Positioning & Messaging, Content & Creative, DemandGen, RevTech and Measurement. This flexible model helps support clients to deliver globally scalable ABM programs in the most agile way possible, maximizing their ROI, accelerating delivery of revenue from key and named accounts, whilst delivering an unparalleled customer experience.

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The CMO has always been responsible for delivering growth, but having navigated an incredibly challenging, volatile, and uncertain time during the pandemic, they are now seen as the guiding lights for digital transformation.

M7: At Agent3, how do you track and report on your ABM efforts?
Agent3 is experienced in supporting organizations to navigate the challenges of measuring ABM, ensuring that clear business objectives are defined for the ABM program at the outset. We then ensure that the correct attribution model is in place, that data flows to the right places from an ever-evolving tech stack and a robust ABM measurement framework exists. Using this framework, an ABM dashboard that clearly demonstrates the success of ABM programs, tying account-specific outcomes back to the pre-defined business objectives, can be deployed.

As approaches to account-based experiences (ABX) evolve and the expectation that the customer experience should transcend marketing becomes more prevalent, the need to measure the entire customer lifecycle has become increasingly important.
Agent3’s pioneering research and development is leading the way in supporting organizations to make this transition, ensuring that the approach to effective measurement in ABM and/or ABX remains best of breed in an ever-changing, digitally transformed world.

M7: According to you, what are some exciting digital marketing trends and developments to look out for in 2022?
There are a number of areas in tech that I’m excited about in 2022 - areas like AI, machine learning, and the metaverse will be fairly aspirational for most organizations, whilst the following feels more achievable for most:

The rise of hyper-personalization at scale to deliver omnichannel, contextually relevant engagements and a superb, account-based experience to multiple contacts in key accounts who may be on multiple journeys at once, e.g: engaging with a website, ad, or email, whilst exploring a renewal or cross-sell opp with customer success or sales. Those organizations that manage to achieve this type of engagement will generate superior insights and deliver account-level success faster.

The convergence of DemandGen tactics and account-based principles to supercharge engagement within key accounts. This approach provides a blend of laser-focused tactics to engage the right contacts, at the right time, with the most impactful message, whilst surrounding the account with the appropriate level of aircover to land and expand the key messages across influence and decision making groups. Such an approach supercharges engagement, accelerates pipeline, and streamlines the delivery of campaigns through the use of technology across the lifecycle.

Deployment of more sophisticated, blended intent models that help dynamically prioritize accounts for specific account-based tactics, usually as part of a responsive ABM model, whilst providing the foundations to predict future revenue and growth opportunities within the account, setting the right foundations for engagement on the contact’s terms.


Founded in 2013, Agent3 is the global leader in the field of true end-to-end ABM and account-centric marketing programs informed by insight and data and driven by audience-focused content. With customers including Salesforce, LinkedIn, Pure Storage, Intel and Sony. Agent3 has offices in London, Cheltenham (UK), Woodbridge (UK), Sydney, Sofia, New York, Seattle, Dubai and San Francisco. Agent3 helps its customers achieve more, and better, opportunities for greater wallet share, engagement and perception change by combining constant innovation across data, technology and creativity for its proven ABM programs.


Khronos Founder Daniel Englebretson predicts the rise of AI to result in consumers expecting more tailored experiences

Media 7 | November 9, 2021

Daniel Englebretson, Founder of Khronos, talks about how he levered his experience, and the opportunity that ABM represented, to scale his company. Read on to know more about his thoughts about the impact of AI on the ABM landscape, his approach to market research and how he became a voice in the ABM community....

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Q&A with Marylin Montoya, VP Marketing at AB Tasty

Media 7 | May 31, 2021

Marylin Montoya, VP Marketing at AB Tasty is an experienced marketer with a history of propelling startups towards global recognition. MEDIA 7: Could you please take us through your professional journey? How has it been so far? MARYLIN MONTOYA: I’ve had an atypical journey, and today I think it’s more the norm to see these atypical paths, but back in 2006 when I finished college, it was less common. I worked at a law firm for about a year before I decided it wasn’t for me (I was on track for law school), and I decided I wanted a very different path. I took a one-way ticket to Japan after that 1st year and never looked back. Since then, I have started my own entrepreneurial project, sold my partnership interest, got into marketing, moved to France from Japan, and went to business school. I have been in the technology space ever since. It’s been a great experience working in start-ups and seeing the process of growth take place, from conception (a couple of people) to full-fledged scale-ups with hundreds of employees. At every experience, you are able to add another scenario, a new challenge or objective you need to maneuver around and address, but you also start to identify the patterns and common challenges. It continues to be a very educational experience....

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Q&A with Stuart Sumner, Editorial Director at Incisive Media

Media 7 | May 20, 2021

Stuart Sumner, Editorial Director at Incisive Media, is an experienced journalist, editor, presenter and broadcaster with expertise across all enterprise technology areas. He has successfully lead and developed editorial teams, set editorial strategy, improved brand integrity and focus, developed audience numbers and engagement, and built communities of C-suite executives....

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Khronos Founder Daniel Englebretson predicts the rise of AI to result in consumers expecting more tailored experiences

Media 7 | November 9, 2021

Daniel Englebretson, Founder of Khronos, talks about how he levered his experience, and the opportunity that ABM represented, to scale his company. Read on to know more about his thoughts about the impact of AI on the ABM landscape, his approach to market research and how he became a voice in the ABM community....

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Q&A with Marylin Montoya, VP Marketing at AB Tasty

Media 7 | May 31, 2021

Marylin Montoya, VP Marketing at AB Tasty is an experienced marketer with a history of propelling startups towards global recognition. MEDIA 7: Could you please take us through your professional journey? How has it been so far? MARYLIN MONTOYA: I’ve had an atypical journey, and today I think it’s more the norm to see these atypical paths, but back in 2006 when I finished college, it was less common. I worked at a law firm for about a year before I decided it wasn’t for me (I was on track for law school), and I decided I wanted a very different path. I took a one-way ticket to Japan after that 1st year and never looked back. Since then, I have started my own entrepreneurial project, sold my partnership interest, got into marketing, moved to France from Japan, and went to business school. I have been in the technology space ever since. It’s been a great experience working in start-ups and seeing the process of growth take place, from conception (a couple of people) to full-fledged scale-ups with hundreds of employees. At every experience, you are able to add another scenario, a new challenge or objective you need to maneuver around and address, but you also start to identify the patterns and common challenges. It continues to be a very educational experience....

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Q&A with Stuart Sumner, Editorial Director at Incisive Media

Media 7 | May 20, 2021

Stuart Sumner, Editorial Director at Incisive Media, is an experienced journalist, editor, presenter and broadcaster with expertise across all enterprise technology areas. He has successfully lead and developed editorial teams, set editorial strategy, improved brand integrity and focus, developed audience numbers and engagement, and built communities of C-suite executives....

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Account Based Data

Banzai Executes LOI to Acquire Top Rated Lead Generation Platform, IGLeads

GlobeNewswire | January 08, 2024

Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) (“Banzai” or the “Company”), a leading marketing technology company that provides essential marketing and sales solutions, today announced that it has signed a non-binding letter of intent (the “LOI”) to acquire IGLeads, a cutting-edge automated lead generation platform. Unlike competitive products that rely on firmographic data, IGLeads uses search criteria leading to 100% verified, targeted lead generation. With the proposed strategic acquisition of IGLeads, Banzai would be poised to significantly enhance its audience acquisition services, executing its strategic commitment to acquiring best-in-class, data-focused products that serve marketers everywhere. IGLeads stands out as a top-rated lead generation solution that uses search criteria, rather than firmographic filters, to extract valuable contact data from the most extensive public databases and leading social media platforms, all in one interface. IGLeads enables marketers to construct qualified, target audiences based on intent signals such as conversation topics and interests, rather than traditional firmographic filters. “IGLeads has built a unique way to deliver verified target audiences based on interest, intent, and social engagement versus traditional firmographics. IGLeads is well suited for Banzai’s customers, and we’re excited to have a chance to integrate its capabilities into our other offerings,” said Joe Davy, CEO and Founder of Banzai. “Brandon has built an efficient, profitable, and high-growth business. We’re excited to take it forward to the next stage of growth.” Compelling Strategic and Financial Benefits Profitable growth business: IGLeads is a highly profitable, rapidly growing business that Banzai can leverage to drive additional scale and acquisition opportunities. Complementary product offering: Banzai intends to integrate IGLeads’ all-in-one lead generation platform to better serve existing customers with cross-sell opportunities. Highly rated: IGLeads has close to 1,000 customers and is one of the top-user-rated lead generation solutions with a 4.7 star rating on TrustPilot. Brandon King, CEO and Founder of IGLeads commented: “Getting IGLeads to this point is a testament to the hard work and success of our team, and we believe IGLeads would be a notable addition to the Banzai platform and to Banzai’s customers. We are excited to pursue an opportunity to join Banzai and support the progression of their award-winning innovation initiatives that are working to democratize data in the MarTech space.” About Banzai Banzai is a marketing technology company that provides essential marketing and sales solutions for businesses of all sizes. On a mission to help their customers achieve their mission, Banzai enables companies of all sizes to target, engage, and measure both new and existing customers more effectively. Banzai customers include Square, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Thinkific, Doodle and ActiveCampaign, among thousands of others. Learn more at www.banzai.io. For investors, please visit https://ir.banzai.io/ About IGLeads IGLeads.io, established in 2021, provides innovative solutions in social media and B2B scraping across multiple platforms, offering an efficient lead generation service without the need for logins or proxies. Our team of experts is committed to excellence, customer satisfaction, and integrity. We pride ourselves on staying ahead of industry trends and adapting to meet our clients' diverse needs in the Technology SaaS sector. As a leader in this field, we offer tailored support for businesses of all sizes, aiming to drive success and growth through effective lead generation.

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Core ABM

Demandbase Gets Named 2023 ABM Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant

Demandbase | November 06, 2023

Demandbase, an AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM) leader, has been named a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. The recognition is based on Demandbase's completeness of vision and ability to execute and follows being named a Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for ABM earlier this year. Demandbase's CEO, Gabe Rogol, attributes the recognition to product innovations and positive customer reviews. Demandbase, a pioneer in AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM), announces its recognition as a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. This honor, which follows a comprehensive evaluation of nine vendors, is a testament to Demandbase’s comprehensive vision and its ability to execute effectively. Earlier this year, the company also received the Gartner Peer Insight Customers’ Choice for ABM. Gartner defines ABM platforms as software that empowers B2B marketing and sales teams to implement ABM programs at scale, including account selection, planning, engagement, and reporting. These platforms facilitate the creation of target account lists by integrating first- and third-party data. Additionally, they may engage audiences by activating channels such as display advertising, social advertising, email, and sales engagement, using a combination of native capabilities and integrations. Gabe Rogol, CEO of Demandbase, expressed his praise for the innovations the team had worked on by exclaiming, We are honored to be recognized as a leader in the Gartner ABM Magic Quadrant once again this year. We believe this recognition is a reflection of the dedication and effort we’ve invested in our product over the past year, including innovations in connected TV advertising, non-English intent, new integrations, continuous improvement of our account intelligence, the release of workspaces for enterprises, simplified dashboards, UI improvements, and more. We also believe this recognition mirrors the consistently positive reviews we receive from customers through Gartner Peer Insights and on G2. We extend our gratitude to Gartner, our customers, and our entire team. [Source – Cision PR Newswire] According to the Magic Quadrant report, the essential capabilities of ABM platforms include: Account-level intent data (proprietary and/or licensed) to understand customer behavior and buyer interest. Multi-channel campaign orchestration and activation drive engagement and progression in the buyer’s journey. Monitoring accounts and measuring analytics to quantify progress and performance across channels, campaigns, and programs On the downside, Demandbase may face stiff competition from other vendors in the ABM market, such as 6sense, Terminus, and Roll Works. It may need to invest more in product development, marketing, and customer support to maintain its leadership position and customer satisfaction. Additionally, it may encounter challenges in integrating its platform with other systems and data sources, such as CRM, marketing automation, and analytics tools. On the upside, Demandbase can leverage its recognition as a leader and a customer’s choice to attract new customers and retain existing ones. It can also showcase its product innovations and customer reviews as proof of its value proposition and differentiation in the market.

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Core ABM

Marketers Given Marginal Grades for ABM-Driven Revenue Growth

GlobeNewswire | January 25, 2024

Seeding and harvesting the sales pipeline — the process of acquiring, capturing, qualifying and converting business opportunities — are essential to the growth and profitability of B2B marketers across every industry and geographic sector. Marketing is largely responsible for driving this business process, yet nearly two-thirds of lead gen and engagement strategies are underperforming. A new Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council report, produced in collaboration with WM America, entitled “Fire Up Your Revenue Generation Engine,” covers critical aspects of lead generation and engagement. This includes models and metrics for tracking and measuring performance, best practice demand-gen execution, ways to score effectiveness, and more. The latest CMO Council research finds scores of marketers falling behind in lead scoring, account-based marketing, accelerated pipeline, and intention-based marketing. Key findings from a Q4 survey of over 170 B2B marketing, sales, revenue, growth, demand gen and campaign execution leaders include: 63% say marketing must own and optimize a company’s revenue-generation engine 64% say their lead gen and engagement strategy underperforms 78% of highly evolved marketers are satisfied with their accelerated pipeline, compared to only 15% of lesser evolved marketers “In today’s competitive data-driven environment, marketers should no longer be satisfied with paltry returns on their sizable lead-gen and ABM investments,” the report notes. “It’s time to turn the tables on inefficient, ineffective, and outdated practices for anticipating, adapting, and responding to customer needs and opportunities.” “Marketers must climb the evolutionary ladder and leave behind outmoded and dated practices,” notes CMO Council executive director, Donovan Neale-May. “Using AI-derived, intention-based buyer data and advanced sales intelligence are among the ways growth marketers bring more precision, predictability, and performance to B2B account marketing investments.” The CMO Council’s research revealed the top five skill sets contributing to improved ABM-driven business outcomes: Better segmentation and precision targeting of buyers and influencers On-demand customer business intelligence and personal buyer insights Tighter integration of demand gen, channel, direct sales, and support teams Greater utilization of tools and data sources for richer prospect profiling Proactive and timely pre-sales follow up and cultivation strategies The CMO Council has uncovered widening gaps in performance between highly evolved marketers and lesser evolved marketers. Gaps are occurring in four core capabilities: lead scoring, account-based marketing, accelerated pipeline, and intention-based marketing. This report tiers factors that make up a model for better identification, engagement and conversion. The model coincides with the CMO Council and WM America’s thought leadership initiative to advance lead revenue science practices through a certified Lead Evaluation and Assurance Process, or LEAP model. “Marketers will need to take a few LEAPs of faith in the coming months, because sticking to the status quo is just not practical or possible anymore. As data becomes more critical than ever before, CMOs need to extend their visions for innovation and forward-thinking strategies,” according to Lee Salem, WM America’s Vice President of Sales. Methodology The report is based on a survey of over 170 heads of B2B marketing, sales, revenue, growth, demand gen and campaign execution in Q4 2023. It also included content from in-depth interviews with executives from Netline, Autodesk, T-Mobile, NTT, ABM Consortium, TechTarget, IBM, B2B Marketing, Reachdesk, Momentum ITSMA, and Xometry. About the CMO Council The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council is dedicated to high-level knowledge exchange, thought leadership and personal relationship building among senior corporate marketing leaders and brand decision-makers across a wide-range of global industries. The CMO Council’s 16,000+ members control more than $1 trillion in aggregated annual marketing expenditures and run complex, distributed marketing and sales operations worldwide. In total, the CMO Council and its strategic interest communities include over 65,000 global marketing and sales executives in over 110 countries covering multiple industries, segments and markets. Regional chapters and advisory boards are active in the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa. The Council’s strategic interest groups include the Customer Experience Board, Digital Marketing Performance Center, Brand Inspiration Center, Marketing Supply Chain Institute, GeoBranding Center, and the Coalition to Leverage and Optimize Sales Effectiveness (CLOSE). To learn more, visit https://www.cmocouncil.org. About WM America WM America is a leading B2B marketing company specializing in targeted in-market demand generation. The intent database at WMA tracks the intent behavior of over 75 million business professionals globally, 24X7. The database is segmented into 3,300 categories. WMA keeps around-the-clock track of buying signals from each category in this database. Based on this extremely strong foundation of data points, the company delivers precisely targeted prospects for focused marketing. Accurate keyword search enables deriving of active content consumption and opt-in content downloads. WMA's deep search ensures accurate and targeted information delivery that helps craft successful, cutting-edge marketing strategies. For more information, visit www.wmamerica.com

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Account Based Data

Banzai Executes LOI to Acquire Top Rated Lead Generation Platform, IGLeads

GlobeNewswire | January 08, 2024

Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) (“Banzai” or the “Company”), a leading marketing technology company that provides essential marketing and sales solutions, today announced that it has signed a non-binding letter of intent (the “LOI”) to acquire IGLeads, a cutting-edge automated lead generation platform. Unlike competitive products that rely on firmographic data, IGLeads uses search criteria leading to 100% verified, targeted lead generation. With the proposed strategic acquisition of IGLeads, Banzai would be poised to significantly enhance its audience acquisition services, executing its strategic commitment to acquiring best-in-class, data-focused products that serve marketers everywhere. IGLeads stands out as a top-rated lead generation solution that uses search criteria, rather than firmographic filters, to extract valuable contact data from the most extensive public databases and leading social media platforms, all in one interface. IGLeads enables marketers to construct qualified, target audiences based on intent signals such as conversation topics and interests, rather than traditional firmographic filters. “IGLeads has built a unique way to deliver verified target audiences based on interest, intent, and social engagement versus traditional firmographics. IGLeads is well suited for Banzai’s customers, and we’re excited to have a chance to integrate its capabilities into our other offerings,” said Joe Davy, CEO and Founder of Banzai. “Brandon has built an efficient, profitable, and high-growth business. We’re excited to take it forward to the next stage of growth.” Compelling Strategic and Financial Benefits Profitable growth business: IGLeads is a highly profitable, rapidly growing business that Banzai can leverage to drive additional scale and acquisition opportunities. Complementary product offering: Banzai intends to integrate IGLeads’ all-in-one lead generation platform to better serve existing customers with cross-sell opportunities. Highly rated: IGLeads has close to 1,000 customers and is one of the top-user-rated lead generation solutions with a 4.7 star rating on TrustPilot. Brandon King, CEO and Founder of IGLeads commented: “Getting IGLeads to this point is a testament to the hard work and success of our team, and we believe IGLeads would be a notable addition to the Banzai platform and to Banzai’s customers. We are excited to pursue an opportunity to join Banzai and support the progression of their award-winning innovation initiatives that are working to democratize data in the MarTech space.” About Banzai Banzai is a marketing technology company that provides essential marketing and sales solutions for businesses of all sizes. On a mission to help their customers achieve their mission, Banzai enables companies of all sizes to target, engage, and measure both new and existing customers more effectively. Banzai customers include Square, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Thinkific, Doodle and ActiveCampaign, among thousands of others. Learn more at www.banzai.io. For investors, please visit https://ir.banzai.io/ About IGLeads IGLeads.io, established in 2021, provides innovative solutions in social media and B2B scraping across multiple platforms, offering an efficient lead generation service without the need for logins or proxies. Our team of experts is committed to excellence, customer satisfaction, and integrity. We pride ourselves on staying ahead of industry trends and adapting to meet our clients' diverse needs in the Technology SaaS sector. As a leader in this field, we offer tailored support for businesses of all sizes, aiming to drive success and growth through effective lead generation.

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Core ABM

Demandbase Gets Named 2023 ABM Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant

Demandbase | November 06, 2023

Demandbase, an AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM) leader, has been named a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. The recognition is based on Demandbase's completeness of vision and ability to execute and follows being named a Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for ABM earlier this year. Demandbase's CEO, Gabe Rogol, attributes the recognition to product innovations and positive customer reviews. Demandbase, a pioneer in AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM), announces its recognition as a leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms. This honor, which follows a comprehensive evaluation of nine vendors, is a testament to Demandbase’s comprehensive vision and its ability to execute effectively. Earlier this year, the company also received the Gartner Peer Insight Customers’ Choice for ABM. Gartner defines ABM platforms as software that empowers B2B marketing and sales teams to implement ABM programs at scale, including account selection, planning, engagement, and reporting. These platforms facilitate the creation of target account lists by integrating first- and third-party data. Additionally, they may engage audiences by activating channels such as display advertising, social advertising, email, and sales engagement, using a combination of native capabilities and integrations. Gabe Rogol, CEO of Demandbase, expressed his praise for the innovations the team had worked on by exclaiming, We are honored to be recognized as a leader in the Gartner ABM Magic Quadrant once again this year. We believe this recognition is a reflection of the dedication and effort we’ve invested in our product over the past year, including innovations in connected TV advertising, non-English intent, new integrations, continuous improvement of our account intelligence, the release of workspaces for enterprises, simplified dashboards, UI improvements, and more. We also believe this recognition mirrors the consistently positive reviews we receive from customers through Gartner Peer Insights and on G2. We extend our gratitude to Gartner, our customers, and our entire team. [Source – Cision PR Newswire] According to the Magic Quadrant report, the essential capabilities of ABM platforms include: Account-level intent data (proprietary and/or licensed) to understand customer behavior and buyer interest. Multi-channel campaign orchestration and activation drive engagement and progression in the buyer’s journey. Monitoring accounts and measuring analytics to quantify progress and performance across channels, campaigns, and programs On the downside, Demandbase may face stiff competition from other vendors in the ABM market, such as 6sense, Terminus, and Roll Works. It may need to invest more in product development, marketing, and customer support to maintain its leadership position and customer satisfaction. Additionally, it may encounter challenges in integrating its platform with other systems and data sources, such as CRM, marketing automation, and analytics tools. On the upside, Demandbase can leverage its recognition as a leader and a customer’s choice to attract new customers and retain existing ones. It can also showcase its product innovations and customer reviews as proof of its value proposition and differentiation in the market.

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Core ABM

Marketers Given Marginal Grades for ABM-Driven Revenue Growth

GlobeNewswire | January 25, 2024

Seeding and harvesting the sales pipeline — the process of acquiring, capturing, qualifying and converting business opportunities — are essential to the growth and profitability of B2B marketers across every industry and geographic sector. Marketing is largely responsible for driving this business process, yet nearly two-thirds of lead gen and engagement strategies are underperforming. A new Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council report, produced in collaboration with WM America, entitled “Fire Up Your Revenue Generation Engine,” covers critical aspects of lead generation and engagement. This includes models and metrics for tracking and measuring performance, best practice demand-gen execution, ways to score effectiveness, and more. The latest CMO Council research finds scores of marketers falling behind in lead scoring, account-based marketing, accelerated pipeline, and intention-based marketing. Key findings from a Q4 survey of over 170 B2B marketing, sales, revenue, growth, demand gen and campaign execution leaders include: 63% say marketing must own and optimize a company’s revenue-generation engine 64% say their lead gen and engagement strategy underperforms 78% of highly evolved marketers are satisfied with their accelerated pipeline, compared to only 15% of lesser evolved marketers “In today’s competitive data-driven environment, marketers should no longer be satisfied with paltry returns on their sizable lead-gen and ABM investments,” the report notes. “It’s time to turn the tables on inefficient, ineffective, and outdated practices for anticipating, adapting, and responding to customer needs and opportunities.” “Marketers must climb the evolutionary ladder and leave behind outmoded and dated practices,” notes CMO Council executive director, Donovan Neale-May. “Using AI-derived, intention-based buyer data and advanced sales intelligence are among the ways growth marketers bring more precision, predictability, and performance to B2B account marketing investments.” The CMO Council’s research revealed the top five skill sets contributing to improved ABM-driven business outcomes: Better segmentation and precision targeting of buyers and influencers On-demand customer business intelligence and personal buyer insights Tighter integration of demand gen, channel, direct sales, and support teams Greater utilization of tools and data sources for richer prospect profiling Proactive and timely pre-sales follow up and cultivation strategies The CMO Council has uncovered widening gaps in performance between highly evolved marketers and lesser evolved marketers. Gaps are occurring in four core capabilities: lead scoring, account-based marketing, accelerated pipeline, and intention-based marketing. This report tiers factors that make up a model for better identification, engagement and conversion. The model coincides with the CMO Council and WM America’s thought leadership initiative to advance lead revenue science practices through a certified Lead Evaluation and Assurance Process, or LEAP model. “Marketers will need to take a few LEAPs of faith in the coming months, because sticking to the status quo is just not practical or possible anymore. As data becomes more critical than ever before, CMOs need to extend their visions for innovation and forward-thinking strategies,” according to Lee Salem, WM America’s Vice President of Sales. Methodology The report is based on a survey of over 170 heads of B2B marketing, sales, revenue, growth, demand gen and campaign execution in Q4 2023. It also included content from in-depth interviews with executives from Netline, Autodesk, T-Mobile, NTT, ABM Consortium, TechTarget, IBM, B2B Marketing, Reachdesk, Momentum ITSMA, and Xometry. About the CMO Council The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council is dedicated to high-level knowledge exchange, thought leadership and personal relationship building among senior corporate marketing leaders and brand decision-makers across a wide-range of global industries. The CMO Council’s 16,000+ members control more than $1 trillion in aggregated annual marketing expenditures and run complex, distributed marketing and sales operations worldwide. In total, the CMO Council and its strategic interest communities include over 65,000 global marketing and sales executives in over 110 countries covering multiple industries, segments and markets. Regional chapters and advisory boards are active in the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa. The Council’s strategic interest groups include the Customer Experience Board, Digital Marketing Performance Center, Brand Inspiration Center, Marketing Supply Chain Institute, GeoBranding Center, and the Coalition to Leverage and Optimize Sales Effectiveness (CLOSE). To learn more, visit https://www.cmocouncil.org. About WM America WM America is a leading B2B marketing company specializing in targeted in-market demand generation. The intent database at WMA tracks the intent behavior of over 75 million business professionals globally, 24X7. The database is segmented into 3,300 categories. WMA keeps around-the-clock track of buying signals from each category in this database. Based on this extremely strong foundation of data points, the company delivers precisely targeted prospects for focused marketing. Accurate keyword search enables deriving of active content consumption and opt-in content downloads. WMA's deep search ensures accurate and targeted information delivery that helps craft successful, cutting-edge marketing strategies. For more information, visit www.wmamerica.com

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Founded in 2013, Agent3 is the global leader in the field of true end-to-end ABM programs informed by insight and data, and driven by audience focused content. With customers including LinkedIn, Pure Storage, Intel and Sony, Agent3 has offices in London, Woodbridge (UK), Sydney, Sofia, New York and ...

